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Visual Deficiency Syndrome


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I want to talk to you all about a very serious illness that affects thousands of children all over the United Kingdom - Visibility Deficiency Syndrome.

While normal children can be seen by fellow members of society, children with VDS struggle with a cloak of invisibility that makes it impossible for others to acknowledge their existence.

The owner of this car just parked in this parent and child space and walked off with his children close behind. It was clear that they all suffered from this terrible illness. People are always so quick to judge, but until you have walked a mile in his shoes you’ll never know their pain or agony.

There are no common genetic factors for parents who end up having children with VDS. For some reason, it often happens to adults who own Audis, BMWs, Land Rovers, or souped-up, sporty Ford w**kwagons like the one pictured here.

So the next time that you spot someone walking away from a car that is parked in a parent and toddler space, seemingly without any children, just stop for a minute before giving them any abuse. Let’s raise VDS awareness.

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I often park in parent and child bays and don't give pink f... who doesn't like it. Why do whingers always whinge when a person does something they don't like or agree with.?. If they're NOT affecting or hurting you, what's it got to do with you?, mind your own sodding business and stop trying to take the so called moral high ground. 

The big problem with society today is is people poking their noses in where it's totally unnecessary. 

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3 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

I often park in parent and child bays and don't give pink f... who doesn't like it. Why do whingers always whinge when a person does something they don't like or agree with.?. If they're NOT affecting or hurting you, what's it got to do with you?, mind your own sodding business and stop trying to take the so called moral high ground. 

The big problem with society today is is people poking their noses in where it's totally unnecessary. 

We often have trouble getting our grandchildren out of the car when there are no mother / child spaces as they are wider allowing more access to get them out of the child seat .

Yes there is a big problem in society with people “poking their noses in” but there is also a much larger problem where an individuals selfish behaviour causes unnecessary problems to others .

Im not saying this to take the moral high ground as I have personally been inconvenienced by others choosing to ignore the signage in many cases ,and indeed by your own admission your own , deliberately.

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36 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

I often park in parent and child bays and don't give pink f... who doesn't like it.

Because you have a disability though right? I mean you must have in order to save the 3 metre walk from a space opposite right?

I mean as long as you're alright, why help out a mum who can perfectly well struggle to get a baby out of the rear door through a 12 inch gap between the car next door with a changing bag the size of a suitcase.

You talk about problems in society, I see different problems in society to the ones you are looking at.

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When I was in my mid/late twenties I was rather over confident! After all I drove a bright blue Subaru Impreza which at the time was about the most hated car on the road! One summer afternoon I pulled into the supermarket, straight into the last child/parent space. Bingo!

Before I had half of myself out of the car a mum with kids in the car had pulled up behind shouting and screaming, calling me things that no child should hear.

I said nothing but kept eye contact with her during this torrent of verbal whilst getting my baby Daughter out of the back seat.... 

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1 hour ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

The ones who park slap bang in the middle of TWO normal parking bays make me smirk.

Maybe (like me) they`re fed up with paying out a lot of money for the first time to treat themselves after many years of hard work and going without, to a new car, only to have some mindless ***** get out and smash their old bangers door into their pride and joy?. 


Next one please.

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1 hour ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

I often park in parent and child bays and don't give pink f... who doesn't like it. Why do whingers always whinge when a person does something they don't like or agree with.?. If they're NOT affecting or hurting you, what's it got to do with you?, mind your own sodding business and stop trying to take the so called moral high ground. 

The big problem with society today is is people poking their noses in where it's totally unnecessary. 

Surely you are posting tongue in cheek or as devil's advocate?

We all do suffer from a breakdown in tolerance. Adherence to the polite norms, respect, kindness, generosity and simple good manners are what make a civilised society. The reason our society seems less and less civilised is in part the growing disregard for others, the "I'll do what I want" attitude spawns the very do-gooder interference mentioned.. yes it is often over done but that's what happens with any backlash, it's a push back against the mean spirited and selfish.

I agree that there is an alarming and annoying amount of people who seem to actually look for reasons to be offended, don't let them blind you to the real problems of ordinary people who suffer from the don't care attitude of others!

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27 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Maybe (like me) they`re fed up with paying out a lot of money for the first time to treat themselves after many years of hard work and going without, to a new car, only to have some mindless ***** get out and smash their old bangers door into their pride and joy?. 


Next one please.

The best way to get a "Ding" in the side of your car is park next to a car with a baby seat in a car park. That is why Mothers and Toddlers Spaces have extra room, so mum with rear door on her posterior does do wack it into your car. By taking their places you are making the problem of parking spaces that have not grown with modern cars worse.

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2 minutes ago, Ray said:

Surely you are posting tongue in cheek or as devil's advocate?

We all do suffer from a breakdown in tolerance. Adherence to the polite norms, respect, kindness, generosity and simple good manners are what make a civilised society. The reason our society seems less and less civilised is in part the growing disregard for others, the "I'll do what I want" attitude spawns the very do-gooder interference mentioned.. yes it is often over done but that's what happens with any backlash, it's a push back against the mean spirited and selfish.

I agree that there is an alarming and annoying amount of people who seem to actually look for reasons to be offended, don't let them blind you to the real problems of ordinary people who suffer from the don't care attitude of others!

That`s very well put. Unfortunately, in my 61 years, i`ve always been very keen to consider others, yet when i needed consideration, it was never forthcoming. The hard knocks of society have taken their toll on me, so i`m afraid i`ve taken on the attitude, if you can`t beet them, join them. Now i my life seems to suffer far less frustration due to letting others get on with things themselves. 

