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Swan Moorings


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I doubt these pubs will lose many customers.

Imagine someone has hired a Richardson's 45 for a fortnight,  and they spend £20 a night every night. That's £280 extra. Not a massive headache. 

We may jump up and down in outrage, but the pubs will just fill their moorings with posh boats who can afford it. I suspect that's the objective. 

No, you can vote with your feet until all the pubs are doing it, when you'll have the choice, drink on board or bite the bullet and cough up.

Horning has the advantage of only a few public moorings so the waterside pubs have the boating fraternity by the short & curlys. Get used to it 'cos it ain't going to change any time soon.

See you in the bar.

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Only £280 added to some boats charging over 3k a week is a fair amount  of money.Yes pubs like many businesses have taken a big hit and need to make money.Is it the correct way? Yes We're  local and have the option  by car or boat.I have often  spent a fair bit on food and drink in pubs.If as some are charging a fee and not refunding against food.Plus if the good is not pleasant,I won't go.As some have said there will be others that fill the gaps.Not me I will go elsewhere.

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If as MM says their goal is to fill up the moorings with posh boats and people with money, although I wouldn't feel ashamed of mooring up in a little beaten up bath tub because it's all I can afford, I work hard for my money and will not be ripped off. You can buy some nice wine and create a nice meal (well not me obviously :facepalm:) on board and not set foot off the boat x

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I don't mind paying for moorings to be honest. In fact I'd rather more private land owners were encouraged to open up their land and charge for moorings, it would answer the problem of limited moorings and somewhere nice to moor. Futhermore I'd be happier to pay private land owners than continued increases in the tolls to the BA at least that way you have some control on costs.

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8 hours ago, Davydine said:

It doesn't seem unreasonable to charge a mooring fee on a private mooring as long as there is a refund against a meal.

I have to admit that I have never actually moored in Horning. Is there even a Broads Authority free mooring there?

Yes on the village green just near the Swan . . . but you'll be lucky to get a mooring there especially in the main boating season.

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Let the rich folk spend all their money there and keep the place open for all us cheapskates! :default_trophy:

Thanks to the free parking Horning is a nice place to visit anyway, depending on how much you want to drink. Is it possible to moor for free near to Horning and walk to the pub?

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You are supposed to be able to park at the village hall and walk down the hill.  There are yellow lines for a fair stretch of Lower Street which activate I think at Easter/April

People often park close to where the Petersfield used to be..........


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I think I have been lucky and managed to moor there twice now, it all comes down to luck, if you see someone just leaving, its almost obligatory to dive right in and moor up, even if you have only managed a mile or so or have other plans for the day- just so you can say you have managed it, I remember a few years back we managed to get the whole of the lads week on the staithe moorings (doubled up certainly), I reckon if there had been only 1 space we would have been 4 abreast.

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

I think I have been lucky and managed to moor there twice now, it all comes down to luck, if you see someone just leaving, its almost obligatory to dive right in and moor up, even if you have only managed a mile or so or have other plans for the day- just so you can say you have managed it, I remember a few years back we managed to get the whole of the lads week on the staithe moorings (doubled up certainly), I reckon if there had been only 1 space we would have been 4 abreast.

I did exactly that, was passing, saw a space and dived in. Upon reflection it was so tight I probably would have given it a miss normally but for my determination to moor there. I’ve been lucky a few more times, but in the winter…

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I have managed Horning Staithe many a time, both in and out of season, however as popular as it is it really is one of those blink and you'll miss it opportunity type of moorings.

As Bluebell says above, you normally have to go for a tighter than you'd care to try spaces but it's all good fun fitting into a super tight spot and enjoying your 10 pints in the local pubs with a smug sense of satisfaction

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