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Wanderings On Water Rail


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20 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Coming up river, having passed through Irstead, take the starboard passage around the Island. As you start to emerge again past the Island to the wider Broad there’s a small channel on you starboard side that leads through trees to Wood End. It’s not marked in any way (no yellow post).

Once through the trees the Staithe is on your starboard side. There’s only room for one boat, no longer than about 38’. I think Moonlight Shadow might squeeze in, but only just.

There’s a ‘Captain’s Blog’ from a few years back where Robin took a hire boat down towards Wood End. I don’t think he actually moored up there though, and I can’t remember which episode it was. 

Thanks Helen. Yes I remember Robin's blog well as that was what led to me going there, I just couldn't see any mooring once I arrived. You've answered that now though, so at some point I'll take a second look.

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9 hours ago, YnysMon said:

That was my intention Liz, but when I mentioned it to the Harbour Master at the Yacht Station he said that several boats had got grounded up toward New Mills over the past months, so I thought I'd best not chance it. 

they told me that too, but i got there and back, its a bit shallow in places in the mill race at new mills, but otherwise was fine, you can see the bottom (and the weeds)

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11 hours ago, grendel said:

Helen, I had spotted some water ingress on my previous trip, but it was mainly forming a puddle at one rib because there was no drain hole through there, I only managed to track it back to somewhere at the stern though, I had discussed it with Dave though.

It was only really evident when underway, so a bit difficult to spot when solo helming! :default_biggrin:

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Monday 19th September

This morning and afternoon were spent at home in MK watching the Queen’s State Funeral in awe. Very emotional. We set out again for Norfolk once the Queen’s funeral service at Windsor was over. We got back to the boat before 8pm, but of course it was already dark by then. We had permission to stay on the private mooring for the night though, so that wasn’t a problem.

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Tuesday 20th September

Up early again this morning (6.30am alarm) and we were off just after 7am as the sun was rising. What a beautiful morning!







Graham took the helm for quite a lot of today's journey. That makes a change!


Dave had been to the boat yesterday, as promised, and fixed our 'trickle'.

The first priority was to get a pump-out somewhere, and we thought the nearest (that wasn’t self-service) was Hipperson’s in Beccles. We got there shortly after 9am, but the quay where the pump-out machine was situated was taken up by day boats. We were advised to come back after 11am, so we moored up at the river-end of the Yacht Station to wait.


It did give me the opportunity to do some food shopping in Beccles. I got myself a nice-looking rump steak in the butcher’s opposite Wetherspoons (special offer – 1/3rd off) and some sausages, then I went to Tesco’s to get some vegetarian alternatives for Graham and some veggies to go with them.

We phoned Hipperson’s just before 11 and then made our way over there, spotting Paul on Peter’s Joy just emerging from his boatyard as we did so and exchanging waves.

Pump out done, we set off downriver again. It was a lovely cruise, with very little craft on the river. We were lucky with the tides, having taken advantage of the rising tide on our way to Beccles, and then a falling tide as we travelled back down river. The aim was to get to the end of the New Cut roughly at the turn of the tide, which we did. Mind you, that never does work out in Reedham, as we’ve found that the surface water of the river keeps flowing out, even as the river level starts rising. Sounds daft, but it does. Because of this, we decided to moor up at Reedham for a short while. We walked along the river front to Cannell’s where we bought a couple of slices of cake, for 11’ses tomorrow.

We ended up starting off from Reedham before the surface tide had really turned. Whilst we were there, a hire boat had squeezed into the gap behind us, leaving us with little room to manoeuvre, so I decided it would be easier to depart bow first, before the tide turned properly. We had another brief stop-over at Hardley Cross, where Seren had a run, before continuing upriver. The increased mooring fee at Hardley Mill put us off mooring there, even though it’s one of our favourites, so we tried for Langley Dyke instead. We were glad that we did. There was plenty of room for us. Paul (Peter’s Joy) was already moored up there and was expecting Neil and Karen on Lightning, who arrived shortly after we did.


After we’d had our suppers/dinners, we all met up on Lightning for a convivial evening. Thanks guys!

p.s. That steak that I bought in a Beccles butcher's was the best steak I've had in a long time. Very tasty and oh-so tender. 

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Wednesday 21st September

We got up at 6.30 again this morning and set off shortly after 7am. The weather forecast had been for a nice sunny day with temperatures up to 21˚C. Disappointingly, it was pretty much overcast all day, though not cold, and luckily, not wet.

