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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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you must have been behind me catching up, I was cruising at 2000 rpm (nominal 5mph ) at 5.8mph and then as I approached the Chet I dropped to 1800 rpm and 5mph, until i got into the chet then i virtually stopped for a few seconds until i was doing 2mph, I had to boost back to 2000 to get up to 4mph up the chet, arrived Lodden basin 10.20, plenty of spaces, hooked up to electric and will fill with water later.

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Guest Jayfire
35 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

I'm helming in under crackers, shades and a smile, nowt else 

Not an image I need putting into my mate cheers, for God's sake keep the bloody camera locked away :default_biggrin:

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30 minutes ago, grendel said:

you must have been behind me catching up, I was cruising at 2000 rpm (nominal 5mph ) at 5.8mph and then as I approached the Chet I dropped to 1800 rpm and 5mph, until i got into the chet then i virtually stopped for a few seconds until i was doing 2mph, I had to boost back to 2000 to get up to 4mph up the chet, arrived Lodden basin 10.20, plenty of spaces, hooked up to electric and will fill with water later.

We are at Pyles mill never seen the water so low has someone pulled the plug ?  

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We made the wetshed for around 1535. Never can I remember it being this hot. Never have I seen so many people cooling off in the rivers or Broads either. Topless deck totty in abundance throwing modesty in the drink too, sadly not onboard 

MrsG has completed a Covid clean prior to friends arriving onboard about 2030 ish. We then depart Stalham yet again.   So far the Beta has consumed 108Ltrs ish of dyno fuel and I don’t give a jot. All used for our enjoyment. Greta Thumburg will be furious if she ever finds out :default_smiley-taunt014:

We have topped up water, offloaded some Items and laundry into van, visited Tesco. We now sit here with in Richo’s basin under a lowering sun and a God sent breeze  Pizza n Lager. I admit to having given up on Ale, just too hot  although Budweiser was ok till I ran out

i might get my rod out for an hour






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Sailed and arrived on Barton Broad for about 2130 last night. Mudweight deployed. There are about 14 other craft on mud weights outside the marked navigation channel.

Up at 0530 fishing - pants so far

Thank goodness it’s cooler this morning 




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Sailed at about 0930 for Horning. Called in at Southgates for a pump out (£15) then on the front at New Inn. Had a couple in the garden. Girls went off to get bbq meat but drew a blank as butchers sadly shut. So instead of stopping at Salhouse it was off to Wroxham. After securing victuals we meandered on one of my favourite stretches of river to Coltishall common. BBQ and fishing followed by the tv on. One eyed stag regarding tomorrow’s plans



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It was operated by Tasty Meats , they’re still trading from their farm shop and if you used to enjoy their meats/hampers they are happy to deliver them to your boat yard if ordered in advance .

I used to use them regularly but we now go to Ludham butchers ( 01692 678226) who are IMHO just as good and slightly more competitively priced I find .

Tasty Meats contact details below 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm, seems I never finished off this holiday tale so I now could be in a time warp and still at Coltishall common :default_ohmy:

Now of course I can't remember exactly what we did where and when,  The written Log with all details is onboard where it should be

I think we stayed overnight at Ranworth staithe Friday 14th and the last night (Saturday 15th) was at the Lock mooring at Coltishall where we visited the Recruiting Sergeant for evening dinner.  Sunday 16th - meandering up the Ant with hands to clean ship whilst underway. Sutton Yard for a pump out and diesel before returning 'B.A' to the wetshed.

That completed 17 glorious days afloat, and they were glorious too, the weather was hot hot hot, dare I say too hot somedays and we would really have enjoyed air conditioning onboard.

Over those seventeen day, we used 169 x Ltrs of diesel averaging 10 Ltrs per day but we did do a lot of river miles.  Never was the heating used of course.  We only had two pump outs too, the second one barely needed but we always have a pump out needed or not before tucking her up in her home berth.

Fishermen - There is a HUGE perch that hunts at Coltishall common.  I saw it numerous times darting out from under 'B.A' whilst we were there moored up, once it latched onto a small roach I had hooked.  What happened was surprising to say the least.  Perch (Jaws)  let go of the roach, I landed it unharmed, remove the hook (Barbless) and returned it to the water when said perch darted out from under 'B.A's stern and swallowed it whole!  I couldn't nearly believe it if I hadn't seen it.  Was the perch laying in wait knowing it was to be returned to the water? Really?  I couldn't have a go at tempting the Perch as had no lures with me, there is no way it would have been tempted by a worm as it was far to big for such morsels.  But I know it's there and one day will return in the winter months - I don't predator fish in the summer warmer months

Seeing so many friends whilst afloat was a real tonic after lock down and partial easing.

Having Grandson onboard was the highlight.  Charlie-Ray is nearly three now.  His speech is typical of his age, some short sentences but plenty of words non stop it seems.  I was at Wroxham fishing off the foc'sle with him, this was his first time fishing proper.  I landed a decent bream explaining to him how to unhook etc.  He touched the fish of course and was fascinated with the whole experience.  The fish kicked and landed on the deck, then flapped about, I retrieved it then returned it to the water.  His Nanna asked him what he thought about seeing his first fish and he replied with no hesitation:-

'I nearly Sh1t myself'

Needless to say there was a pregnant pause from me and MrsG, did we really hear that correctly?  Before we both burst out laughing.  Just where before had he heard that then? And how to get it in context so precisely?  His Mum was non too chuffed when we told her.  We on t'other hand will never forget it.

So, we got spoiled afloat, the wooden boat show was the primary reason to be on the rivers in the first place - That was a success - it always is and we hope to attend the same event in 2021.

'B.A' was out again last weekend (Bro') I'm due onboard her next month for the annual infamous 'D88 Broads Boiz' weekend afloat - Six aging reprobates ex HMS Glasgow Communicators.  That's always challenging at best but one we always enjoy.  So far this year 'B.A' has been crewed up for a total of only forty one days, not nearly enough but we have the blasted Covid to thank for that.  She is presently booked out for another seventeen days this year as things currently stand with a few more to come I hope




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  • 5 weeks later...

Crewed up yesterday afternoon / evening. Stayed in wetshed due to strong winds and rain. Sailed at 1100 today after a FCE onboard. 

Ludham Bridge only 7ft 6” headroom so canopy down in the rain - marvellous. 

Attempted to berth at Ranworth but due to poor mooring form those alongside we failed (Annoyed)

Horning full, craft side on moored at New inn with the garden flooded

Now heading for Wroxham in the rain


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