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Jet Wash - Wanted

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My one at home is an older Karcher model it’s about 15 years old and still going strong , the K4 is £175 ish so dearer than the Aldi offering and about the same power (Aldi slightly more powerful according to the descriptions) .

I guess it’s a matter of tried and trusted for £175 or budget unproven offering at £80 


edited to add , was posted prior to seeing  the negative posting re Karcher above , if it was me I’d risk the Aldi offering and save the £95

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Bear in mind a pressure washer is probably used fairly infrequently and then just chucked back in the garage without another thought, So probably better to go for the cheaper option with a similar specification, reminds me of what my mother used to say when asked how she was, she used to say I feel as though I have been ridden hard and put away wet, Not that I'm comparing my dear old mum to a pressure washer but you see what I mean :8_laughing:

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The best thing you can do when buying yourself a Jet washer is to get yourself a compatible hose extension as the few feet of high pressure hose you usually get included are not really enough. 

I have an old basic Karcher i leave handy at the front of my garage with about 15metres of hose on the lance.  It makes it much easier and more enjoyable to use than having to shift the whole unit round whatever your cleaning and my neighbours cant see that Im using a cheap jet washer that must be over 10 years old, the hose extension probably cost me more!! 


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can't beat this imho, love mine. Initial outlay is a bit high, about 220 for the engine unit and another 120 for the pressure washer but offers a really good generator option as well and a powerfuk dirty water pump which i don't have. It's more powerful than your average electric, and not as expensive as many other petrol units.

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Just reading this on the patio and looked up,

The trusty K4 is out ready for cleaning a 90m2 patio tomorrow.

It has been in use yesterday for the boat,

 It will happily run all day without without a problem. After 5 years the pressure is as good as new.

Buy cheap,  buy twice :default_biggrin:


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Fair point. A popular and often true statement but at £80 that cheapo unit from Aldi comes with a THREE year guarantee all for £80:00.  As has been stated, it won't get used that often either.  During the summer time maybe once a month, but at least once a week when the game shooting season is in full swing

Decisions, Decisions


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I have a Kartcher K4 and it gets used a lot, the last 2 weeks it has done the boat, rear slabs and the cars. I had the last one 8 years then give it to my boy who still uses it. Can recommend 100%

i can see the £80 one very tempting  though knowing the Yorkie blood😂


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15 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

I’m working in Thorne today. Thorne has an Aldi. One new Wirkzone pressure washer now in back of t van. At least three years of operation for £80. We’ll see. 

Tks for rorumites advice once again


Thorne Griff? Nip round to Marine Cafe for a butty my daughter owns it over canal bridge

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4 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Sadly one of our owners used a jet washer on the boat not long after it was polished for the 2018 Season, we ended up having it re polished because the jet washer took off most of the polish. 

They are OK for some jobs but not for all.



I agree, also Jet washing concrete or concrete made paving slabs over time will totally ruin the surface on them,  

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