We were aiming for Norwich this morning. I’d reckoned on it being about a three hour’ journey or so from Langley Dyke. High water was due at Norwich just after 10am, hence the early start, as we wanted to take advantage of the rising tide.

We got to Norwich shortly before 10am. Graham stayed with the boat whilst I had a wander around Norwich. First to the fabric shop in Magdalene St, where I found some bargains in their sale at half price. Just over a couple of metres of linen/cotton for another pair of summer trousers for Graham, a metre each of cotton jersey (t-shirt type) fabric, one with stripes and starfish for a t-shirt for me, and another with pink butterflies for a garment for Graham’s niece’s little girl. I also got some lining fabric for only £1.50 per metre. Actually, when I checked my receipt when I got home I found I'd only be charged £1.50, even though I'd bought three metres. Even more of a bargain!

After that I visited Waterstones to find a birthday gift for a friend and then Norwich Cathedral shop to find a Christmas gift for same friend. I got myself some lunch (Halloumi and Falafel wrap)at a vegetarian stall in the Market (Falafel and Friends). By the time I got back to the boat Peter's Joy had moored up behind us.


Back at the boat, we moved the boat and filled with water before setting off on our way to Rockland St Mary. It was still overcast, but a very mild and still day. Lovely reflections in the water. As I’ve already described in detail on my ‘Live Carried Away’ thread, our afternoon plans got completely upended just after we passed under Postwick Viaduct, as we came across a couple of kayakers who had found a stray dog on the bank in an inaccessible part of the river (inaccessible from land anyway). Between us, we managed to rescue the dog, and took him back to the Commissioner’s Cut, where a chap from Broadland Animal Rescue was able to find us (What3Words came in handy) to fetch the dog. I was quite sad to see him go, as he seemed a really good-natured dog. We did mention before the Animal Rescue officer left that we’d be interested in adopting the dog if he is not reunited with his family.



Anyway, all that took up most of the afternoon. I’ve never spent so much time trying to hold the boat in one place on the river for so long. Good practise!

After all that excitement, we had a quiet evening. I made us a sort of brunch supper: sausages (meat for me, veggie for Graham), baked portabella mushrooms, fried potatoes and wilted spinach.

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Thursday 22nd September

Commissioner’s Cut moorings weren’t very peaceful. There was a fair amount of road noise, presumably from the Postwick Viaduct, plus the trains when they started up again in the morning.

We didn’t hurry this morning, not setting off until around 9am, against the tide initially.

We have a confession to make to Dave at this point. As we were a bit unsure about the Commissioner’s Cut, Graham put down the mud-weight yesterday evening. Unfortunately, we forgot about it this morning, and didn’t remember until after Bramerton. Luckily, it didn’t hit the hull. The way it’s secured, it was mostly to the side of the boat anyway. When Graham did haul it up it was festooned with a lot of weed and also a navy fabric something – which when Graham untwined it, turned out to be a pair of long-johns. 



Today was turning out to be lovely and sunny and warm. The best day weather-wise since before the rain struck last week.

Between Bramerton and Surlingham Ferry Inn masses of geese came in to land. I'd been wondering where all the geese were when we passed yesterday. IMG_7775.thumb.JPG.42720efa0ecc8062da330004f8cded31.JPG

We stopped for a short time at Hardley Mill, only long enough for Seren to stretch her legs, then we were on our way again.


Graham took the helm for much of this morning. I don’t recall him taking the helm for so long before. He also took us into the mooring at Hardley Mill, through the New Cut and onto our final mooring of the day at Somerlayton. It’s about time we shared out the tasks more evenly, so that Graham is more confident at doing the helming and I am more confident about sorting out our ropes.


Just after passing under Reedham bridge we passed Lightning again. (Hi Neil and Karen!)


Moored at Somerlayton.


I’d made us some sandwiches to eat whilst we were cruising, so once we were at Somerlayton Graham took Seren for a walk. When he returned, I went for a walk to Somerlayton church. It’s located some way outside the village, nearer to the Somerlayton Estate. The first part of the walk was fine, through the village. It looks a lovely little village, with duck pond and bowling club. 


Passing out of the village a footpath took me in the direction of the church, however, the final bit was along a fairly busy road with no pavement though, so that wasn’t so pleasant. The church was worth the walk though and – joy of joys (for me) - had a medieval painted rood screen.







