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So what`s wrong with the A17/A47 then?. I thought it was only the M25 that was a pain in the **** :lol:

:wave what's wrong with it, more like whats right with it, it's a nightmare, it's only a single track road when it should be a double, & when the trackers are out with their bales it can take forever, we usually stop off for a burger king when it gets that bad, just so my hubby can destress abit. :yawn: lori

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You lot are making me feel guilty!!!!

I am only 5 mins away,3 min if the traffic is kind,I would consider a move but I cannot get much closer


However it is nice to get away on holiday elsewhere in the UK

:roll: Ooh you little teaser w44ty, i hate you :lol::lol: i think you should move to another town to make it fair. :lol::lol:

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:wave hi big dave just curious to know, why do you put blackpool11 when you come from liverpool ? :grin:

well it simply is where i met my wife

and my children were born there

but im a scouser......comfusing i know.... :?:?:?:?:?

we live in liverpool now.... :o:o:o:o

and it takes up to six hours to get to the broads :(:(:(:(

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  • 3 years later...

If you love the Broads, the travelling doesn't matter (within reason). My last trip in August was via family, so doesn't count. My next trip in March will go something like this:


Thursday 19th March 10.00pm - 45 mins by car to the airport in Riyadh.

Friday 20th March 01.00am - Flight from Riyadh to Istanbul

Friday 20th March 07.00am - Flight from Istanbul to Gatwick

Friday 20th March 11.00am -  Drive from Gatwick to Stalham (via Tescos)

Friday 20th March 3.00pm - CRUISING (I hope)

Worth every minute of the time.  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

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Only 162 miles for me, that's from our driveway here just outside Doncaster to Richo's


3 x Hrs or less is considered a good time (In the 'GriffTile' van)  however if in MrsG's car with the 'Nag-Nav' sat next to me there 3 1/2 Hrs is considered good

If I'm on the mighty Tiger - well it's a lot quicker than the van of course! :naughty:


I quite enjoy the journey as I change my mindset, my weekend now starts when I join the A1 at Blyth which only takes me 10 mins or so from home.


As for the journey home - not bothered about this since we became owners - it took away that horrible last morning / handing the boat back feeling




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About 30 minutes from North Norfolk to Barton Turf where my half decker is moored ... I was sailing on Barton Broad yesterday afternoon, and since it's such a lovely Monday morning I'm going back today - the joy of being retired :)  

Haven't decided whether I'll sail today, or paddle my kayak.


Definitely going out on Thursday on a launch too.

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crowle near scunny jim



know it well Mike. I'm a train conductor and work the Cleethorpes to Manchester Airport run so pass through Scunthorpe most days. I also used to work at the McDonalds in Scunthorpe, near Morrisons.

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About 30 minutes from North Norfolk to Barton Turf where my half decker is moored ......



That sounds like an arduous trek  to me Bob.


I live about 5 minutes away from my mooring.


I still wish it was nearer though, like at the end of the garden. :)

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I think Eric has well and truly top trumped us all, A real broads addict there!


We can get to Norwich in about 2.5 hours on a good day (although we leave very early) coming back though it seems to take most of the day as we just don't want to rush home cheers

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From Northants, 21/2 hours on average for us. We can therefore do it as a day trip, but prefer a stopover on the boat. In spite of thinking ownership would mean less packing, it often takes longer to assemble all the 'essential' stuff we are going to use than doing the trip; tools stuff, tat, heaven knows what we find to bring! :)

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Hmmm, I wonder if I could get a flight from Stansted to Norwich.

Cab to Stansted... 33 mins.

Boarding gerffule..28 mins.

flight......................50 secs.

Disembarking etc..28 mins.

Cab from Norwich..33 mins.

Time overall.......... 2 hours  2 minutes 50 seconds.


Drive from house to boat 2 hours.


2 minutes 50 seconds drinking time wasted. I'll drive!

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