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Two Weeks On The Boat.


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Just over half way into our two week holiday. For many reasons very memorable. Clearly  I have had a number  of health  issues. We were very much looking  forward  to a break. My disagreement  with that bridge, clearly  put a downer on things. We still very much want to move up here,and we have signed up with est agents.After checking with hospitals etc,I can call into the walk in centre at Norwich to remove my stitches. I still have other health  problems that are still unresolved.Hopefully they can be sorted out quickly. As to be expected my leg has been well and truly be  pulled,also I have felt very grateful for some of the kind comments both here and on our travels, of course  the story  of my mis adventure is now widespread .Many people  have been very kind.Sadly I am in a list of bad accidents  in this very short season.For me it could  have been  a lot worse.I sincerely hope the remaining  part of the year is better.

Many thanks Ian. 

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Ian, I think your experience just shows how small incidents can be blown out of all proportion by the media, making things sound much worse than they actually are, not a fun experience by any means, but not as bad as the EDP made it sound. I would hate to think how they would have reported my dinghy sinking had they got hold of that one, probably would have reported it as a river cruiser sunk with lives at risk, whereas it was nothing like that, just an unfortunate mistake on my part, resulting in a bit of a swim (much the same as taking a tumble off a paddle board i guess.)

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40 minutes ago, grendel said:

I would hate to think how they would have reported my dinghy sinking had they got hold of that one


Yesterday afternoon a boat sank in the middle of Salhouse broad, There was only one survivor, who swam ashore to the Ferry inn at Surlingham. The survivor, 25 year old Peter Grendol, stated that he didn't need any emergency services as his home was only 5 minutes walk away in Kent.

"I knew I was going to sink when I saw all that water pouring in over the sides. "  Said father of twelve Peter.

A spokesman from the Broads Authoirity reminded us to wear life jackets at all times saying "Boats sink all the time in National Parks."

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Okay  today from Stracy  we hoped to go to Oulton broad.Went past the cut,and I was concerned with my feet.For some days my left foot then right were swollen. This happened  for a few days in July and August. Now both feet and my left leg very swollen. Therefore we returned to Brundall and called the ambulance. Lots of checks,will go back tomorrow for cat scan.Yesterday and today morning,I spat out small amounts of  blood.Last week not only my head but I hurt my ribs,that is what they want to check on.Not been the best holiday we've had.However very much want to get this sorted 

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