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Is The Tipping Point Approaching?


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1 hour ago, Ray said:

I'm with MM, but even when he'll starts to freeze over I'll buy a better heater and pile an extra couple of duvets on the bunk for the first season or two! :12_slight_smile:

I seem to have implied by means of a typo that MM may one day "freeze over" This clearly is not the case  :12_slight_smile:


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11 hours ago, Ray said:

I seem to have implied by means of a typo that MM may one day "freeze over" This clearly is not the case  :12_slight_smile:

Well I am feeling a little chilly this morning! Should I start to worry? (Actually I did enjoy the typo. :)  )

In my history, I have owned 4 boats over a period of 40 years. I have had moorings on the Grand Union, the river Stort and the Broads. I had a period when I didn't own a boat back in the early 90s, but I was not a happy bunny and had to get back into boat ownership ASAP. All this I have had to do on a low budget. So! Why do I tell you all this? It's so I can put some my priorities to you.

First and foremost, I love being on a boat where ever it is. If the Broads became unnavigable, I'd move Nyx to somewhere else, but until that time, I cannot imagine being elsewhere.

So why the broads? because of the variations the broads offers. Some pubs have live music, some have juke boxes and some have piped music or no music at all.

There are moorings with no pub at all, and there are wild moorings.

There are times when the northern waters are like motorways with streams of boats going this way and that,  people everywhere, all trying to have fun, all enjoying themselves, and other times when it's a surprise to see another boat underway. the periods between those times are also a great pleasure.

There are times when the banks are festooned with anglers all sitting in a pool of optimism, and times when there are none to be seen.

The broads can offer the hub-bub of high season, and the tranquillity of the "out of season" period.

Some things change, others do not.

I love it !


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Great post MM :default_drink_2:

My personal tipping point will be physical infirmity till then I will continue to enjoy my boat and all that goes with it, the Broads themselves in all the seasons busy or quiet, all the people I meet the wildlife I see a bit of fishing and a glass or two, I enjoy the odd meal in a pub but could live without them as they are probably the most expensive luxury part of boating, as for running costs etc I would pay treble what I pay now and still consider it value for money for all the enjoyment I get from the time I spend on the boat, I certainly couldn`t get the same amount of pleasure and relaxation any other way and at a price I can afford but then we all have different requirements and priorities so each to their own.


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My tipping point won't be anything to do necessarily with the Norfolk Broads, more finances as my pensions are not that great so when I retire I doubt whether I can keep up with all the expenses of keeping and maintaining a boat, Although we have been boating for over 40 years most of that time hiring, But now in our7th year of boat ownership, In the early days waterways were very crowded and the water very smelly, so there's one improvement quality of the water, yes the ratio of hire boats to private boats has completely reversed, and most private boat owners to some extent know what they're doing, whereas people that are new to hire boats have little instruction before being let loose on the water, not so of course with the seasoned hirers so other than increasing financial burden it is things like boatyards still insisting on hiring to stag and hen parties which normally involves copious amounts of alcohol and bad behaviour and spoiling it for us and others for their own financial gain, the another thing I would say that I miss is all the wild Moorings Which means scrabbling for the reduced 24-hour moorings which are now themselves diminishing.

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21 minutes ago, Paul said:

No, I mean Pennygate Staithe. Barton Turf is a village, it's staithe is called Pennygate.

Not according to Goole maps it's not! :default_icon_e_surprised: However you have done me a real favour as in looking I was intrigued by The ThaiWay that popped up on the map. I do like Thai food. It would appear it is a street food Thai catering van based at a pub that I'd never heard of before. Will have to take a stroll when next in the area and correct that.


Barton Turf Staithe.jpg

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There is no pub where the flag is on the map. There was at least two pubs in Barton Turf and Pennygate not counting the first cottage on the right as you go up the lane that served beer but you are talking years ago.

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1 minute ago, ChrisB said:

I don't know the correct name for the staithe but always assumed the village sign acted as a directional sign post. Now I am not so sure???


I have always looked on that as a directional sign, ie the left ‘arrow’ points to Pennygate which is the next village (hamlet) and the right ‘arrow’ points to the staithe. A number of years ago I saw it referred to by someone as Pennygate staithe but absolutely nowhere could I find it marked as such on a map or anything else. So Paul, please could you point us in the right direction (pun intended!) for absolute confirmation of its correct title. Or Vaughan as of course you are in agreement with Paul. (One of those ‘nice to know’ things, rather like Roy’s of Wroxham which of course it isn’t!)

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3 hours ago, rightsaidfred said:

My personal tipping point will be physical infirmity.


After 60 years of coming to the Broads in a variety of hire craft and latterly a share in Moonlight Shadow and then Lightning, sadly we have had to sell our share because of infirmity.

I can still get around but do have balance issues, unfortunately my wife now struggles to get on and off the boat, which has been causing us real problems when mooring especially on the faster flowing southern rivers.

We are hoping to maybe rent a riverside cottage for a holiday in the Potter area and possibly hire an electric day boat for a day or two.

I will still hang around here and put my tuppence worth in occasionally (for what its worth).

Carry on enjoying the Broads everybody. Lots have things have changed in 60 years - not always for the better - but its still one of the loveliest places to holiday.


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3 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

Not according to Goole maps it's not! :default_icon_e_surprised: However you have done me a real favour as in looking I was intrigued by The ThaiWay that popped up on the map. I do like Thai food. It would appear it is a street food Thai catering van based at a pub that I'd never heard of before. Will have to take a stroll when next in the area and correct that.


Barton Turf Staithe.jpg

I think that is the Thai street food van that used to be on the little industrial estate in Hoveton, opposite the Doctor’s surgeries and health centre on the Stalham - Hoveton main road. It is closed now I believe but maybe this is its new location. 

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25 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

I don't know the correct name for the staithe but always assumed the village sign acted as a directional sign post. Now I am not so sure???


Since that sign is some distance from the staithe in the village of Barton Turf, and the signs do point in the right direction for the village of Pennygate and down Staithe road towards the staithe, I think your assumption of it being a directional sign is probably correct.518221367_VillageSign.thumb.jpg.65cfa0fece8bff73f9330acdde66379a.jpg

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