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1 hour ago, batrabill said:


But there is a bit of a problem, in that the figure which seems to be universal is 97% of climate scientists believe in man made global warming.

That is what is known as a scientific consensus. Or, alternatively, we call this a fact.


I know that a measurable proportion of the population believe that vaccination is a bad. But I don't expect the BBC to include their easily disproved views in intelligent debate.




Saying it's a fact doesn't make it one, to be a fact it would have to be objective and verifiable, man made global warming is neither and remains a theory. 

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2 hours ago, batrabill said:


But there is a bit of a problem, in that the figure which seems to be universal is 97% of climate scientists believe in man made global warming.

That is what is known as a scientific consensus. Or, alternatively, we call this a fact.



44 minutes ago, TheQ said:

One problem is when the figure, Nature provides, do not match what the Climate experts want and they frig the figures.


You can call them facts, but that doesn't make them facts. From the site to which TheQ linked:

"There are a lot of tricks that climate science managers have implemented over the years to fix the temperature record; that is fix it so it shows global warming. “Trick” was the word Phil Jones, a leading United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientist, used to explain to his peers that, when constructing very long global temperature series using proxy data based on tree ring measurements that can extend back thousands of years, it was best to substitute thermometer data for this proxy data from about 1960 because the proxy data started to show cooling from about then. Indeed from about 1960 until 2002 the thermometer data mostly did show warming. But now even this instrumental record is starting to show cooling. Enter the relatively new trick of homogenization."

Please note Mr Jones' status. He's not someone I would expect to set himself up for ridicule. He called it a trick. Others might call it fiddling the figures,

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It appears to me there are a limited number of things we actually know.

Global warming IS a natural phenomenon, we know this as there is evidence of it happening before man's intervention.

Man's intervention is PROBABLY aggravating the current climate shift as we produce carbon emissions which we THINK increase global warming.

Emissions elsewhere in the world mean that whatever further steps we in the UK take are largely IRRELEVANT.

Electric vehicles offer MINIMAL environmental benefit over the most efficient petrol and diesel alternatives. 

Speaking out against climate change is not permitted, be it here or on the BBC.





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3 hours ago, batrabill said:

But there is a bit of a problem, in that the figure which seems to be universal is 97% of climate scientists believe in man made global warming.

that was 10 years ago, you are quoting out of date terms now, you will never find the term global warming used nowadays, they have changed it to climate change, this is a topic i have been following for 20 years now, and when they wer calling it global warming there were a number of us who said that the term should be climate change, ten years ago, that change from global warming to climate change was gradually made and the term global warming phased out of the equation.

climate change means it can get colder as well as warmer.

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6 minutes ago, grendel said:

climate change means it can get colder

Especially for us in the UK. We enjoy an unnaturally mild climate for our latitude due to the warming effects of the Gulf Stream. One theory is that climate change would effect this and make the UK a much colder (at least in winter) place.

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there was a big problem a while back in that every climate model in use was flawed, none of the climate models factored in the ocean currents, thus they didnt account for the gulf stream warming the united kingdom, etc etc etc., it was when someone finally factored in the ocean currents that the term global warming transformed into climate change, as it was found that if parts of the earth warmed up, other parts were going to get a lot colder due to the ocean current patterns changing.

this is why we only hear global warming mentioned by a few newspapers nowadays that have not moved with the current thinking. 

so yes while 10 years ago 97% of climate scientists were backing global warming, that was because those 97% were running flawed climate models on their computers. (admittedly 10 years ago the computing power to add the ocean currents into the models probably did not exist).


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Trying to get sort of back on topic. The one major dislike I have of boating a cruiser is that you inevitably you spend hours sat on top of a noisy and smelly diesel engine. As I have never had the inclination to learn how to tack against the wind up a river, my only route to quiet boating seems to be electric. So if the effect on banning diesel and petrol cars is to reduce the supply of engines to marinise and the fuel to power them and at the same time mass production of batteries and electric motors bringing their costs down to economic levels, then I would welcome it. If the economics are right then to boats and the infrastructure will follow quickly.

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Ah well. What have we learned?

Semantics are what are really important here.

The NBN know better than  all the "experts".

David Attenborough is in it for the money.

All climate scientists are conspiring against us all.

Greta is a puppet.

The BBC are the enemy.



As I said, good luck with everything! Chin chin.

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3 minutes ago, Maxwellian said:

I see this has gone the normal way of broken record until some one throws a dummy out of the pram. Both sides unable to see or accept any other point of view.

That is where forums fall well behind the traditional pub. In a pub, when the conversation starts to repeat, someone usually says 'it must be my round' and then wanders off. When they get back the topic of conversation has usually changed. Which reminds me, how long is it until opening time...

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Using the 97% is ridiculous as it has long since been shown to have been self selecting rubbish. Tens of thousands of Scientists were asked if man affected the environment, who on earth would say no, there was also more than one question which 97% generally agreed with. That does not mean 97% of Climate Scientists agree in CAGW. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. It’s easily googled so I have no idea why anyone would use it nowadays. 
For anyone who believes a scientific consensus ( which there is not) is as fact I suggest listening to Richard Feynman a very famous scientist explaining what a theory is. Fascinating man and the reason I became a scientist.

Flat earth is an example so are co crystals and tectonic plates, neutrinos, atoms, bacteria, all were once thought NOT to exist, it’s called science not belief for a reason. 
Facts start out life as a theory, which leads to a hypothesis which is what is called verifiable ie you can test it. One single thing that doesn’t agree with the hypothesis means the theory is WRONG. That’s science...

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17 hours ago, batrabill said:

Ah well. What have we learned?

Semantics are what are really important here.

The NBN know better than  all the "experts".

David Attenborough is in it for the money.

All climate scientists are conspiring against us all.

Greta is a puppet.

The BBC are the enemy.



As I said, good luck with everything! Chin chin.

Hell hath no fury like snowflake scorned. 

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

I always think you should re-read your post before posting it as if it had been posted in reply to yourself, and if you feel it would upset you if you received it, then its probably best not to post it.

And don't post after too much beer!

I'm not saying that their is such thing as too much beer, it's currently just a theory that needs further research.......

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3 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

I'm not saying that their is such thing as too much beer, it's currently just a theory that needs further research.....



4 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

don't post after too much beer!

I have a golden rule - never touch the keyboard after a few beers

Always wait until the next day. Also I've drafted a post several times and then thought better of it. If I'm not 100% sure of a post I don't post it. 

Only been modded once...........



So far..........:default_swordpir:

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