When I got back to the boat we just sat around reading for a while before I made our dinner. Sausages again, this time with mash and veg. Nice and warming, as it was definitely turning chilly in the evening.

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Helen if you are interested and some time you are mobile. I suggest Fritton church just up from St Olaves.

They uncovered medieval murals under the Victorian whitewash some years back. Well worth a visit

From St Olaves come through the village, Village hall on left just after triangle junction turn right down narrow road

Church is by the junction to Fritton Lake.

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Did you hear if the dog found it's home or not? I'm sure I saw a similar looking dog recently in a dayboat but can't for the life of me remember when as we had a 2 week run followed by a long weekend, it was along the right stretch of the river so would have been either 8/9 or 19/9.

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16 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Did you hear if the dog found it's home or not? I'm sure I saw a similar looking dog recently in a dayboat but can't for the life of me remember when as we had a 2 week run followed by a long weekend, it was along the right stretch of the river so would have been either 8/9 or 19/9.

Kate (kpnut) messaged me to say that someone had posted a photo of the dog on a Lost and Found Pets in Norfolk and Suffolk Facebook page about the dog. Apparently it was chipped, but the owner hasn't been traced. I phoned the dog rescue last Thursday morning. They advised that they normally allow about a week before putting a pet up for rehoming, to allow time for owners to contact them if they have lost a pet.

By the way, someone commented on the post that the dog looked like a 'Northern Inuit Dog'. I googled this and it seems to be a type of dog bred to look like a wolf. I now feel slightly less stupid than I did on the day, when I spontaneously commented that he looked like a wolf! :default_dunce:

I should add that the dog seemed to have a very gentle nature!

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Friday 23rd September

Our final day. The priority was to get a re-fuel and pump out. We headed in the direction of Beccles again, and again, Graham did much of the helming, which gave me the opportunity to do some cleaning and start packing our stuff. It was very drizzly on the way up to Beccles. Not great cruising weather. 


We initially moored up in the Yacht Station. Graham went to ask the Station Master if there was anywhere nearby that sold Calor gas – nope, there wasn’t. I then went to Lidl to pick up a few things for after we’d arrived home this evening and for tomorrow morning (pizza, salad, loaf of bread etc.).


I called Hipperson’s just before 11 and was advised to give them 10 minutes to move a day boat off the fuel quay. After we’d had fuel top-up etc., we headed out back downriver and back to Oulton Broad. Luckily, the rain had dried up and it was getting brighter.

It was mid afternoon when we left the boat.



Graham wanted to get going on the journey home before the tea-time traffic ramped up, so we just had a quick McDonald’s in Beccles rather than going for a pub meal. :default_sad:

We got home around 6pm, so had a relaxing evening.

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2 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Graham put down the mud-weight yesterday evening. Unfortunately, we forgot about it this morning, and didn’t remember until after Bramerton. Luckily, it didn’t hit the hull. The way it’s secured, it was mostly to the side of the boat anyway. When Graham did haul it up it was festooned with a lot of weed and also a navy fabric something – which when Graham untwined it, turned out to be a pair of long-johns. 

I’m so glad I’m not the only one! I confessed too, on my holiday blog last week after travelling from Ranworth to Salhouse. 


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4 minutes ago, JanetAnne said:

Helen, you are not the first people this year to forget WR's mudweight. I won't embarrass the other culprit ... yet!

I'm actually pretty pleased that you caught that stray underwear before it reached the propeller. Result!

Though wouldn’t have been such a laughing matter if it had got tangled around the prop.


We haven’t yet thanked you properly Dave for a wonderful trip on Water Rail. We had the best time, drips notwithstanding (what we expected anyway). Although initially disappointed not to get under Potter Heigham it all worked out brilliantly. Just think…if we’d been stuck up there the dog rescue wouldn’t have happened. 


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1 minute ago, Broads01 said:

Thanks for an enjoyable write up, Helen. You mentioned you were put off mooring at Hardley Mill by the price - how much were they asking?

I believe it’s now £10. Less than that if you are a signed up Friend of Hardley Mill. We had meant to join, but haven’t done so yet. 

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7 hours ago, LizG said:

WR wouldn't be WR without a few drips and leaks. The worst was before she had a new stem - gribble worms holes! The auto pump was on almost continuously ☹️ 

After all the time I've spent trying to stop rain piddling in through the decks of the Denham Owl, are you telling me it's all part of boating on the Broads?? :default_badday: :default_sailing:

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