Add to that the fact i have no cartlidge in my right ankle, so am in constant pain and walking with a permanent limp, yet i`m not entitled to a blue badge, i get thouroughly p....d off when i see so many empty P+C parking bays close to the shop, yet i have to suffer constant pain because of a lack of thought. If parents are able bodied enough to get kids out of cars with buggies etc,  they`re able boddied enough to walk a greater distance to the shop.  

One thing i don`t do is park in disabled bays, well i will if i have an asthma attack and can`t walk too far due to being unable to breathe properly.

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6 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

The best way to get a "Ding" in the side of your car is park next to a car with a baby seat in a car park. That is why Mothers and Toddlers Spaces have extra room, so mum with rear door on her posterior does do wack it into your car. By taking their places you are making the problem of parking spaces that have not grown with modern cars worse.

Yeah, i agree to a certain extent.


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3 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Add to that the fact i have no cartlidge in my right ankle, so am in constant pain and walking with a permanent limp, yet i`m not entitled to a blue badge, i get thouroughly p....d off when i see so many empty P+C parking bays close to the shop, yet i have to suffer constant pain because of a lack of thought. If parents are able bodied enough to get kids out of cars with buggies etc,  they`re able boddied enough to walk a greater distance to the shop.  

I think you have every right to be angry and push back, to vent sometimes is an excellent safety valve. You are, after all, in the front line of the way things are now.


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Well - deep breath - Morrisons in Beccles have now decided to have a whole bay dedicated to mother and child (what happened to Dad) parking area.   99% of the time when I go to Morrisons this is completely empty.        I like Speedtriple have a disability which cannot be seen and yet I park the furthest away from the shop that I possibly can to avoid getting my car dinged (or whatever you call it).   Only go to Tescos first thing in the morning before they (you know who) have got out of their beds.     

Now here I go - stop reading now - when I was first married and had two children I walked everywhere, there was no such thing as having a ruddy car.     No home deliveries, one Tesco in the town and you walked to it and back from it with all of your shopping.

All that has happened in this country is we have mimicked America, yet it is forgotten that USA has a lot more room than us.

Finally, you will be pleased to hear,    guys or gals like the owner of the car in the OP photo are a breed that think the whole world is there for their convenience.   No consideration for anyone else, it is me , me, me.








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my parents are in their 80's and my dad still walks up the town several times a week to get shopping, every month or so I will pop over with my car and take my dad to the supermarket for a big store cupboard shop. at our asda there seem to be those that will either use the disabled spaces, or some that even think its fine to park right outside the entrance on the access road and just pop in and get some stuff leaving their car blocking the access right next to the pedestrian crossing, yet there are spaces only the width of the road away.

when they use the disabled or parent and child spaces and dont have a child or disability I think that is wrong, but when someone uses a parent and child space when a minor disbility (not enough for a blue badge, or maybe has a disability that means they need urgent access to toilets)  needs extra space to enable them easier access into their car or be closer to the store, then in my mind that is acceptable.

That said, do the parent / child spaces need to be right next to the doors- after all they only need additional access space, they are able to walk the extra distances surely. disabled spaces - sure they need to be close to the entrance, but parent / child?

in reality the parent child spaces should be called accessible spaces and not restricted to just parents with children, such that anyone who requires the extra parking bay width to access their vehicle should be allowed to use them.

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I see the point of having parking spaces for the disabled, and would like to see them policed more efficiently, but "Mother and Toddler" spaces by  any name … no no no no!

If they must have spaces dedicated to them, let those spaces be at the FAR end of the car park encouraging them to walk a few extra yards thus helping to reduce the "childhood obesity" problem. I see absolutely no good reason why such places should be in prime positions.

Hate to say this SpeedTriple, but if not quite so bluntly, I agree with you entirely.

What about having dedicated parking spaces for those having to do their shopping in their lunch break, and some for those who will be no more than 30 mins. Perhaps we should have some wider spaces for four seater cars with only two doors as their doors are wider.

If someone has a genuine problem that limits their walking range, they warrant special treatment, I might even include ladies who are heavily pregnant.

I have issues with the idle parents and their idle children being driven to school gates, being given special treatment in supermarket car parks and even them having stickers in their cars telling me to drive with extra consideration because their precious little darlings are "On board".

I would love to have a sticker in my rear window saying "Kids grown up and left home. You may now resume driving like a prat"

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10 hours ago, ModeratorTeam said:

A number of posts have been hidden whilst they are discussed by the team.

Please remember this is a family friendly forum.

discussion is welcome, insults or aggressive posts are not.

Having seen the posts last night before they were hidden might a solution be to leave the post as it is but remove the attached quote? I believe it was along the lines of lowering ones self to their standard.

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I always park when ever possible at an end of a row so I can only have one car parked at the side of me.

I agree that if you are the only car in a car park someone will always park next to you or park so close to your boot that you can not walk around the back of the car.

With regards to the 60's car parking size, there were only a few wide cars back then such as the Vauxhall Cresta etc, Morris 1000's and ford pops didn't take up much room.




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I am registered disabled, I have blue badge, but I still feel guilty parking in the disabled bays, I try and park to give me as far as I can manage to walk, on the day in question, I figure its good for me, I resent the illness that makes me this way and not the selfish lazy people that don't want to walk far for their next fix of sugar, they will reap the rewards!


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I'm off to Tesco's soon with 3 year old grandson .

Inevitably there will be no p+c spaces as our betters need them for their X5s, Range Rovers etc  Or are too prcious about their car and can't be ar**d to park away from the rest of us....

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