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Tinted Windows


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As to New Cruisers have got Tinted Windows I believe would it make any difference  of the Older model  Cruisers with its Hired or Private or Syndicate'  have them flitted as it does gives it some privacy while on board plus it may cut down any intruders at the same time? What are the Forums opinions on this issue?

Andrew Cook 

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Decided that all my very old and leaking windows needed looking at so whilst they were out a local car window tinting company has been tinting them. Went for the full limo black out in the rear cabin and a lighter tint for the remaining, it`s still ongoing but to me it is looking good and will help to protect the interior from fading in colour.

They want to come and photograph the boat when it`s finished and it will be on their website and I belive they will be offering a mobile come to you service for those not confident in doing it themselves. 

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2 minutes ago, Londonlad1985 said:

I like the overall look of them, but I feel it makes making eye contact and waving more difficult if you're passing someone on the river. In some lights it's hard to see who's at the helm....friend or foe? :default_smile:🤣

Good point you raise but for me the pro`s outweigh the con`s.

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I suppose that I will get used to them but the miserable old git in me doesn't like them one iota. 

2 minutes ago, Londonlad1985 said:

I feel it makes making eye contact and waving more difficult if you're passing someone on the river. In some lights it's hard to see who's at the helm....

Spot on comment.

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It`s something which was raised in our AGM, but i think we dropped it. I think it would cost too much for very little gain, plus, being a syndicate boat, the sheer amount of time required to do the job around our annual service and maintainance schedual would eat into owners holiday times, which would`nt bother me, as we never use Lightning in December or January, preferring to donate our winter week for other maintainance work if necessary.

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Just now, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

It`s something which was raised in our AGM, but i think we dropped it. I think it would cost too much for very little gain, plus, being a syndicate boat, the sheer amount of time required to do the job around our annual service and maintainance schedual would eat into owners holiday times, which would`nt bother me, as we never use Lightning in December or January, preferring to donate our winter week for other maintainance work if necessary.

I don`t think it may cost as much as you think. That`s the tinting not the window sealing which is a whole different ball game.

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1 minute ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

I don`t think it may cost as much as you think. That`s the tinting not the window sealing which is a whole different ball game.


it`s not just the tinting, it`s the cost of labour for taking the windows out, shipping them to the operatives site, then reversing the whole process. 

Also, with Lightning having silver annodised frames, tints my look like a cheap (well, not really) and very tacky afterthought, unless we go for the added expense of either removal and re-anodising the frames, or painting them. Not cost effective either way, and even more time required out of owners allotted weeks. 

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2 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:


it`s not just the tinting, it`s the cost of labour for taking the windows out, shipping them to the operatives site, then reversing the whole process. 

Also, with Lightning having silver annodised frames, tints my look like a cheap (well, not really) and very tacky afterthought, unless we go for the added expense of either removal and re-anodising the frames, or painting them. Not cost effective either way, and even more time required out of owners allotted weeks. 

Hi ST, 

Hear you however as I said I believe they will be offering a mobile service to do the job with the windows still in and to be fair I didn`t mention the last bit earlier.

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9 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

They can be tinted in situ simply by using tinted film. I have photographed a number of such installations in both cars and conservatories and very nice some of 'em have looked, especially the gold tint. Still wouldn't buy or hire a boat with tinted windows though!

Hi Peter you beat me to it, floating film onto the inside of the glass is probably the cheapest way forward. The film would also add some security if the windows broke, preventing glass flying all over the place.



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11 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Hi Peter you beat me to it, floating film onto the inside of the glass is probably the cheapest way forward. The film would also add some security if the windows broke, preventing glass flying all over the place.



Absolutely, a few years back, on one of our trips, we had put non see thru film on the stern shower window in Moonlight Shadow.  A few weeks later another partner reported the window had broken but hardly any glass had fallen inside.  

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Someone posted a picture of "The Camery Garden" (another Diamond 43, strange name for a boat) which has tints and black frames, and it looks pretty good too. It is`nt just the cost involved, even though it won`t be too expensive, but doing some of Lightnings tiny oval windows in the fwd cabin may make the guy run and hide. Have a look, and you will see what i mean.


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A few years ago I needed to get a new windscreen for our Sh*tland 535. It's a long story but just to say a policeman damaged it!  (They paid for the new one too)!    I contacted Shetland, and that is a trial in itself, the only screen they did was tinted. Now I want to see want is in front of me be it dusk of fog. Due to problems with Shetland I went elsewhere.

I went to Engineering Design Plastics in Cherry Hinton, Cambridge. I chose 5mm clear Polycarbonate and Just an oblong sheet just a little oversize.  I used the old one as a pattern and cut it with a jigsaw.   The Shetland one was going to be Perspex which is brittle and cracks easily, Polycarbonate Is not brittle so cuts beautifully.

Cost me less than half what Shetland wanted to charge me.

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1 hour ago, Coryton said:

I'm not a fan of tinted windows.

When I look out I want to see what the view really looks like.

My sentiments entirely. I am a big fan of large windows in a boat, like marshman I don’t have a problem with curtains. Some of the newer boats appear to have large tinted windows with tiny areas that open. I can’t see the benefit in them but I may be missing something.

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1 minute ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

I`m wondering if people realise that with the lighter tints the view from the inside looking out is hardly restricted at all.

I think what I don't realise is the benefit from tinting windows at all.

In particular I found it quite odd to pass a boat and not to be able to see the person at the helm.



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