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Problems logging in

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Every time I come to the site over the last couple of days, I have to re-log in but when I do it tells

me something has gone wrong but clearly shows my forum name and avatar in the top box.

I then click 'everything' and it works ok. All this despite ticking the 'remember me' box. If I leave

the site for only a few minutes, I have to go through it all again!

Any ideas?

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have you tried clearing your cache and then reloading, this will force you to log in again, but it might stick after clearing the cache

(a handy trick is to press f12, ignore the panel that pops up, and then when you right click the reload gizmo at the top of the page it should give you an option clear cache and hard reload - this will just clear the cache for this website (rather than forcing you to log in to all your other favorite websites too.thwen when you have finished close the side or bottom panel that popped up when you clicked f12)

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I’ve been having the same issue on Chrome on my Mac but it’s been fine on Safari on my iPhone. Will have to try clearing the cache although I’ve not had a problem with any other sites. Has there been any kind of software upgrade recently?

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As Grendel mentioned earlier, clearing your cache should sort the issue.

One of the other problems with an update is that browsers 'remember' any old site code from before the update for up to a couple of weeks in order to save time and download speed. The problem is that when the forum actually needs you to download the new code containing the updates right now, browsers tend to ignore that.

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So this appears to be an ongoing issue. Seemed to be resolved by clearing my cache on Chrome a couple of days ago but today I had to sign in again, despite having ticked the "remember me" box. And once signed it it gave me the error message before loading perfectly normally once I clicked on my saved view.

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Exactly the same for me. My problem is i`ve forgotten my password, as i automatically get logged in when i come on to the forum. Now, every time i log on, i have to sign in, luckily, my name and password (which is shrouded) comes up, and i just click on it which signs me in. Also, when i do sign in, i get the same as above where it has my name up, yet says something is wrong, then when i click on browse etc, everything is ok?. If any of the mods have access to my password, could you pm it to me so i can write it in my password book?.

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