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BA Controversy


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7 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

If all I want is facts then I can visit official websites. I joined a forum because I want opinions and debate from people who's views I respect - whether I agree with them or not. Yes keep it adult and avoid childish insults - that would certainly make me leave. I accept that the site is neither pro BA or anti BA, but individuals do have views. Its like saying that the BBC is impartial, but if I watch Match of the Day I know Gary Lineker is pro Leicester and Alan Shearer is pro Newcastle, but it doesn't stop them giving balanced and insightful comments on games including those teams.

I know the administrators have a challenging job to steer the forum on a narrow path between it degenerating on the one hand and becoming bland on the other and a little debate from time to time on where that balance falls is good .

We seem to be back to a discussion a while back about whether this is a broads forum anymore or just a social club, it seems to be silly season now with what gets removed on various media platforms and what is allowed to remain.


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1 minute ago, rightsaidfred said:

We seem to be back to a discussion a while back about whether this is a broads forum anymore or just a social club, it seems to be silly season now with what gets removed on various media platforms and what is allowed to remain.


Perhaps there is a shortage of moderators leading to posts being pulled rather than edited? Although if we're not careful that could lead to a shortage of posts, which in turn could lead to a shortage of members. If things get really bad we might end up with a NBNexit. Perhaps the mods could issue temporary FMPs (Forum Moderator Permits) to encourage more moderators to take up this arduous job. They would off course expire on the 24th December. :default_eusa_naughty:

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2 minutes ago, Meantime said:

Perhaps there is a shortage of moderators leading to posts being pulled rather than edited? Although if we're not careful that could lead to a shortage of posts, which in turn could lead to a shortage of members. If things get really bad we might end up with a NBNexit. Perhaps the mods could issue temporary FMPs (Forum Moderator Permits) to encourage more moderators to take up this arduous job. They would off course expire on the 24th December. :default_eusa_naughty:

Wouldn't know, but it does seem that as a whole society has become over sensitive to many relatively minor issues when far worse is allowed, could be to much reliance on remote rather than human monitoring.


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28 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

If all I want is facts then I can visit official websites. I joined a forum because I want opinions and debate from people who's views I respect - whether I agree with them or not. Yes keep it adult and avoid childish insults - that would certainly make me leave. I accept that the site is neither pro BA or anti BA, but individuals do have views. Its like saying that the BBC is impartial, but if I watch Match of the Day I know Gary Lineker is pro Leicester and Alan Shearer is pro Newcastle, but it doesn't stop them giving balanced and insightful comments on games including those teams.

I know the administrators have a challenging job to steer the forum on a narrow path between it degenerating on the one hand and becoming bland on the other and a little debate from time to time on where that balance falls is good .

Excellent post, thank you!

Our forum management have an awful job at the moment, in trying to keep us on an even keel when there are waves of "woke" bearing down on them.  The recent controversy over the simple use of the name Cockshoot Dyke is a classic example.

What worries me is that, whilst trying to conform to the latest  "PC",  we must not allow the forum to become the poodle of the BA, the EA, or any other quangos against whom  "Thou shalt not blaspheme".

We are a respected platform of informed and concerned opinion about the Norfolk Broads.  We must ensure that our voice continues to be heard when we feel it necessary!

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I do, and always have, treated this forum as a "social club". I don't see this as in any way a derogatory statement.

The regular poster hinted at earlier, seemed unable or unwilling to post about the BA without making personal comments about the BA's leadership. This was against the ToS, it was also an issue which the member concerned has taken to heart and it seems has caused him to stop posting here.   This I find sad as I consider the man a friend of mine.

Vaughans comment "

3 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

We are a respected platform of informed and concerned opinion about the Norfolk Broads.  We must ensure that our voice continues to be heard when we feel it necessary!

Is spot on, but within the constraints as we know them. Yes, it is not only likely but inevitable that sometimes the mods might be over cautious, but I think that a small price to pay for the continued existanc of the forum (or socialclub if you prefer)

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To forum members who misuse the word woke in its political sense.

Definition of woke:

Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation. ref Wikipedia.

 Unless you are broadening that definition which has nothing to do with Broadambition's post. Why use it?  This forum is supposed to be non political. 



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I do wonder if when a post get's taken down the person who has posted would  be less likely to be miffed it they received a pm from the mods explaining the rationale behind the decisiion to pull it.  It would soften the action somewhat  perhaps and go some way towards  calming ruffled feathers.  If it reduces the possibility of losing valuable forum members it must be worth a try surely.  Just an idea.




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58 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I do, and always have, treated this forum as a "social club". I don't see this as in any way a derogatory statement.

The regular poster hinted at earlier, seemed unable or unwilling to post about the BA without making personal comments about the BA's leadership. This was against the ToS, it was also an issue which the member concerned has taken to heart and it seems has caused him to stop posting here.   This I find sad as I consider the man a friend

Bit of a twist here, If the person is who I think you are referring to then he along with Paladin are both active elsewhere where many on here left because of supposed over moderation, is it a case of the bitter being bit?


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1 hour ago, trambo said:

Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation. ref Wikipedia.

Woke is a slang term from a dialect called African American Vernacular English sometimes called AAVE. In AAVE awake is often rendered as woke, as in, "I was sleeping, but now I'm woke" 

It's origins can be traced way back, well before the mid 2010's when it's use became more popularised.

Linguist and social critic John McWhoter argues that the history of woke is similar to that of Politically Correct, another term once used self descriptively by the left which was appropriated by the right as an insult.

Romano Aja in his history of wokeness says that "woke like its cousin cancelled bespeaks Political Correctness gone awry"

Like most words their meaning and adaptation change over time, but I think we all got the gist of what Vaughan was trying to say. Lets not get too PC about whether he used a term in the right context!

