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Everything posted by Heron

  1. Just read the comments on this thread from the last couple of months. Lets face it as a nation we are in denial. Inflation 2.1%, I wish! Brexit uncertainty. We are told Employment figures going up in leaps and bounds, who are they kidding? The National Park tag putting people off because we do not want to holiday as part of a crowd, a popular image of NPs. The High Street on the rocks, the growth of food banks, and there are plenty more reasons why people cannot afford a holiday on the Broads.
  2. UPDATE: Pelican is back this afternoon on Stalham staithe, now I know about homing pidgeons, but never a homing pelican.
  3. We recently spent 9 days going from the North to the South and back again. We only saw a ranger boat on days 8 & 9 when we returned North. One thing that does make us curious is that we often see more rangers out and about Autumn through to Spring, rather than in the high season. Just an observation. Certainly would not criticise the ranger service but would much prefer a greater presence.
  4. Looks like it is a bad year for the boatyards. As far as I can see Richardsons still have a lot of boats tied up and and a good number not hired next week. With the economy up the creek and other factors, this could have a long term affect on the hire yards.
  5. The resurfacing on the A149 at Stalham are hardly a disaster! Follow the warning speed limit, 20 mph, and you will not go far wrong. The road has probably needed a top dressing for some time and should now make it a lot safer. Yesterday I saw a motor cycle doing a wheelie on the stretch now resurfaced, that is what makes the road a potential disaster.
  6. I believe that what the BA would like to achieve is wrong and threatens any kind of local aut hority involvement, clearly it needs to be blocked. HOWEVER , we have a government that is not interested in what the people think or would prefer, so do not be surprised if the BA gets away with its plan. At the end of the day, it is up to us to put in place leaders that support the public point of view. We need to take this as yet another warning. Don't let the likes of Gove fool us again.
  7. Herbert Woods have 14 boats available in March with 40% off the original price. Are bookings down? I also notice that there appears to be a lot of boats still available in the summer having looked at Woods and Richardsons.
  8. Hope they do not use the NDR, more of the signs could be at risk.
  9. I don't think it will be a redesign just a few adjustments. The County Council had the roundabout under cameras so they could assess the way people drive on approach and around it, and the changes will be to attempt to adjust driver behaviour. Good luck to them on that one LOL!
  10. It all goes well until the reference in the press release to the Broads National Park at which point it will be lost to so many people, shame really.
  11. The red & white tape also appears on land that is nothing to do with the BA. There was a time not long ago that some of the wild moorings on Stalham Dyke were taped off, only for anglers or private boaters to appear later. If the BA want to close one of the BA a moorings there should be a BA sign. If a BA sign appears on private land it probably means there is a navigation issue, or someone with influence has pulled strings.
  12. The Fine Dining thing really amuses me. Worst meal I have had since moving to Norfolk was at the Gunton Arms, give me genuine good food at a sensible price and I go back, but I choose carefully.
  13. If a driver cannot see a blooming great roundabout in front of them what hope have people on a pedestrian crossing got?
  14. Well that should ensure the line is protected.
  15. I think a similar method was used in the days of the wherries where they dragged chains to stir up the silt so it was flushed away on the falling tide.
  16. I keep a pair of leather palmed gardening gloves on board for use lowering and retrieving the mud weight. Very cheap even in garden centres and much kinder on the hands.
  17. The Q said One of the problems with these roundabouts is their angles launch the car towards the middle / inner lane of roundabout and it is physically an uncomfortable effort to keep in the outside lane to turn left. Could speed have something to do with this?
  18. I wonder if the Highway Code might give some of us a clue about negotiating a roundabout?
  19. If everybody gets into the correct lane to navigate the roundabouts and obeys the rules, there should not be any problems. Sadly, being British, we are incapable of getting this sort of thing right as we all must get past the vehicle in front at all costs. Take a look at most of the roundabouts in Norwich, most have signage instructing drivers to merge in turn. Too many drivers either do not understand what this means or think it does not apply to them!
  20. Never really understood this policy and a major fault with this forum. If a comment is accurate / true there is little to worry about.
  21. The boats may have been purchased to prevent another yard getting them. They have a ready made outlet to sell them on privately, one or two at a time.
  22. Never mind, we'll have a high speed train nobody wants and nuclear weapons that will be good for us in Norfolk. Despair!
  23. Wonder if there are any implications for the Boating side of the business?
  24. BBC------- Probably the most listened to and watched broadcaster in the World. Relied upon to get it right most of the time and prepared to challenge even our own government. Got a bit too right wing recently but no doubt it will balance things out eventually. Compared to £18 a month to watch Premier League football, it is excellent value.
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