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Hire Prices - Yikes!


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Maybe the title should be HIGHER prices. It looks as though our planned holiday in April won't be allowed so I started looking at options to rebook with Richardson's. As best I can tell, prices have almost doubled (Covid related no doubt). We were due to go on White Champagne (a HUGE dual family boat that sleeps 10) for a week at the cost of £992. Looking at the same time next year, I can't find anything that sleeps more than 2 - and they're only classic boats! 

Has anyone else noticed this? Is this a disease that has crept in across the whole holiday industry? Is it just Richardson's or is it everyone?

It doesn't look like we can afford to come back any time soon. I am incredibly sad. 

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It's always an Easter week - my wife and I are both teachers. They're always pricier but never this high. 

UPDATE: Herbert Woods, through waterways holidays have prices that are no where near as high. Looks like we'll be cruising from Potter in the near future. Still sad, I love the setup at Richardson's... 

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It’s everyone who’s put there prices up.. We noticed this last September when we booked for this year... And it’s not a small increase..  

One conciliation is if you book this year with Hoseasons ..That’s if you can find any boats left... Is that this years price will be the same for 2022.. 

For the first time ever we have two Broads holidays booked with two different boat yards .. So it will be who comes out on top will be our future bookings... 

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I was certainly surprised by the cost of the boat I was looking at for just a short break in June this year. It was close to what I would have expected for a week. We passed on that and are not now planning to book anything at present. 

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I don't plan on making any bookings of any description until some kind of normality returns to the world.  Im not paying over the odds to go away just for the sake of it.  If that takes another few years then so be it.   I might as well save the cash or put it to other more beneficial uses for the time being.  

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15 minutes ago, SwanR said:

the cost of the boat I was looking at for just a short break in June this year

Was this one of the larger yards Jean? Just having a cursory look at Bridgecraft - their prices look much the same and in fact appear to be pretty similar for next year too. 

We are booked with them for May - this was arranged last year but hopefully we might be OK although I'm not looking forward to encountering the Shagaluff brigade :default_icon_rolleyes:

I'm really hoping, if I ask then nicely, they might do December and if so, I'll really make a meal of it then - as long as nothing else goes wrong of course!!! 

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My usual accomodation in Dorset wants 60% more in late May than in May 2019. 

I suppose that we must realise that these businesses have had to carry their costs without any revenue for many months.

Sure some costs and loans have been defered but they are still there, Banks and Utilities don't go away.

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Prices that go up don't tend to come down again, I just hope that the golden goose that lays the golden egg isn't shafted.

On the other hand I don't see package holidays returning to pre-pandemic/pre brexit prices anytime soon. 

I've long regretted that the less affluent are being priced off the Broads as regards to private boaters, looks like it's the turn of the hirers now. 

Sadly there won't be enough holidays to go round so prices will inevitably rise.

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All holiday firms are banging the prices up Home and abroad... Our Cruise what we was going on in June was cancelled... The same cruise for next year has gone up by nearly £400...

Guess what .. ??
We are not bothering...

I think companies need to have a good think before banging up prices.. Yes they might get it in the short turn.. But they need to think of the future of returning loyal customers who come back year in year out.. And I’m afraid that loyalty has gone out the window this year..

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9 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Prices that go up don't tend to come down again

Sad, but alas very true. We were looking at a return to the Broads in October when our half term is a week earlier than most of the country meaning we get into "low season" but prices are close to double those we paid last time we went, just three years ago. So it looks like we will be taking the caravan out instead. 

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5 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

That's provided your chosen boozer has survived. It looks like Lowestoft's Stanford Arms hasn't, it's sadly closing this Saturday :default_crying1animated:

That's a shame, a proper back street boozer with a nice courtyard and always a selection of decent ales. For those prepared to take the ten minute walk from the beach you got a much better lunch there than on the seafront. 

The Mariner's Rest in the same vicinity is in much the same mould, hope that's OK

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Assume that must be Dave selling up. He's one of the best landlords in the business - if he can't survive then who can? A sad loss indeed, a truly great pub. Won numerous CAMRA awards. I just hope pubs can hang on just that bit longer - I suspect there will be a rush on when they do open again. I'll be in the pub 24/7 - well, almost :default_beerchug:

I do feel so sorry for pubs - they get some support but not enough and they are at the mercy of the likes of the Reuben Brothers if they are tied to a Pub Co. 

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2 hours ago, catcouk said:

We were due to go on White Champagne (a HUGE dual family boat that sleeps 10) for a week at the cost of £992. Looking at the same time next year, I can't find anything that sleeps more than 2 - and they're only classic boats! 

I don't know exactly what you've looked for, but a scan of Hoseasons currently shows 15 boats which will accommodate 10 people available 15th or 16th April 22 for a week. White Champagne is taken but you could have Finesse, Superior Gem, Ultimate Gem, San Bernadette, Pearl Gem, Voyager and Diamond Gem for less than £992, and Majestic Gem for £50 more. Perhaps I've missed something? 

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