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Just A Heads Up- Boat Damaged At Neatishead


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5 hours ago, grendel said:

the fact the fishermen had keep nets seems to indicate some sort of competition, or organised angling event. however it is still unacceptable to cause damage to a vessel that is within its rights to ask for a space to be made to moor up.

Grendel, I hesitate to get involved in this but I must agree with others, that these two sentences clearly suggest that the fishermen were involved in the vandalism.

In any case, why should we not speculate?  this is a discussion forum and an incident like this is of very obvious concern to us all - boater or fisherman - or both, like Griff.  The other day a thread about Cantley was locked, for the same sort of guesswork as this.

Of course we are going to guess, and want to discuss.  This is why we are members of this forum.  Please don't stifle discussion when everyone, in a free society, has the right to ask natural questions.

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It is an unfortunate fact of life these days that there are a minority of people out there that think they can go around damaging, stealing, joyriding etc knowing that they will never get caught.

And we have to pick up the bill for it and suffer the trauma of experiencing it.

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This forum runs because the moderators give their time to make it a safe place for the members.

 Guess what, they aren't always perfect but they always try their hardest.

It is easy to pull individual sentences apart but some have missed the point of the message,

"any speculation here will be removed by the moderation team we will also not allow this to become a war between fishermen and boaters".

From this point on, please don't speculate, we only know a few facts, we are not the police nor are we a court.

The original message was a request for hard facts not wild speculation.


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This is not speculation but a perfectly valid question.  If it was an organised fishing match, should it have been held on a public overnight mooring?  Did  the BA grant permission for this event to take place on their mooring, in the knowledge that there are a lot of boats cruising at the moment?  If so, maybe they should have policed it?

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Please no arguments it's New Year's Eve, we don't want to set a precedent for 2022

This is a very distressing situation for the boat owners and our thoughts have to be with them. At the end of the day it could have been any of us that found ourselves moored up and being paint balled for no fault bar they moored up where they are allowed to!


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This is a very distressing situation for the boat owners and our thoughts have to be with them.

You are so correct.

This is very close to home for me, not only are they mates, but fellow wet shed dwellers.  Just like forumites in here are mates too, some of whom I have yet to meet. My attitude is that if someone harms my mates, they might as well have harmed me, just the way I am, all those years in the RN have sommat to do with that

Would I like to get my hands on the coward scumball that carried out the criminal damage / vandalism? - You bet I would,  but more importantly imho the message has to be transmitted that this kind of carry on cannot and will not be tolerated, I for one will not allow a tiny minority of lowlifes to commandeer 24 Hr moorings to suit their own ends.

Anglers, that is bona fide licence paying anglers (Of which I am one) have fishing platforms stationed all around the Broads where craft are not permitted to berth at all ever.  Boaters be they private or hire have dedicated Ba 24 x Hr moorings paid for by the tollpayer for boats to use.  Anglers are permitted if boats are not berthed up and must give way to boats seeking to berth.  So far so good we all know that.

As far as I am led to believe Anglers do not contribute financially to the 24 x Hr moorings but they can still use them if no boats are present.

There are numerous 'Wild Moorings' around the rivers that are shared between boaters and Anglers on a first come, first served basis.

The above system works if everyone plays by the rules

Read on.

I want to get a message across to that pondlife at Neatishead.  I'm going to do it too.  I have received messages via various means, not just in here of support and offering craft.  So I'm going to berth overnight at Neatishead during the 'Closed' season', only this time there should be enough craft to fill up the entire berths available.  I will then converse with whoever Anglers are there that until the message is received loud and clear that boats have a legal priority, these full berth gatherings will continue out of 'Season' until the message is understood, and better still the pondlife details handed over.  Yes I fully understand that the vandal may not be there when I arrive (Oh I do so hope he/she is) but the message will get through.

Then we can go back to harmony, I suspect the Anglers have the majority of the space utilised seven days a week out of season normally, they can and should continue to do so on the understanding that criminal vandalism will not be tolerated, nor will boaters be intimidated and bullied off what is legally their right that they have paid for

Oh and btw - none of the above is speculation


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4 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

So I'm going to berth overnight at Neatishead during the 'Closed' season',

Just a point of terminology - I assume by closed season, you mean the period when fishing is allowed.  I always thought the closed season was when it isn't!

I am afraid I can't "like" your post as I fear that what you propose will incite open confrontation and public disorder.  Something else Grendel said in his first post is that we must not start a war between boat owners and anglers - although I fully understand your Naval instinct of "Send a gunboat"!

If (and I say IF) this incident had to do with fishermen on a country mooring, we all know it is nothing new and the problem is policing.  It is all very well to have bye-laws and notices but we all know there are virtually no police on patrol out in the county at night, especially over the New Year, so intimidation just goes un-checked.

Also worth mentioning that if the BA can happily task 4 rangers' launches in the high season (double manned) as well as Broadsbeat, to supervise a swimming match on the Waveney, then organised fishing matches on their public moorings should also be supervised.

"What is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander".


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Just a point of terminology - I assume by closed season, you mean the period when fishing is allowed.  I always thought the closed season was when it isn't!

I need to clear this one up and get rid of the confusion, by 'Closed' season I was using the inverted commas, and referring to the boating 'Quiet' season as of course there isn't any 'Closed' boating season.  In hindsight I should have said 'Quiet' season.  You are of course correct the 'Closed' season refers to the closed fishing season commencing on 15th March,  so apologies for that.

