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Leaving Carbon Footprints In The Snow


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My mum never warned me off carbon foot prints in the snow … She always warned me of yellow snow tho 🀣🀣🀣

Seriously I’m sticking with my dirty Diesel. Life’s too short to worry about complications later on in life when we are long gone. Our fore fathers never took any of that when they discovered the Industrial Revolution how it would effect others after they had gone.. So live everyday as it was your last one. And they can stick there EV cars where the sun doesn’t shine .. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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I think that the problem is that unless governments make moves to ban ICE cars, the research into battery technology wouldn't have happened as fast as it has.

Are we that far away from 500 miles from a 10 minute charge?

Had the government not forced the issue, we'd be no nearer to it than we were 30 years ago.

Just my opinion.

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A diesel is fine, it needs to be a more modern model, about two years newer than both my cars. ☹️

Just another reason to avoid London, if it can't be avoided I use the train and that is as rare as hens teeth these days.

When I was working we refused jobs in London, too much hassle to park and then sending technicians up was always a problem. Blackheath was the limit, that was a goldmine.

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at the point where my office is the proposed ULEZ expands outside the M25, effectively the M25 is a corridor passing through the zone at that point, my exit, the roundabout and the a127 are all exempt, but if i have to take any side roads, they are all in the zone, this includes the roads that I use to get back to the M25 from the office, I am not certain about the road into the estate where my office is as thats a dead end road. but if i avoid the drive to the roundabout at the next junction and back an nip round the back roads, I have to go into the zone, my car is 6 months the wrong side of the modifications that would have allowed it into the zone (it has a dpf, but not any of the later emissions controls like adblue)

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2 hours ago, grendel said:

at the point where my office is the proposed ULEZ expands outside the M25, effectively the M25 is a corridor passing through the zone at that point, my exit, the roundabout and the a127 are all exempt, but if i have to take any side roads, they are all in the zone, this includes the roads that I use to get back to the M25 from the office, I am not certain about the road into the estate where my office is as thats a dead end road. but if i avoid the drive to the roundabout at the next junction and back an nip round the back roads, I have to go into the zone, my car is 6 months the wrong side of the modifications that would have allowed it into the zone (it has a dpf, but not any of the later emissions controls like adblue)

My car doesn’t have adblue, but is ULEZ compliant.

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But can he charge at Gridserve at Broadland Gate on the way to the wetshed and then top up on his way home?

Wherever that is - Probably but just how inconvenient is that? especially for the rest of the crew having to wait for him. Then he might have to wait in a queue (Assuming the charging station is actually operative) and even if he doesn't there's 20% vat he would have to pay on the charge.Β  Or of course he could charge it on his way home, extending his journey by goodness knows how long over the rest of us.Β  It's just not practical even though it is a Tesla


Seriously I’m sticking with my dirty Diesel.

Todays modern diesels have never been so clean, what with DPF's, impressive injection pressures and the like.

By now most of us are fully aware just how much producing a EV costs in natural resources and carbon pollution - They are far from 'Green' even before they use a non-green electric to charge them up daily


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42 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

But can he charge at Gridserve at Broadland Gate on the way to the wetshed and then top up on his way home?

Wherever that is - Probably but just how inconvenient is that? especially for the rest of the crew having to wait for him. Then he might have to wait in a queue (Assuming the charging station is actually operative) and even if he doesn't there's 20% vat he would have to pay on the charge.Β  Or of course he could charge it on his way home, extending his journey by goodness knows how long over the rest of us.Β  It's just not practical even though it is a Tesla

Gridserve is just off the junction of the A47 and the NDR, just after you cross the Postwick Viaduct heading towards Acle. Β I’d does, apparently, have Tesla fast chargers on site.

That said, I’m in full agreement with you regarding the current crop of diesels. Β Common rail technology combined with exhaust gas recycling and particulate filters have cut emissions dramatically. Β Even though my almost 7 year old Skoda lacks Adblue, it is still Euro 6 and ULEZ compliant. Β There are too many scare stories about dirty diesels and their associated emissions.

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The electrical grid is already maxed out . England uses more electricity than it produces and already imports.It .

It's almost comical how nobody in power even tries to explain where all these extra billion kilowatts are coming from . You would basically need a charging point at every single parking place. The infrastructure quite simply is nowhere near ready , not even close.

Why it isn't hydrogen that is the aim , is beyond me. I'm sure someone more informed than me on here could explain that one to me.

Surely we should have learned by now , that politicians don't always make the best decisions , and the experts should be listened to.Β 

The ICE is going nowhere, in my ( probably misguided πŸ˜…) opinion.

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Unfortunately we are obsessed by vanity. Isn't it the case that we could do with a basic, no frills, small EV for local running around, shopping, kids to school etc. as a second car. Wind your own windows up, fold the mirrors yourself and forget waving your foot under the rear bumper to open the chuffing tailgate! Make it easy to repair after minor bumps to keep the insurance down. Surely we would all consider one?

Not happening. I remember a few years ago seeing a new electric scooter for cities, especially London. Most noticable feature were the bright red painted Brembo brake calipers. Just what you need!Β 

They're once again using climate change and the environment to sell us loads of bling we don't actually need. Cleverly, they don't provide us with any practical alternative to prove them wrong either.

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9 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

Which is exactly what you would need if you started running electric hire cruisers on the Broads!

Totally agree.

