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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

surely Robin should have spotted it as he left, as BA always sails with the fenders on deck.

I will make damn sure I do in the future!

That is also why is stood out so much, everything else all tidy and ship shape and then this odd blue single fender be hanging off the bow lol.

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12 minutes ago, LondonRascal said:

"shamelessly copied from facebook"

Bad enough that it was my own mother who captured a photo with the rogue shed fender in place - and then leaked the evidence onto Facebook, now it's spread to the Forum :facepalm:

Oh Grendel you naughty man you!



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Well done Robins Mum, Who would have thought Jill of all people got a photo of the offending item?  To be honest I thought I was onto a winner here getting away with the prize offered and no-one in here or FB would have captured the historic event.

On the upside I now have photographic evidence to remind Robin with through the ages.

Yes Jill does get the prize and very welcome to it she is too.  Who Jill takes as crew is up to her, she can take herself and four other crew members or just have a weekend on her own (And me of course :shock::naughty: )


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that was me robin with the mud weight down doh! ,i cant believe i did that after two others at the meet told me they had done just that and i thought how the hell do you forget to pull it up before you set off, no excuse but i did spend a bit of time unknotting the mud weight rope i guess my brain thought i had already pulled it up , i sort of knew something was wrong because the revs were jumping around i should have stopped and had a looked around but i did not , should of would of could of, anyway nuff of the excuses thank you robin for spotting it god did i feel like a right plonker, when we got to malthouse and i had composed myself put a note on the helm MUD WEIGHT it worked did not do that again think ill get karen to laminate a sign for september. 

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23 hours ago, andyhesford said:

 put a note on the helm MUD WEIGHT it worked did not do that again think ill get karen to laminate a sign for september. 

Andy it was good to meet up and I hope you get the burgee flying next time! We then passed each other a few days later but I can't quite remember where..............

We've been boating quite a few tears but I still put a "Aerial!" warning note over the ignition-key hole when we've used the TV and a "Mud-Plug!" notice when that's used.    :wave 

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14 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Robin, are you going to do Wroxham Bridge in reverse? All the best people do it!!

Would I be correct JM in saying that, to date nobody has gone through Wroxham Bridge in reverse..............................at night, in the dark!!


Got to be done eh!


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And as far as I'm aware it hasn't been done astern in the dark, well it probably has but never been filmed

Sheesh all this tom foolery and bravodo will only end in tears - expensive ones at that! :shock:


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On 18/05/2016 at 7:38 PM, grendel said:

"shamelessly copied from facebook"

Bad enough that it was my own mother who captured a photo with the rogue shed fender in place - and then leaked the evidence onto Facebook, now it's spread to the Forum



Not only the bow fender, hey?   ^_^

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15 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:


And as far as I'm aware it hasn't been done astern in the dark, well it probably has but never been filmed

Sheesh all this tom foolery and bravodo will only end in tears - expensive ones at that! :shock:


Hear, hear, Charlie.

Peter, do please stop winding Robin up...............:shocked

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