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The Northern Distributer Road AKA Norwich Northern Bypass


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22 minutes ago, RumPunch said:

Having been cut up once too often at the weekend on the NDR ( it was also the V sign out the window when I leant on the horn ) I now have a dash cam.

Same here.

Perhaps an air horn is my next purchase :default_norty::default_norty:

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I witnessed aggressive driving on the A11 one trip back from Norfolk, a car was overtaking me, and had barely got a car length clear of me when he changed back to my lane, this upset the other car who had been right on his bumper, as he too tried to cut in in front of me and undertake the first car, I was doing about 65mph at this point.

the second car complained loudly at being cut up, and proceeded to overtake the first car, then pulled in front of it and slammed his brakes on. I calmly pulled out into the fast lane and continued at the same speed I had been proceeding past both of them, while they had an argument as to who had been in the right and who had been in the wrong (both of them to my mind) if that is the standard they are driving it is no wonder they are too busy to see roundabouts. yes I do have a dash cam too.

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I think we all see bad driving practices on most of the UK roads, at the end of the day we can do little about it, all we can do is give them loads of space and keep out of their way. There as always been poor aggressive or dangerous drivers on the roads, we just hear more about it by social media.

Sadly the more miles per year you do the more you see these bad drivers and people that should have given up driving years ago, when I was young we used to call them flat capers, sadly these days I am at an age when I could wear a flat cap but have never chosen to do so, me and hats (other than the woolen type) do not get on.




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I used to do around 200 miles a day as part of my job, I`ve been through the leaning on the horn button and the finger waving phase but since having a 10" knife waved infront of my face I now record on the dash cam and mutter "x*#*!!!" then calmly carry on to my destination. It is better for my blood pressure as well :default_icon_idea:

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  • 1 month later...

Talking about cameras, this morning they have set up a camera on each  exit of the Wroxham Rd NDR round about. There is also a camera on each exit of all side roads on the Wroxham road toward Wroxham itself from the NDR. I note also there have been those rubber tubes across the road near the Wroxham road railway bridge. These are only very tiny cameras on very tall wobbley poles so I suspect it's traffic monitoring.

Yesterday when I went home someone obviously didn't allow for braking on wet roads, as there was a fresh set of tracks across the Coltishall / NDR roundabout , from the Norwich Direction. An already partly demolished road sign was completely flattened

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16 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Yesterday when I went home someone obviously didn't allow for braking on wet roads, as there was a fresh set of tracks across the Coltishall / NDR roundabout , from the Norwich Direction. An already partly demolished road sign was completely flattened

There was a car on top of the roundabout yesterday morning but had gone by the afternoon.

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Talking about cameras, this morning they have set up a camera on each  exit of the Wroxham Rd NDR round about.

What type of cameras? - Monitoring or speed?  Seems strange they would put a speed camera on the exit of a roundabout

There is also a camera on each exit of all side roads on the Wroxham road toward Wroxham itself from the NDR.

Again what type please?  Are these monitoring cameras too or speed ones?

I use the NDR from the Lenwade turnoff from the A47 right through to the Wroxham Rd now, both ways each time I'm visiting the Broads, never had a problem - Yet !

P.S - It's a blast on the Mighty Tiger :default_norty:



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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

Talking about cameras, this morning they have set up a camera on each  exit of the Wroxham Rd NDR round about.

What type of cameras? - Monitoring or speed?  Seems strange they would put a speed camera on the exit of a roundabout

There is also a camera on each exit of all side roads on the Wroxham road toward Wroxham itself from the NDR.

Again what type please?  Are these monitoring cameras too or speed ones?

I use the NDR from the Lenwade turnoff from the A47 right through to the Wroxham Rd now, both ways each time I'm visiting the Broads, never had a problem - Yet !

P.S - It's a blast on the Mighty Tiger :default_norty:



They put similar ones up on the NDR roundabouts before they re-jigged the markings etc. I think they are video cameras used to monitor traffic behaviour to assist planning changes

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On Monday morning there was a black Audi saloon on the top of the Plumstead roundabout.

I really fail to see how they do it. I, like Griff, use the Fakenham road and the NDR when we 

come down now. No problem for me driving but seeing how others drive it beggars belief!

In my view, the only way to make it safer is to change it into a 2 lane roundabout which the

majority of people are familier with. I did say The Majority!

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3 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Talking about cameras, this morning they have set up a camera on each  exit of the Wroxham Rd NDR round about.

What type of cameras? - Monitoring or speed?  Seems strange they would put a speed camera on the exit of a roundabout

There is also a camera on each exit of all side roads on the Wroxham road toward Wroxham itself from the NDR.

Again what type please?  Are these monitoring cameras too or speed ones?

I use the NDR from the Lenwade turnoff from the A47 right through to the Wroxham Rd now, both ways each time I'm visiting the Broads, never had a problem - Yet !

P.S - It's a blast on the Mighty Tiger :default_norty:



all tiny monitoring cameras,

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from what I can see that is just atrocious driving, the cause is the idiot cutting across the front of the other vehicle after attempting to overtake on the roundabout. down here near / in london, if they tried that their car would have been written off within hours of them getting on the road.

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I have been put into a similar situation - luckily in my case the car and I were indicating, but he was overtaking me round the outside and going round to the next exit (turning right), while I was turning right from 1 exit earlier, both of us slowed to give way to the other, then he let me through. (2 lane roundabout onto 2 lane dual carriageway) so yes while you can still get caught out, indicators do help (as does assuming the other vehicle will do the worst possible manoeuvre at the worst possible time- all the time).

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The van driver is going straight on and doesn't need to indicate at that point.

Even if the van had turned into Wroxham road at that point there would still have been an accident as it's a single vehicle exit.

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