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2 minutes ago, addicted said:

I do wonder if when a post get's taken down the person who has posted would  be less likely to be miffed it they received a pm from the mods explaining the rationale behind the decisiion to pull it.  It would soften the action somewhat  perhaps and go some way towards  calming ruffled feathers.  If it reduces the possibility of losing valuable forum members it must be worth a try surely.  Just an idea.




A few days ago I posted a link to a You Tube video which showed complete and utter stupidity on the Broads.  I noticed a little while later that it had disappeared!  I then received a PM from the Admin team explaining the reason why it had been removed/hidden.  Their reason was justified and I learnt from it and apologised.


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I would say just removing posts without any communication to the poster is just plain rude wether it's in the t&c's or not, fine for the likes of faceache where most tend to hide behind the keyboard and dig at everyone and everything but not for a mostly civilised place like this, I thought we were better than that.

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OK, lets explain, a post sometimes is hidden while the moderation team discuss, we do try and inform the poster when this happens, and at that stage all we can say is its under discussion.

the moderation team are getting set up to implement the online harms bill once it comes into force, therefore some posts can be hidden while we discuss the implications and whether going forward we will be able to allow them.

yet other posts can be automatically hidden by being reported, with these it can be a little while before we even know it has happened, and we do try and get in touch as soon as we realise, though by this time the post may well have been missed and questions asked.

yes we are human, no we dont always manage to get in touch with the poster in a timely fashion, and we do have to discuss as a team the best course of action and agree on that course.

With Online harms we have to be careful, one wrong move could end up with the forum shut down just like that, so understandably we get twitchy fingers at times, usually common sense prevails and the post gets reinstated.

the only place where we definitely wont send a message is in the jokes thread, if we dont think its suitable, it will be removed (or never approved in the first place)

we dont automatically hide discussions of the BA, we just ensure that they remain factual and within the terms of service and polite, hence this discussion here.if you can avoid using derogatory terms for anyone or anything (even in jest), that would help us immensely, as that is a big part of the online harms bill, as we all know the internet is full of filters nowadays that will pull out derogatory terms all day long, so we want to avoid that, once you have been pulled out for inspection, then its a lot more difficult to fight the forums corner, much better not get flagged up in the first place.

That doesnt mean we cannot discuss things, we can, just remember to keep it polite and factual.

You do your bit, and it will make the moderators teams job a lot easier (remember we are all just volunteers) and in return we wont need to hide posts while we discuss them.

now go and try guess which part we asked Griff to remove from his post, but dont say it out loud here, or we may have to hide your post too.

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

now go and try guess which part we asked Griff to remove from his post, but dont say it out loud here, or we may have to hide your post too.

Did he mention the C word? I'm talking the one at the end of december you filthy minded lot.

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2 hours ago, Meantime said:

Like most words their meaning and adaptation change over time, but I think we all got the gist of what Vaughan was trying to say. Lets not get too PC about whether he used a term in the right context!

Excuse me for going off the original subject for a moment but the way the thread has developed, it is important to discuss this.  I would never wish to criticise Trambo as I know he is a customer of Hearts Cruisers in the old days.  So he is a man "after my own heart"!

I am am sure he would agree though, that certain words used nowadays have been appropriated to an extent that they even contradict their previous meaning and can now only be used in a specific context. "Gay" for instance, mean't something very different to my mother's wartime generation than it does now.  She used it to mean happy and carefree. What was called "gay abandon".

Jenners of Thorpe had boats called Gay Bandit, Gay Gambler, and others.  We wouldn't dare call them that now, would we?

I had the privilege (at my parents' expense) of being taught our language in one of England's Public Schools.  I am no scholar but I take pride* in trying to use it properly.  They say it is the language of fluid expression.**   If only we could stick to its correct use, we might not get into such a frightful (and American) muddle with it.

As to woke, this at least is a modern (also American) term which we are already getting confused about!  Personally, I take it to describe those, who for their own reasons, take everyday matters far too seriously.  Perhaps I should stick to PC, which I also mentioned in my post.

As it happens, I used "waves of woke" as a nautical allusion and a useful tool of alliteration to assist the even flow of the sentence.

So there!


* Yet another common word we must now be careful about.

** They also say : In Italy it is "Amore".

In France it is "Vive le sport!"

And in a British Leyland Mini it is impossible.

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I once had a Lotus Elite that used to leak smoke into the car via the gearstick housing  not very pleasant. Not that that was it's only idiosyncracy - oh if only!  I successsfully sued the dealer who having lost the case promptly skipped off from North London to Worcester, thinking  I wouldn't be able to find him. Wrong! It took me 3 years  at which point  I had the immense satisfaction of hearing that the Bailiffs had taken a Porsch off his forecourt pending settlement!




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Lady spots an advert "Teenager looking for Saturday work" so she books him.

Hands him a tin of paint and a paintbrush with instructions to paint her porch.

After an hour he knocks on the back door telling the lady

"It`s all done and by the way, It`s a Porche"



(Just reminded me of an old joke, no offence implied)

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47 minutes ago, addicted said:

I once had a Lotus Elite that used to leak smoke into the car via the gearstick housing  not very pleasant. Not that that was it's only idiosyncracy - oh if only!  I successsfully sued the dealer who having lost the case promptly skipped off from North London to Worcester, thinking  I wouldn't be able to find him. Wrong! It took me 3 years  at which point  I had the immense satisfaction of hearing that the Bailiffs had taken a Porsch off his forecourt pending settlement!




Good for you !

It is very important to hold people and organisations (and in particular public bodies) to account, when they are in the wrong.

Too often public servants (a generalisation, clearly not all of them, and not referring the BA) are self serving and incompetent or worse, and they just get away with it, usually at our great cost as taxpayers.

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