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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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5 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

There is nothing wrong with fenders down unless they are dragging in the water.



It was a tongue in cheek comment due to fact whenever seen the Rascal on BA  in passing that the fenders are always up !  But in future I shall keep my observations and thoughts to myself .

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30 minutes ago, lakesailor said:

It was a tongue in cheek comment due to fact whenever seen the Rascal on BA  in passing that the fenders are always up !  But in future I shall keep my observations and thoughts to myself .

I found it funny. I was looking for the blue one.

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Life's too short and a Broads holiday is way to short, to spend much time worrying about dangling fenders, or neatly coiled ropes... Spend a little time keeping your boat clean and tidy, but spend most of your time enjoying yourself and having fun... :14_relaxed:

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Can’t really put fenders up on Trixie, not enough deck space  I too smiled at your comment - nice to see  

’B.A’ always has fenders up when underway. It’s a habit / pride thing and only takes a minute. With me it would be like setting off in a car and leaving the boot / rear hatch open. Chessing ropes down however is a safety issue, primarily for crew, secondly for ‘B.A’ and lastly it looks good/proper

Sailed yesterday about 1000 - more to follow


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It is a Navy thing as well. A warship leaving port with a fender left hanging over would receive a stiff reprimand from the port admiral, by light signal, for all other ships in harbour to see!

In my childhood all private boats on the Broads raised their fenders. This was probably because their owners had all been through the War, mostly in the Navy and it was, as Griff says, a matter of pride, and seamanship. All hire boats also raised their fenders and were told to do so on the trial run! All of Hearts Cruisers' boats had just 3 woven sizal rope fenders on each side, but I don't think we got any more damage than there is now - probably less.

Nowadays no hire boats raise fenders and in some cases, they are chained on! 

So, like flag etiquette, there is not much left of it these days, but it nice to see it, when it is done right!

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We called  at the Beauchamp Arms for a lunchtime snifter n some cheesy chips n stuff. They have done a great job of decorating / renovating the inside. Outside is progressing too. That also now have overnight accommodation available too.

Sailed for Coldham Hall. Met up with Simon n Sonia aka River Song. Coldham stop doing food at 1800 so we had Sunday dinner at 1755. Eventually retired to the lawn aft of our three craft for the evening. Came face to face with non other than Ricardo - proceeded to have a frank and open discussion

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Yes it was  I was glad to have met him face to face and issues got ‘Sorted’

We retired late on as one does. Tuesday was programmed to be Indy day. 

Tuesday and up fairly early. Robin took Simon / Sonia over to Brooms to a waiting taxi for an appt they had. Trixie had/was suffering major electrical issues so over he went to NYA who had her diagnosed in what seemed no time and sorted her at last although it cost Robin the price of three ruined batteries that were only a few months old  

Meanwhile a dead swan appeared by our moorings in the water. This was a fully grown one too. What to do? Leave it in the river? That could have led to consequences for other wildlife. On the phone. Swan rescue advised I contact NN Council, they advised  the envoirnment agency - who were as helpful and as much use as toothache. Slope shouldering, to the extreme stating it was the landowners responsibility I reminded them that it was in the river - Crown property? I asked them if they thought I Should I ring Buck house and get her staff to deal with it? The Broads Authority to the rescue. Under advice I hoiked it out, checked for damage / hooks / line - none I could see. Bagged it up. A ranger collected it after we departed


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There was I Monday afternoon having a quiet well earned drink in the bistro at brundall when this rabble and pile of old planks turn up!


have to say Griff from where I was she looked very lovely. :default_beerchug:

I would have poped over to say hi, but had to go and get the missus from the hospital. 

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By the time we eventually got into Brundall gardens it was 1500.  River Somg had made her allocated mooring hours ago as had Trixie of course. It was 1600 before we made our allocated NYA berth having had a pumpout at freshwater harbour. Brooms stopped selling fuel at 1530 so the plans and day had got in front of us. Decision made, Indy day would now be Tuesday. Had a forumite visit ‘B.A’ for a look round. Enjoyed his company. MrsG and Macie dog stayed onboard as did S&S. Myself and Robin ventured into Norwich for the evening via the local train. Saw Doug’s office. By 2330 it was lights out


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Tuesday - River Song away early bound for the Northerns. By 0900 three of us + Macie dog sailed on Indy, back alongside by midday reported on the ‘Indy’ thread

1200 we sailed now back onboard Indy’s tender - ‘B.A’

Rendesvoud with Bollysnigh and Malanka at Coldham bound for Norwich. Wx again proper hot. Through yacht station and into New Mills pond, came about then moored alongside Ribs of Beef pub. No problems, no issues, no lesser spotted shopping trolleys. Depth was fine as was bridge clearance heights. We did however get close to touching bottom in the pond. Our depth display started to display information in inches below the keel rather than feet.  Bollysnigh carried on downriver.


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23 hours ago, grendel said:

come now we are talking yorkshiremen here, probably swapping bad jokes.

Well what some people have mentioned on the forums about Griff's jokes, I can assume Ricardo lost the will to live after 5 minutes. I bet though that Ricardo is raising a glass to his adversary with friends and mentioning that he was a boat builder, which I believe not a lot of people on these forums knew that!:default_biggrin:

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The Ribs of Beef have one of their rooms with a balcony over the river which is ideal, easy access on / off the boats. Their Chef however had been taken ill which kyboshed eating in the pub they kindly allowed outside  food ordered in. Then off to the pictures to see Spitfire which was amazing. Back to Pub for drinks,  nibbles from onboard then sometime later, lights out


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Wednesday, I actually did some early morning fishing, first time this week and caught precisely nowt.  We then moved off down to the yacht station and spent the whole day there and overnight.Jason n Sonia Hatch visited, not seen them for ages. Had evening dinner in the Lion at Bishops Bridge - recommended. Boris Dog fell in v late on, which did not phase him one jot but gave us bipeds a few anxious moments till we got him out


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8 hours ago, VetChugger said:

I'm curious why we no longer seem to see anything of Ricardo here? I always appreciated his interesting contributions and they add to the enjoyment of this forum.

if a member asks to be removed from the forum, we oblige that request under gdpr, and are unable to comment on individual cases.

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Thursday, head back north. Sailed at0900 in company with Malanka. Non stop to Ranworth island. 7 x hours non stop. Against tide to GYA then flood up the Bure. Met up with Trixie near to Acle.  Bbq on the island last night. We are still here in blazing sunshine yet again


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