It would be nice in an ideal world but unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world 😩

But then if we could making all electric propulsion systems green AND make copper mining green AND make mining precious metals green AND the generation of electricity green AND etc etc.

Surely it must be easier to invent a perpetual motion engine 🫣

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1 hour ago, Wonderwall said:

The electrical grid is already maxed out . England uses more electricity than it produces and already imports.It .

this week on average we imported the same amount as we exported, we were exporting to france Monday, tuesday , wednesday. april to november last year we were generally exporting to france


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4 hours ago, Mouldy said:

exhaust gas recycling

I'd suggest you check on that one. Not the wonder it's said to be.Β 

It lowers the efficiency,Β  increases fuel consumption and does not, repeat not, decrease pollutants. In fact, I am lead to believe the EGR is said to increase them.

This was something that was frequently discussed on the forum for home produced diesel I used to belong to.Β  The expression used was " eating your own s#1t doesn't make you run faster, it just makes your breath smell"

I think you might find that the fitting of EGRs was an EU directive.Β 

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Judging by the rate that new road projects are being cancelled or "delayed"Β  and the price of cars now, I suspect that government strategy is to price many current road users off the roads. If so, the lack of generating capacity and charging infrastructure won't pose as much of a problem.

I have a ULEZ compliant diesel vehicle but the problem is with all such standards that the goalposts are continually being moved as politicians realise what a good income can be had from environmental taxes, so I'm not feeling particularly reassured.Β 

As a footnote, I was interested to read recently that Germany and Italy have weighed in against the EU's proposed ban on IC engine production from 2035 so will be interested to see what will happen there.

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Governments (all of them, everywhere, not political) seem to have a basic "something will turn up" outlook to big problems.

"Not enough electric generation and infrastructure? Science will come up with something"

There is a surprising tendancy for this work.... until it doesn't!

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

I'd suggest you check on that one. Not the wonder it's said to be.Β 

It lowers the efficiency,Β  increases fuel consumption and does not, repeat not, decrease pollutants. In fact, I am lead to believe the EGR is said to increase them.

This was something that was frequently discussed on the forum for home produced diesel I used to belong to.Β  The expression used was " eating your own s#1t doesn't make you run faster, it just makes your breath smell"

I think you might find that the fitting of EGRs was an EU directive.Β 

There are advantages and disadvantages, it’s true, but the general perception is that it helps reduce NOx emissions. Β It largely depends on whose opinions you believe, but what can’t be disputed is that diesel engine vehicles run far cleaner now than they used to, with the introduction of the interventions I mentioned in my earlier post.

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The town I live in , which is in central Scotland , once upon a time had a train station. Likewise , so did many others around here.

Some β€œ wise guy β€œ called Beeching , decided to remove all that massive infrastructure, and now , travelling to anywhere is either a slow , unreliable bus , or it’s a jump in the gas guzzler option. The latter wins it for most folk.Β 
We really need to learn to question all politicians wonderful ideas . By and large they don’t live in the same world as us . The electric car project being a perfect example .

Its actually embarrassing when you travel in mainland Europe , and you see how much better their public transport is.Β 
I was in Singapore last year , their tube trains and buses are , immaculate, supremely reliable, cheap ( the only thing cheap in Singapore😒) , plentiful and a pleasure to use .

At what point did the once mighty , pioneers of industry and the bench mark for progression , did the UK take its eye off the ball ?Β 

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Beaching never closed one foot of track, he told the government what lines/routes were economical and what was not,Β  he even said that certain lines should be kept open in spit of them being uneconomical for social reasons.Β  labour were the ones that closed the lines although Barbara Castle did keep some open for social reasons. John

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2 minutes ago, annv said:

Beaching never closed one foot of track, he told the government what lines/routes were economical and what was not,Β  he even said that certain lines should be kept open in spit of them being uneconomical for social reasons.Β  labour were the ones that closed the lines although Barbara Castle did keep some open for social reasons. John

Whoever closed them , it was a major error, that was my point.

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Why Don't EV,s have their bodies made of solar charging materials connected to their battery bank's.

Why not indeed?

There's a question I've often pondered mysen.

Nowadays we have solar panels on Boats, caravans, motor homes, buildings etc even fields so why not on EV's - the technology is already there


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29 minutes ago, Wonderwall said:

The town I live in , which is in central Scotland , once upon a time had a train station. Likewise , so did many others around here.

Some β€œ wise guy β€œ called Beeching , decided to remove all that massive infrastructure, and now , travelling to anywhere is either a slow , unreliable bus , or it’s a jump in the gas guzzler option. The latter wins it for most folk.Β 
We really need to learn to question all politicians wonderful ideas . By and large they don’t live in the same world as us . The electric car project being a perfect example .

Its actually embarrassing when you travel in mainland Europe , and you see how much better their public transport is.Β 
I was in Singapore last year , their tube trains and buses are , immaculate, supremely reliable, cheap ( the only thing cheap in Singapore😒) , plentiful and a pleasure to use .

At what point did the once mighty , pioneers of industry and the bench mark for progression , did the UK take its eye off the ball ?Β 

Hmmm. Β Getting dangerously close to being political, but there could have been an opportunity to invest in what remains of the rail network to make improvements, electrify some lines, invest in new rolling stock and make the fares affordable. Β Instead, we are building a vanity line, that will serve a minority of the population, which may not ever be finished and is swallowing billions of pounds.

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