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We had a bare hour to kill, the train we had was Buckland something, the one running in tandem was spitfire. 

Anyway, from a nice snug berth at castle staithe, my mind was suddenly changed when I looked at tomorrow's  weather forecast,  rain, I didn't want to be transiting Wroxham bridge  in the rain, so headed south of the bridge, passed Kate on the viaduct moorings, and through the bridge,  determined to  grab the first available  mooring,  I stopped at the first Wroxham island Mooring. At least I don't have to face the prospect of dropping the  canopy  in the rain tomorrow. At the moment I have the mooring  to  myself. 

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3 hours ago, grendel said:

After I got back to the boat, I decided to spend the night at castle staithe, which when bi got there was infested with youngsters having fun, so nice to see youngsters having fun rather than just sitting on their phones.

It always throws me for a minute when people refer to Castle Staithe, despite the fact the Castle Inn was probably the first pub I knew. It's always just known as Caen Meadow locally.

I suspect the kids antics are probably a bit tamer these days than they used to be. One favourite pastime amongst teenage lads used to be to climb onto a dinghy being towed by a passing cruiser. If they were unlucky, they'd get spotted and often pushed off with a mop. Local hero status went to anyone who could hitch a lift to Wroxham bridge, then another back in the opposite direction. It's probably a good thing dinghies are a rarity these days, as you can imagine the uproar over H&S if kids did the same now.

It was a bit of a blackspot for high risk activities. We also used to sledge there in winter. If you got it right, you could hit a huge speed down the hill, but it was always a gamble, as someone usually over-cooked it and ended up in the freezing river most days. They also used to hold a huge bonfire and fireworks display there, my overwhelming memory of which was dodging hot falling debris from expired fireworks.

In later teens, I can remember us having boat parties there (I suspect the boats were probably supplied by Duncan Prophet's sons) which you probably wouldn't have wanted to be moored near!


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1 hour ago, dom said:

It always throws me for a minute when people refer to Castle Staithe, despite the fact the Castle Inn was probably the first pub I knew. It's always just known as Caen Meadow locally.

I suspect the kids antics are probably a bit tamer these days than they used to be. One favourite pastime amongst teenage lads used to be to climb onto a dinghy being towed by a passing cruiser. If they were unlucky, they'd get spotted and often pushed off with a mop. Local hero status went to anyone who could hitch a lift to Wroxham bridge, then another back in the opposite direction. It's probably a good thing dinghies are a rarity these days, as you can imagine the uproar over H&S if kids did the same now.

It was a bit of a blackspot for high risk activities. We also used to sledge there in winter. If you got it right, you could hit a huge speed down the hill, but it was always a gamble, as someone usually over-cooked it and ended up in the freezing river most days. They also used to hold a huge bonfire and fireworks display there, my overwhelming memory of which was dodging hot falling debris from expired fireworks.

In later teens, I can remember us having boat parties there (I suspect the boats were probably supplied by Duncan Prophet's sons) which you probably wouldn't have wanted to be moored near!


It's quite refreshing , for once to be reminded that the youth of bygone days were by no means little angels.

there is a tendency for the narrative to be that the youth of today are somehow a hundred times worse than the previous generations ever were, when really it's just selective memory.

For example, the utter chaos the mods and rockers caused in the 50s and 60s on seaside towns, while families tried to have a day out, is almost looked back upon with a certain romantic nostalgia. 

I'm thankful there were not cameras in everyone's hands during my teenage years for sure. I would imagine a lot of people are the same if they are being honest. 

I'm just talking high spirited exuberance here of course 😇

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Well typically,  because I moved, now when I look at the days weather, the report has changed, delaying the onset of the rain, in fact I looked at 3 different  reports, all showing different  predictions.

Awake and first coffee being drunk.

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8 hours ago, dom said:

It always throws me for a minute when people refer to Castle Staithe, despite the fact the Castle Inn was probably the first pub I knew. It's always just known as Caen Meadow locally.

I suspect the kids antics are probably a bit tamer these days than they used to be. One favourite pastime amongst teenage lads used to be to climb onto a dinghy being towed by a passing cruiser. If they were unlucky, they'd get spotted and often pushed off with a mop. Local hero status went to anyone who could hitch a lift to Wroxham bridge, then another back in the opposite direction. It's probably a good thing dinghies are a rarity these days, as you can imagine the uproar over H&S if kids did the same now.

It was a bit of a blackspot for high risk activities. We also used to sledge there in winter. If you got it right, you could hit a huge speed down the hill, but it was always a gamble, as someone usually over-cooked it and ended up in the freezing river most days. They also used to hold a huge bonfire and fireworks display there, my overwhelming memory of which was dodging hot falling debris from expired fireworks.

In later teens, I can remember us having boat parties there (I suspect the boats were probably supplied by Duncan Prophet's sons) which you probably wouldn't have wanted to be moored near!


The smart money says "Don't cool off at Caen Meadows" until Anglia Water improve their performance.


Top of the league on Northern Rivers followed by the outfall between How Hill and Ludham Bridge.

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I wonder how the postwick outfall fares as it's just along from my mooring,  we can usually tell if Norwich had a good night out on return by the odour. :default_icon_e_surprised:

Sorry Mr.G we've turned your thread to crap.

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4 hours ago, ChrisB said:

The smart money says "Don't cool off at Caen Meadows" until Anglia Water improve their performance.

Top of the league on Northern Rivers followed by the outfall between How Hill and Ludham Bridge.

Although the water treatment plant is in Belaugh, the outfall is actually downstream of Caen Meadow. It's about 3-400 yards upstream of the upper entrance to Bridge Broad.

It was never particularly great. There was always evidence of raw sewage making it into the river back when I used to kayak around the area in the early-mid 80s. Even when things were running correctly, the water being put back into the river never looked particularly pleasant.

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I left Wroxham island about 8am an took a poodle along the  river,  down the bure and turned up the ant, not sure where I wanted to end up, I eventually stopped  off at Wood end staithe, where I watched a few YouTube videos, and then promptly had a nap. Debating whether to stop here or meander further, I might head back down the ant and see if irstead is free. 

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27 minutes ago, Gracie said:

What did you do with the poodle? :default_biggrin:

Grace x

Glad it wasn't just me thinking that, so who's poodle was it? Are they still waiting for you to bring it back?

Or is it for tea???? :default_icon_e_surprised:

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Pootle, sometimes I hate autocorrect.

There was a space at Irstead, but I didn't stop, instead I headed further downstream to Griff's corner. I had noticed the grass was getting a bit long. So I moored up and gave a boat length a bit of a graze ( I bought 2 batteries so far I am still using the first) I have got the mooring to myself which is how I like it.

Battening the hatches ready for the rain ( if it comes)





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The grass was trimmed as a safety measure so I can see where the edge is as there are some pretty big holes near the edge, and I didn't want to fall into one.

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On 19/05/2024 at 20:07, grendel said:

I took the opportunity to trim the grass at the mooring

Thanks Grendel - we hope to get there week after next. Mrs NDY is less mobile than she'd like - is the walk to the RS fairly straightforward?


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1 hour ago, grendel said:

The grass was trimmed as a safety measure so I can see where the edge is as there are some pretty big holes near the edge, and I didn't want to fall into one.

If you could take a wander down fleet dyke too?
I did the same, for the same reason, on a number of the wild moorings down there a few weeks ago, but expect they’ve grown again by now. 

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I'm due at Griffs Corner this coming weekend.  I will have three batteries, along with a charger, brush cutter, rake, long handled trimmers, secateurs and heavy duty gloves.  Tis going to get a right seeing to Wx depending


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