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Mooring Fees


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"As space is limited we may move your boat along the moorings to make best use of the space available." That's not something I've seen anywhere else but seems reasonable and potentially helpful. I'd draw the line if someone double moored with me without permission though.

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23 minutes ago, Broads01 said:

 I'd draw the line if someone double moored with me without permission though.

Should never happen as according to the notice, you would be there to be asked. I think it could have been worded better: "...we may ask you to move your boat..."

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Do you have to inform a member of staff that you have finished your meal/drink and will now be leaving the premises in order to return to your boat?

What happens if you find that your boat has been moved in order to squeeze another one in and you notice that some damage has been done to  your boat?


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The wording does seem to imply that there is a possibility at busy times that your boat may be moved and end up double moored!

This is probably just a "reserved right" in case of customers who can't (won't) comply with polite requests.

I predict a reworded notice at some point if and when it becomes noticeable that some privateers are put off from mooring at all 

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I noticed in April last year old gus formerly of the new Inn was supervising the moorings. So that's rack em pack em and stack em.. do not leave the premises without telling a staff member, that's hardly a request, sounds like an order to me. Ummm, I guess with moorings at a huge premium now in Horning they can pretty much do as they like. Il still vist the pub tho, I've always enjoyed sitting outside with a pint. 

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I don’t mind paying a little more at Womack Staithe. That’s not changed in years and is very reasonable.

But that sign for the Ferry Inn is hardly welcoming. I haven’t moored there up to now and I don’t see that changing. What it might do is make spaces at Ferry Marina hard to come by!

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8 hours ago, Broads01 said:

That's not something I've seen anywhere else but seems reasonable and potentially helpful.

Also totally illegal.

Another pub in Horning moved my boat once, while I was in the pub and I have never been back there since.

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Imagine the scenario - you’ve had your meal and return to your boat, moored against the quay heading, to find that another craft has been double moored alongside.  You have an early start in the morning to catch a tide, return to your yard etc. so retire early, only to be woken at ‘chucking out’ time by a party of revellers clambering over your boat to get to theirs.  In the morning, you wake, ready to get going, only to find your neighbours still sleeping , with curtains drawn and no signs of life aboard.  You’re then faced with the task of trying to move the boat and re-secure it, or waiting for them to eventually wake.

Not for me, I’m afraid.  I know Norfolk Lady is ex hire, but she’s ours now and we like to take pride in how she looks and take care in how she’s treated.  I’ll take my custom elsewhere.


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1 hour ago, SwanR said:

I don’t mind paying a little more at Womack Staithe. That’s not changed in years and is very reasonable. . . . . . . . .

Agreed.  It’s a nice spot and we’ll maintained, but I wish they’d put a turbo on the hose!!  I need another shave after I’ve filled with water there! 😉

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45 minutes ago, Ray said:

Imagine running the car park on the same basis 😂

Ever read the Ts & Cs of a car park? Here is one excerpt from a well known national car park chain.


11      Access and re-location of vehicles

11.1   We reserve the right to refuse the admission of any vehicle to the Car Park for any reason whatsoever.

11.2   We reserve the right to move vehicles within the Car Park using whatever method we consider appropriate (even if, as a consequence, damage is caused to your vehicle) to the extent that is reasonably necessary for the purposes of safety to persons or property, or to avoid obstruction at the Car Park.

11.3   We additionally reserve the right to use a lawful authority to remove any vehicle to another reasonably convenient car park, whether or not operated by us, where the Car Park has to be unexpectedly closed permanently or temporarily, either in whole or in part, due to a matter outside of our control, or if the Car Park has to be evacuated in an emergency.

11.4   To the extent that it is necessary to do so in the exercise of the rights conferred upon us in this clause 11, we reserve the right to drive or otherwise take your vehicle onto a public highway. In doing so we will take reasonable care of the vehicle.

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2 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

Ever read the Ts & Cs of a car park? Here is one excerpt from a well known national car park chain.


11      Access and re-location of vehicles

11.1   We reserve the right to refuse the admission of any vehicle to the Car Park for any reason whatsoever.

11.2   We reserve the right to move vehicles within the Car Park using whatever method we consider appropriate (even if, as a consequence, damage is caused to your vehicle) to the extent that is reasonably necessary for the purposes of safety to persons or property, or to avoid obstruction at the Car Park.

11.3   We additionally reserve the right to use a lawful authority to remove any vehicle to another reasonably convenient car park, whether or not operated by us, where the Car Park has to be unexpectedly closed permanently or temporarily, either in whole or in part, due to a matter outside of our control, or if the Car Park has to be evacuated in an emergency.

11.4   To the extent that it is necessary to do so in the exercise of the rights conferred upon us in this clause 11, we reserve the right to drive or otherwise take your vehicle onto a public highway. In doing so we will take reasonable care of the vehicle.

Fortunately, no I haven't lol I wonder if the pub does have a similar set of rules 😱

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36 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

We reserve the right to move vehicles within the Car Park using whatever method we consider appropriate

Be that as it may, the Broads bye-laws state quite clearly that only a BA ranger may move a moored boat without the owner's presence or permission, and even then only in certain circumstances, such as obstruction of the navigation.

Anyone else is not allowed to touch your mooring lines and that includes anyone employed by the pub as a mooring attendant, no matter what well known local character he may be.


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18 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

move a moored boat without the owner's presence or permission

If you pay the pub a fee you have entered into a contract with the pub on its T's & C's. Effectively you have given your permission. 

Most T's & C's are horrific if you actually read them and you would probably end up doing business with no one if you thought they would be applied. In reality it's down to trust, what actually happens in practice that matters. This is new to the pub so we don't know how they will apply it in practice. I would have thought a chat with the mooring attendant would either give you the assurance you needed, or end up sending you somewhere else.

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5 minutes ago, RS2021 said:

or end up sending you somewhere else.

Which indeed it has done before!

Casting off mooring lines amounts to casting adrift.  The vessel is un-powered, un manned and un-supervised by the owner.  What are the insurance liabilities for damage, to that vessel or another that is hit?  What about injury arising from mis-handling?

Say that this is "normal" if you like but I will have none of it.


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27 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

Which indeed it has done before!

Casting off mooring lines amounts to casting adrift.  The vessel is un-powered, un manned and un-supervised by the owner.  What are the insurance liabilities for damage, to that vessel or another that is hit?  What about injury arising from mis-handling?

Say that this is "normal" if you like but I will have none of it.


Totally agree. It's why personal experience and reputation matter more than T's & C's.

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If the t&c’s are duplicated on the back of the mooring ticket issued , you , as far as I understand, have entered into a contract with the Ferry and thereby give your consent for the possibility of their employee moving your vessel.

The Ferry is not somewhere I would normally overnight , particularly in season as it is a bit too boisterous for us.

I do however applaud their £20 being refundable against food AND drink as I cannot see even a couple spending less than £20 in the bar/restaurant if overnight mooring in effect making the moorings free for patrons .

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I've never moored at The Ferry but this year I'm hiring from Clive at Horning Pleasurecraft so may be exploring the T's and C's for pedestrians.  Mind you, it's about 150 metres direct, but nearly a kilometre round all the water that's been left lying about ....

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Not sure what all the hullabaloo is about, their property, their terms. If you don't like them go elsewhere. Simple as. As CC says it's good to see the fee is refundable against drinks rather than just food as it is in so many places. 

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