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Pinned to Potter Bridge


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I've seen videos before of boats getting stuck sideways at Potter Bridge but this guy I felt very sorry for. It shows him leaving the BA moorings and there's plenty of width to turn but alas he lacks the basic skills to do so. It looks very much as if on his handover he wasn't shown what to do.


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I, too have seen a few of these listed on YouTube.  Like Paul, it does seem as if there are some people who derive pleasure from recording videos with the sole hope of capturing someone else’s misfortune and uploading it.

Smacks a bit of a cynical version of You’ve Been Framed.

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Any idea when this video was shot mate??? I'm struggling to get details on the forum just now...but I think I saw this happening whilst I was around Potter. Although I'm sure there are so so many times this happened that makes it not the case 


I was going to go and assist them (I was busy over the other side of the bridge if it is the boat I think) but was a little too busy to go and assist in time, but why why why does anyone just stand and film someone clearly struggling in any way of life when they can much more easily go and at least TRY and assist somebody that is obviously having difficulties.

I feel so sorry for the poor helm here, whether a novice or a pro, everybody...and I mean everybody... gets things wrong sometimes, and seeing a tiny little bridge getting ever closer to you knowing you can't fit under whilst desperately trying to work out what to do to move away from it.....whilst people just stand and video you... :facepalm:


I'm not so proud to admit I cock up many many times, fortunately nobody has ever just stood and recorded me so far but I would love to meet somebody that thinks they haven't ever cocked up. I have ex Navy colleagues and they shrink in fear at some of the video's I show them of the Broads

Stay safe all and let's just help each other out when we can, it's a holiday not an examination :default_beerchug:

(None of this is aimed at you Broads01 by the way)

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I wanted to like all the posts on this thread, but can’t at the moment due to our technical difficulties. Unlike a lot of mocking commentators on places like YouTube, the empathy and sheer friendliness of posters here shines out. Just concerned for someone in trouble.

Thanks guys. The friendly forum showcased at its best.


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I have made many mistakes at the helm, we all have at some stage in learning surely and I expect to make more. Cameras on smartphones can be a curse, a difficult situation becomes even worse knowing the sniggering classes are watching and recording!

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1 minute ago, Ray said:

I have made many mistakes at the helm, we all have at some stage in learning surely and I expect to make more. Cameras on smartphones can be a curse, a difficult situation becomes even worse knowing the sniggering classes are watching and recording!

Me too! 

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3 minutes ago, Ray said:

I have made many mistakes at the helm, we all have at some stage in learning surely and I expect to make more. Cameras on smartphones can be a curse, a difficult situation becomes even worse knowing the sniggering classes are watching and recording!

Absolutely mate, I make so so many fudge ups and wouldn't ever pretend otherwise. I always have a giggle to myself when somebody tries to pretend to me they are some sort of expert.

I know that I would also try and help out in any way I could to anyone, whether struggling or not. Grabbing my phone to record somebody else's mistake just wouldn't even enter my head if I saw it.

I like to think that my feelings are the same as most of the broads user's too, especially my fellow NBN users, I don't hold the same regard for many of the social media users however. If you see some absolute buffoon smashing into Potter bridge though....yes....its probably yours truly, but I'll be singing and dancing to myself whilst I'm doing it :default_biggrin:

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I cannot see the event referred to (perhaps because everything looks a little eighties around here? Most strange) but I can most certainly empathise. My wife Lynda and I were on our honeymoon in 1972 on a small two berth boat heading up to the PBI to meet up with family. We were cruising with the tide, a boat ahead of us lining up to go under Potter Higham bridge. A craft appeared on the otherside heading downstream. The boat ahead of us backed off, as did we and before you could say whoops apocalypse we were stuck broadside on in the arch. Fortunately for us this predated cell-phones and if someone did get us on super-8, it has not yet reached Youtube. So far as I am concerned "there but for fortune" and schadenfreude would be totally misplaced. Looking forward to next year on Swan Rapture - Covid willing!! Chris

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Jay, the video was taken on Wednesday 26th August. It was just after storm Francis and still quite windy as I recall. However I don't think it was wind that was the issue for this poor helmsman, more his misguided belief that a boat will turn with hardly any turn of the rudder and a very gentle throttle.

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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Well I've NEVER made any mistakes in the 60 years I've been boating on the Broads. Unless you count the lost mudweights, detached steering wheel, cut mooring lines where I lost control of the front against the tide, many bashes against the bank and other boats (none serious, I add), need I go on? I hope I've learnt most of my lessons, but I still get it wrong every so often. At least now, I can recognise most dangers and either avoid them or lessen their impact if I can't. Novices will make mistakes in whatever environment they're placed, it's just the way it is in life. Don't judge.

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We were heading to a marina  on  the great Ouse to  be craned out prior to our move  by road to the Broads. It had been blowing a   hooley for about 3 days - so much so that I had phoned the marina to check if they could safely  lift us. We arrived at Brownshjill lock, which had always been my bete noir.  The lock was against us  with  a  narrow boat in the pen. the lady owner came to us to appologise for not waiting for us to go through with her explaining that she had been stuck trying to enter the pen for two hours because of the wind. after she had gone and I had reversed the lock we tried to enter the pen only to find ourselves pinned to the wall to the starboard side at the lock entrance, we were unable to move, to add to the angst a  hired narrow boat arrived with a lady at the helm. I called out to her explaining our predicament and  suggested that it would be too difficult for her to share the pen with us  and it would be better if she moored while we got sorted. But she decided she would enter the pen ahead of us anyway. Of course as  soon as she approached the entrance she  was promptly pinned to our port side. Fortunately unbeknown to me Tony in anticipation of the problems  that could beset us had deployed  a spare set of fenders at high level . I was frightened to look, expecting to see the side of the boat destroyed, Instead of which to my huge relief the wasn't a scratch.  I'll leave it to everyone's imagination to imagine what i said to the incredibly stupid  selfish woman.Eventually and using full power a man came to the helm of the narrow boat and pulled the narrow boat back and moored it  to the platform, there for the purpose. We then, using both thrusters while I pushed our stern off with a boat hook and then  moving midships  pushed us off there too we  managed to be reasonably straight for just long enough to, using full throttle shoot into the lock pen and stop in time not to hit the lock gate at the end! Coming out was easier as we were able to use a bit more throttle than when entering .  That incident remains the worst experience  I ever had in  30+ years of boating.

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