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Vanity Project On Hold!

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3 hours ago, Boatingman said:

the building looked fit for purpose was clean and had obviously been repainted not derelict and unuseable as an ear!her BA statement 

That it was near derelict was certainly mentioned as a justification for knocking it down and replacing it with a nice, new black (white) elephant.

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This was one of my favourite locations on the Broads as a kid, the shop sold just about everything a 10 year old would want. When I was much older my family hired a boat and my sister's fiancé came with us (he later was stupid enough to marry her). He had moored at the Bridge Inn overnight and decided that once cast off we would go under the bridge and moor up at the shop to get a morning paper. We had hired a dinghy and my sisters fiancé (we'll call him Gavin as that was his name) decided he'd row across the river to us. We duly set off and moored up at the shop, bought a newspaper and some other bits and pieces, and waited for Gavin... 10 minutes later and no sign of him, another 10 minutes and my sister was starting to get concerned so we headed downstream to find him. Surprising how far down the river the current had taken him, he was down near Stokesby by the time we caught him up...

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37 minutes ago, chrisdobson45 said:

This was one of my favourite locations on the Broads as a kid, the shop sold just about everything a 10 year old would want

It was a mandatory stop for our family (well for me anyway as a kid).  I loved that shop and always spent my holiday pocket money in there.  Happy memories:) 

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10 hours ago, twowrights said:

We visited the café three weeks ago, it was perfectly usable, clean and tidy. That artists impression is an awful looking building, in my opinion.

The artist impression of the  inside of the building and internal construction is not that different from the Cafe in the Norwich Cathedral.



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I shall "Box-the-Tide" I like the building. If you come up the A11 for your first Broads Holiday or down the A47 and follow The Broads signage this is where you get. It is The Gateway to The Broads for many aiming for Richardsons, Herbert Woods, Martham and Hunters as well as those landbased at Winterton, Palling, Mundesley etc. It is about time The Broads had a bit more "Style" and I sincerely hope it gets financed and built because I think it will be a success.

EDIT PS. Nostalgia is fine, it was first coined as a phrase  to describe the "homesickness" of the Swiss who's main industry some few hundred years ago was as "soldiers of fortune. Mercenaries" But it does not aid progess. " no good looking back, no future in it"

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If anybody has 750k going spare please please whatever you do do not give it to the Broads Authority. 

30k in costs already.....not a significant sum of money the BA claim.  Well if you have it to waste it must be pocket fluff....

Why oh why are there always “Consultancy” fees....

Maybe we could go a year without a Toll Increase.....reinstall some confidence instead of spraying 30k up the wall on a pipe dream...

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11 hours ago, dnks34 said:

30k in costs already.....not a significant sum of money the BA claim.  Well if you have it to waste it must be pocket fluff....

Why oh why are there always “Consultancy” fees....

"Including the purchase of the land, the short-term improvements to the site and the costs of design work, around £280,000 has been spent by the authority on the 1.1-hectare plot.

Of this sum, £180,000 was spend purchasing the land, £70,000 on the improvements and around £30,000 on the project itself - including costs to winning architects Feilden and Mawson, design work and consultancy fees."

I think taken in context, "Not significant"   isn't too far off the mark.

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

I think taken in context, "Not significant"   isn't too far off the mark.

As a small child I was told by my ancient and wise Granny that if I looked after the pennies then the pounds would look after themselves. Thirty thousand by itself might be paltry, just pocket money to some, but add that to the other questionable expenses, consultancy fees leading nowhere for example, and they don't half add up! So whilst I agree with you, MM, I also agree with Richard.

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