Confrontation? - Not from my part.  To repeat mysen I'm after getting the message across that bullying and intimidation will not be tolerated when law abiding boaters are exercising their lawful legal (Paid for) rights, especially my mates

The Lady boat owner was / is proper upset, The Mr boat owner felt intimidated / scared.  They went home early, not to mention the hours of trying to clean up and the long term damage - I'm not having it

After they returned to the wetshed a neighbouring boat owner on seeing the state of their boat asked what had happened (This is normal), then stated we are sailing now and had planned for Neatishead but now will not go

There it is then already - How many other boaters will avoid Neatishead during the 'Quiet' season?

Word gets round the rhond, Neatishead staithe becomes a no-go venue during the 'Quiet' season and the Anglers are having a free for all on moorings they use by kind invitation free of financial contribution against the Broads Authorities conditions of use.  I'm sure the landlord of the pub would not be too pleased about this either, Mr and Mrs boat owner were in the pub for lunch and evening dinner in a group of eight.  That's eight paying customers for drinks and dinner in just one day during the 'Quiet' season that that were - now potentially lost in future.  How many other boaters will avoid Neatishead during the 'Quiet' season?

As for an organised fishing match on a 24 x Hr mooring? Really?  would the Broads Authority endorse / sanction this?  If so I'm sure the Hire yards, Publicans shops etc and of course private boat owners would have something to say about this.  I understand and agree with your point about 'policing' it


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I think we should hold on talking about organised fishing matches on BA moorings. The ones I know of give peg numbers to each angler. I can’t quite see how they could do that at Neatishead. We don’t know the facts yet. 

Also there are some moorings at Potter Heigham that give priority to fishermen over boats in the winter months. I’ve not seen that anywhere else personally but it does mean we should be careful generalising about all BA moorings. 

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6 hours ago, FlyingFortress said:

Thanks Griff

Today I was far too involved in the cleanup and fallout to get too angry 

Now i am angry. 

Full suport to whatever you need me to do. 

The photos of that boat looked familiar, please tell me it's not who I think it is. I am hoping to go there the week after next, it's a long time since we were there.

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I had refrained from engaging in this thread but I think it is time to respect the Mods request and stop speculating or throwing accusations around.

I speak as both a boat owner and angler who used to fish in and help organise matches so I am being objective here and looking at the practicalities rather than jumping to conclusions.

Firstly it is most unlikely permission would have been sought from or granted by the BA for any fishing match on the Broads, secondly not all anglers using keepnets are match fishing although half a dozen mates could hold an informal competition.

Secondly looking at the venue it would almost certainly only accommodate 6 to 10 anglers, anyone who was there on the day can confirm this, given the time of year and nature of the fishing there it is most unlikely that any anglers were there after 4.00 to 5.00 pm but the incident didn`t take place till some time after 10.00 pm and probably later given people on boats or coming back from the pub a long time for someone to hang around.

Now I don`t know anymore than anyone else who the perpetrator is or their motive and I do feel for the distress suffered by FlyingFortress  but until someone can come up with proof lets not go making accusations or starting a war that will help no one, we don`t need lynch mobs or people taking the law into their own hands.



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Flying Fortress didn't get distressed, just angry. The incident was not suffered by him or his boat

I have really tried not to speculate - although respectfully and quietly I would say your post certainly does

Nor am I trying to organise any sort of 'Lynch Mob'    'War' or taking law into anyone's hands as you put it, nor have I hinted at doing so.  I hope that is clear


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5 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Flying Fortress didn't get distressed, just angry. The incident was not suffered by him or his boat

I have really tried not to speculate - although respectfully and quietly I would say your post certainly does

Nor am I trying to organise any sort of 'Lynch Mob'    'War' or taking law into anyone's hands as you put it, nor have I hinted at doing so.  I hope that is clear


Sorry Griff I don't intend getting into a forum argument over this, I was speaking in general but if you think I was referring  to you  your stated intention does sound highly confrontational, regarding Flying Fortress I have no idea who they are  but their second post suggests they were the victim if not then my mistake.


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My stated intention is to exercise my legal right as a private and hiring boater (And Angler) along with a few friends, to get a non confrontational message across nothing more, nothing less.

I will freely admit I would dearly love to meet face to face the cowardly pondlife that caused so much stress to my mates


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Someone posted the culprit would be in the water,    I agree.

Not only that but the person would be wearing the tin on his head and it would be firmly wedged on.

This reflects badly on honest fishermen/women who would be the last people to carry out such a disgusting act.

How awful for the folk who own the boat.


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Hi I would like to say Neatishead is a lovely Village and end of the Mooring for Private and Hirers a like  for Pub / Shops. What a shock for this sort of vandalism and harassment have taken place as these people have no Right to there only by Broads Authority permission if any? With a notice  to all Boaters there was non mooring on  that day so there for they must remind theses angler's to give way to Boats that's including Sailing . I feel this incident must now ask the Broads Authority to put up signs on the Rules re give way to Boaters where there is Broads Authority Free Moorings as to these people should be Caught on Barb Hook and be handed over for the Courts to face Justices for there Crimes that should not have happen in the first place and put behind Bars and ban from there Fishing Activities permanently. That's my rant over. Retired Course Anglia. 



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