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Question for all boat owners?


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We have a V berth, so made to measure mattress cover, sheet, quilt, quilt cover and for the cooler nights a made to measure fleece blanket on top off all. I may add everything made to measure was made by Jill (wife). My contributions. 1. get out of the way while she makes the bed up. 2. put everything not going home for washing in the vacuum bags. 3. buying the electric over blanket and loosing the battle for it!!. 4. BUYING the REMOTE control electric HEATER for those cold mornings (ALDI) absolute bliss 10 mins extra in bed and a warm cabin to get up in.

Loo roll cheapest.



Does anybody know where I can get a remote control kettle (see 4)

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I have a remote controlled Kettle ..........I find that the more you Snore then the quicker it activates ......and its like flying it also pays to have the window seat - oh and if all else fails then slide over last nights hot water bottle




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BUYING the REMOTE control electric HEATER

I can go one better than that, I can phone the eberspacher and it runs for 1 hour, usually happens on cold nights while still in the pub, also has a spare outlet that can be ducted into the berth, can't beat a pre-warmed bed. :razz: (google gsm-auto)

I also have a remote that can turn on the cockpit lights and stop/start both engines, that bit was handy back on a locked river but no so useful on the broads.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


Due to the compact design of my boat, I've always used a really nice, fleece lined, sleeping bag, and I've always slept in the forward 'v' berth. Really warm and cosy, and as I do my boating on my own ( wife has too many problems) I've found I have all the room I need. If i need some room up at the sharp end, all I have to do, is to roll up my sleeping bag and pillows, and hey ho. I love it.



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We use sheets on top of mattress toppers with duvets on top Kathy also puts an extra blanket on top to keep warm in the winter months the cold don't bother me much as I generate me own heat to keep warm and the topper helps tremendously and as regards the electric toilet we have we went onto cheap toilet paper as recommended but all it did was bung up the macerator so we switched back after stripping and cleaning the pump  also it don't use much water as it recycles its own to flush. 

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Our forward berth is triangular, and made up from several cushions, so bottom sheets are a no no. We have tried sleeping bags, but the cost of laundry is so expensive.

So we have a double duvet, around 4.5 tog, with cover on the base and a kingsize duvet with cover for the top.

They all then roll up and are stored under the forward deck.

Wish we did this years ago.

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There was a further notice pinned to the back of the door by myself which reads


"Do not use this appliance if there is a public convenience available within a one mile radius of the boat's location unless you have the cash available to pay for the next pump out!"


I did mention I'm a Yorkshireman didn't I?  :huh:



I find that the padlock on the seat cover works very effectively in this regard,





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Alan wrote:-


We also take a large fleece for those cold nights out of season, this also collects any condensation rather than it being on any of the other bedding.



For the uniformed of us,  what type of fleece is this please?         Sounds very useful.



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Hi Monica,


We just take one of those very large fleeces which is about the size of a king size duvet.

It keeps you warm but if there is any condensation it stops getting the duvet damp, we just dry off the fleece during the day.

We tend to buy a number of our boating supplies from Roy's or Morrisons, such as duvets, pillow & duvet protectors and shower curtains etc.


These days because of the costs laundering it is far cheaper to buy new each season.




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Might sound posh, but we use a silk quilt!!


Purchased many years ago on a trip to China (very cheap) and had it on the bed indoors for a few years. Wife decided we needed a new one because it was going a bit out of shape so it got moved to the boat. As we have an almost oval shape bed the shape didn't really matter.


The good thing about silk duvet is they are very thin (OK some of you might like the weight of a thick duvet) and very warm in the cold, but even in the summer are not too hot. If you have to take your own bedding, they roll up a lot smaller than traditional duvets.


No problems with condensation, but I have mentioned in a previous post we use the moisture traps in each cabin and run a dehumidifier when not on board.


Oh, and the electric fan heaters, eberspacher and hot water bottles are all board as well. My wife hates the cold.

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And as for loo role - I have to agree the thin stuff is best unless you like unblocking toilets!! Especially if the peopleon the boat have shares in loo role companies.


After a few blockages and the effort of having to get the tank pumped out frequently, we have made out boat "Greek island style" - We now have a bin for all things not digested food including loo paper. Fortunately normally only the 2 of us and it's easier to empty the bin than the waste tank. It's surprising how you do get used to this.


And why do waste tanks always fill up when you are nowhere near a pump out point or it's Sunday evening and you have to use a mooring with no facilities?

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Personally, if I wanted all the comforts of home then that's where I would stay. But then my idea of boating is more akin to camping, indeed I actually set up tent on my boat. I suppose, if my boat was my home, then maybe my attitude would be different but for me boating is about not having the comforts of home. As for sleeping, I have found that fleece sleeping bag liners make darn good beds.

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I'm with you here Dajen,  boating to me is primitive enough without having a bin for your soiled loo paper.   Cannot imagine what it would smell like, turns my stomach , sorry but it does.     If that is what staying on a Greek Island entails, no wonder I have never wanted to go there.   

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Ha, ha if you think that's bad I can regail you with stories of facilities in other parts of the world we have visited :naughty:


I am sure if we left it on there for a week it might get ripe, but we empty it regularly and not had any problems.


Not everyone's choice, but then neither is a blocked loo.


And it stops people going through your rubbish :naughty:  :naughty:

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