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I Have Just Been Clobbered By One Of Those B * * * * * Hire Boats!


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8 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

It is very useful and would  think helpful  to many. You can't make an omelette without  cracking eggs.

As I understand you are an experienced chef, I appreciate your advice on omelette making, even though it is out of context of this thread. Would that also be the case for scrambled eggs, that I make far more often that omelettes ?

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6 minutes ago, Bikertov said:

Vaughan - I think your only 'error', if any, was the use of asterisks that could have suggested a swear word.

If, for instance, you had said "bloomin' hire boats", without asterisks, there may not have been any backlash.

Too be honest I was struggling to work out why he felt the need to asterisk out the word bigger, :default_icon_e_surprised: most of them seem to be bigger than my boat these days.

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5 minutes ago, Bikertov said:

As I understand you are an experienced chef, I appreciate your advice on omelette making, even though it is out of context of this thread. Would that also be the case for scrambled eggs, that I make far more often that omelettes ?

You can boil an egg without cracking it, until you want to eat it off course!

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2 hours ago, grendel said:

its always best to adopt the motorcyclists viewpoint, every one else is out to get you, and they will do the worst possible manoeuvre at the worst possible time.

Totally agree, which is why I firmly believe ex bikers understand the condition of the road better that someone who has never been on a bike!

Make an error of judgment on a bike ( or don’t assume the car in front/side/behind isn’t an idiot) and you’re sliding along the tarmac on your bum!

In a car you have a dent in your bumper/wing!

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1 hour ago, Paul said:

The OP goes on to tell us that the adverb used in the description is not a swear word but still sees the need to obscure it with asterisks.

are you certain that the word used was intended to be a swear word? i wasnt, there are any number of words it could have been- Bloomin comes to mind, which is not a swear word, the use of asterisks to me was an attempt to convey the feeling that someone might have if a boat hit them, and as such the word used under the asterisks was irrelevant, it was used to represent a state of mind you could be in following an accident, the exact word was unimportant and could have been different for every person.

this is why we look at the context in which the word has been used, its a bit like comic books where a string of symbols is used when a character swears, you know that they have sworn, but there is no word discernible, and no word needed, their state of mind however indicated a need to swear. much in the same way someone would in polite company say fudge, instead of swearing.

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Just now, Meantime said:

Chuffin! eck! all this fuss over one word. :default_rofl:

that we dont know what word was meant, all i can think is that if some people cant see any other words it could be- well i dont think i ought to finish that thought or i might have to moderate myself.

as moderators we have to look at all possible angles and assume the best intent, rather than judge by the worst intent.

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ah well, I have had my say, and as you rightly point out Grendel there are many words that MIGHT have been intended by the obscuring asterisks. 

Who'd be a f***ing moderator hey


for the avoidance of doubt the asterisked letters should have been lam .......

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Um! Sorry to intrude. Don't wish to cause a fuss. I don't go out much. May I ask how many of you watch television. I can remember the time when a  profanity was used you would here a "BEEP".  

Have you watched TV later?

There is nothing, absolutely nothing considered sacrosanct.

Bring back the BLEEP.  You may wish to consider the playground for children for a starter. Best of luck on that.

Our children and their children, our grandchildren will determine the outcome.

In the meantime we must with a "bleep,bleep, bleep, do our very bleep best"


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Unfortunately it’s the nature of the beast,  most boaters respect others  but me included get caught out.  We expect to get hit at some point this year as we have in the past it’s how it’s dealt with that counts.

Most yards do not want to get involved in repairing wooden boats as this is far more specialised and they often don’t have the expertise, in our case they just offered a cheque without any fuss and left it up to us to organise the repair which we were happy with. 

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When I owned a boat, I would have agreed fully with the title.

Now we hire (rarely).

I would have titled it, insert your own asterisks, beware the rare but entitled arrogant owner.

Last year we were asked to move because an "owner" wanted to moor in the spot we had.

I made great drama of videoing all around then told the prat we used to own, then we got fed up with being collective with his type.


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7 hours ago, SwanR said:

Yes … hire!! :default_eusa_dance:

I apologise Jean, your earlier - most valid - question seems to have been glossed over among the clinical dissection of my asterisks!

What to do if hit by a private boat?

Point 2 in my first post was contact your own insurers.  I should have explained that there is a "chain of command" here.  Your boat is insured by your insurer and it is to them that you make a claim if it is damaged.  If they decide that a 3rd party is to blame, they will then counter-claim against the insurers of the other boat.  That is what I meant by "they will then handle the claim for you".

The problem with a hire boat is that the skipper is never the owner, which is why you have to contact the yard quickly, to get an accident report statement from them.  And I mean quickly!  Don't forget that the day when they hand the boat back, might be the very same morning when the accident happened.

Without an accident report statement from the skipper, insurers will (naturally) not pay out on a claim.  Unless they can be convinced by witnesses.

If you can amicably exchange details with the other boat at the time that is very helpful but if not, the boat and its owner are registered (even on a short visit toll) so let your insurers chase 'em up!

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3 hours ago, Vaughan said:

I was too late to edit the above by adding :

If you are a hirer who is hit by a private boat, just tell the boatyard, and let them chase 'em up!  They are well used to it.

A hirer like a privateer is not exempt from the Byelaws, which are clear on the matter. Both parties should stop as soon as possible and exchange details. If the incident is of a serious nature you should contact the BA as well.

It would also be interesting to see figures for the number of claims made either way! Whilst I don't doubt that private boats hit other boats, private or hire, I suspect this is one area where the dreaded CDW doesn't work out so well for hire yards. A private boat hits a hire boat and apologises to the people on board the hire boat who brush it off with "Don't worry mate, we've paid our CDW so we won't have to pay for it or lose our deposit"

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