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On 31/08/2019 at 20:59, grendel said:

my dad has just had to replace his james hoover, he got a henry to replace it as it had decided to smoke heavily (as in thick electrical magic smoke*). when he checked back in his records to when he bought it, it was 31 years ago, and cost £129, the replacement henry was only £99

* all electrical items contain magic smoke to make them work, if you release the magic smoke they stop working.

Dave, Ali is allowed to hug me if she wants to. i dont bite.

And the thicker the cable,the more magic smoke come out!

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Good news and less good news today. 

Good news, l thought there was a lot of filler in the cabin front..there is only a bit. 

Less good news a limited amount of rot in the tabernacle but nowhere worrying and fixable.

News to ponder.. said cabin front is probably mahogany and a completely different colour from the sides. We were not planning to colour the varnish ...


Anyway, today we heat stripped the port side, cabin, cockpit coaming and part of the cabin front; sanding  tomorrow then on to the starboard for more of the same. :default_sailing:

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12 hours ago, Polly said:

News to ponder.. said cabin front is probably mahogany and a completely different colour from the sides. We were not planning to colour the varnish ...

Celebrate the colour difference, thats the glory of wood, its all different, just finish and varnish it to bring out its natural appearance.

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It's amazing what can be achieved with a little dye. in 1989 we bought  a Shetland 760 - one of only 3 hulls built by them in that size apparently and each one fitted out by a different  company. It was a lovely boat and my first and I still have  a really soft spot for her, it was beautifully and imaginatively fitted out  - with one exception the instrumentation dials were set in padded vinyl that was a  delightful shade  of baby poo yellow!  Likewise the large quilted vinyl seat that went the full width of the stern across the cockpit. We weren't competent to dismantle  all the instruments to re-upholster and getting it done by a   professional was economically unviable for us at that time so several bottles of Lady Esquire shoe dye in a lovely shade of cornflower blue were purchased. We set to work one afternoon shortly before going home so that it would have plenty of time to dry  undisturbed. It looked great and held up really well for the 5 years we owned her. We came across the boat at a lock  in 2010 and it still looked good  even after  all those years of use.





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