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Cctv Has Been Installed.


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Hi all,

Thank you for pointing this out. We already have CCTV coverage at our Yacht Stations which has proved useful so far in recording and following up on incidents on the river.

Following the recent speeding vessel on the River Yare at Reedham, we felt it would be a sensible idea going forwards if we could install CCTV at Reedham.


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12 minutes ago, Lulu said:

Warm welcome to the forum BroadsAuthority :)

Ditto , and I hope that a mutually beneficial dialogue can spring forth from this .

Please can other forum members regard the BA joining us as a positive move by them and not use it as an excuse to harass or insult them relentlessly.

Obviously in no way should we cease to voice our complaints and criticisms as we have always done , and we have always known the BA read this forum but let’s not lose their direct contributions , hopefully in this way we can avoid some of the speculative rumours that have happened in the past and get direct input from “the horse mouth”.

should say the above  is IMHO but honestly believe direct input from the BA can only be beneficial to us 

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Thank you all for the warm welcome, we're looking forward to getting more involved on here. 

We have got a fairly small and busy comms team but we'll try and respond to things as and when we get a chance, so please bear with us if you don't get a response as quickly as we'd like.

Thanks again!


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Welcome Tom :default_smile:

4 minutes ago, Islander said:

Would be great if the cameras were put online too. It would be great to watch the fun at the yacht stations.

Colin :default_drink_2:

Am I the only one who doesn't want camera's up all over the broads for public broadcast?

I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy the ones which we have and have a nosey from time to time, but when I'm on the rivers I like to get away from the norm of being on display to everyone everywhere I go, the solitude and isolation of the broads is what I enjoy.

Maybe it's just me

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2 minutes ago, grendel said:

dont worry they will never get a close up of you Jay, the lenses will crack first:default_biggrin::default_icon_twisted::default_smiley-angelic002::default_coat:

Now I'm not saying you're wrong G, infact I'm in complete agreement with you personally, but erm.....how do you know? What freaky powers do you mods have on here? :default_biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

Welcome Tom :default_smile:

Am I the only one who doesn't want camera's up all over the broads for public broadcast?

I mean don't get me wrong I enjoy the ones which we have and have a nosey from time to time, but when I'm on the rivers I like to get away from the norm of being on display to everyone everywhere I go, the solitude and isolation of the broads is what I enjoy.

Maybe it's just me

Cameras for safety such as the new one at Reedham and at busy mooring spots I’m all in favour of but like Jayfire I’m not happy for public access webcams being erected “willy nilly” , properly monitored CCTV certainly gives added security whereas public access webcams can be used by “scroats” for all the wrong reasons.

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We've been asked about streaming CCTV online before (à la the various boatyard webcams in the Broads) however we're unable/reluctant to do this considering the data protection implications we could face, especially regarding people's faces being in the shots etc. The driver behind getting CCTV at Reedham and at our other locations was one of security and helping in the event of incidents or crime.



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19 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

Now I'm not saying you're wrong G, infact I'm in complete agreement with you personally, but erm.....how do you know? What freaky powers do you mods have on here? :default_biggrin:

They look down upon us from the halls of Asgard and if we fail to abide by the laws of the NBN then they visit our realm , we should all beware of their wrath as they are giants , in fact I’m sure I’ve seen a photo somewhere of Grendel the Viking holding Broad Ambition in the palm of his hand .

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Welcome on board Tom, glad you made it! :default_norty:

Ah yes, CCTV cameras. I quite enjoy watching footage from the HD webcams around the Broads and around the world, I have a particular fascination for New Orleans. However, I discovered that since we bought Royal Tudor I had to become 'camera aware'. More so with Dylan and Toby the beagles on board.

I think it was either my father in law or perhaps Martin or Doug that alerted me to a YouTube video about a 'gorgeous old boat on the broads'. A quick click and there was Royal Tudor glistening in the early morning sunlight around 6:30 am. And there was me, emerging onto the deck clad in nothing but my PJ shorts and wellies, clasping a coffee, rolling a smoke and rearranging the unmentionables, oblivious to being filmed. Certainly not a 'gorgeous old bloke on the broads'. Fortunately the film in question was taken down and they edited me out when I asked them to! :default_blush:

CCTV cameras for security and safety I am more than happy with and indeed welcome them! 

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24 minutes ago, Timbo said:

Fortunately the film in question was taken down and they edited me out when I asked them to! :default_blush:

Shame! 🤭


25 minutes ago, Timbo said:

CCTV cameras for security and safety I am more than happy with and indeed welcome them

Agreed. Opportunist videoers we just can’t do anything about, it’s the age we live in. 

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1 hour ago, Broads01 said:

I agree, Jay, webcams everywhere would be an intrusion but security cameras I'm happy with anywhere to be honest because they're not broadcast to the world. 

Oh of course, maybe I wasnt quite clear enough in my post. Security camera's I have no issue with in the slightest, used by the authorities and owners to maintain security or provide evidence for any wrong doings around the rivers. 

It is the webcams providing worldwide broadcast all over the water I would not like to see, there are a number around already and I enjoy them as much as anyone, but to be constantly watched just wouldn't be the broads for me.

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Another point is that most of the 'public' webcams eg Oulton, Woods Barnes etc are mounted at very high level so not focusing closely on individuals. The Reedham ones would be lower level presumably so more intrusive potentially. So I agree with comments above. 

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