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Racism And The Colston Statue


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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

Never let it be said that if I get it wrong I don't apologise. I have been away from the computer for most of today and have only just read the replies to my post. Tempest, I apologise unreservedly. It was very poor writing on my part.

I never intended to comment on your politics , my comment was aimed at the person who wrote the material to which you gave the link. It is he  (I am assuming it to be a "he") who I think is using racism as a tool of convenience. It was when I read his views on South Repps I formed that view.

Tempest my friend, I owe you a beer or six.

No worries MM

When this poxy lockdown is lifted it would be good to get moored up with a few of us, have a laugh, a few beers and talk the usual boating, politics or whatever bo*****s people feel is worthy until the sun has well and truly gone down and the beds are calling!

Take care


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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

I'm waiting for the snowflakes to demand that the pyramids are dismantled due to the use of 'Non White' (Can't say 'Black' apparently)  and slave labour


Apparently it has already been suggested by the " people expressing their new found cause", only problem is it is now widely accepted that the vast majority of workers were paid labour who used to switch to the pyramids during the flooding season as they couldn't work on the land farming.

Never mind, they can go back to burning and defacing statues of Abraham Lincoln, an eventual advocate of anti slavery and equality or trying to remove a statue of Lord Baden Powell, the founder of the greatest movement to motivate young people the world had ever seen.


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It may be here or on Facebook, someone made a very good point. There is a growing  world  wide problem  of modern slavery. Protesters would be better discussing that a try to reduce  and stop A very real PRESENT disgrace that is slavery now.

I think Policing will be tighter today.The London Mayor  has asked people  not to gather in large groups.He said there appears to be a raise in numbers of infection.

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On 12/06/2020 at 10:36, RumPunch said:

This is going to get very VERY messy. My earlier comment re ex Forces guarding war memorials etc seemed reasonable. It now appears that an element of professional hooligans who follow the football circuit ( and are presumably bored during COVID ) have now latched onto it and will also be there. These are the extreme right wing element - riots loom I feel.



Today. :default_icon_mad:

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7 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

It may be here or on Facebook, someone made a very good point. There is a growing  world  wide problem  of modern slavery. Protesters would be better discussing that a try to reduce  and stop A very real PRESENT disgrace that is slavery now.

I think Policing will be tighter today.The London Mayor  has asked people  not to gather in large groups.He said there appears to be a raise in numbers of infection.

We’re back to the Save the Whales!


But why don’t you mention Porpoises??? Porpoise hater. 

This is the opposite of a “good point”

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Currently I’m watching those who I presume think they are defending Churchill’s statue making Nazi salutes.....


Im sure Winston would be thrilled. 

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I can understand that people want justice for the black man who was killed by a policeman in America, and can appreciate that the police officers knee should of been behind his shoulders and not his neck. Was this a technique that the officer got wrong in training or was he having a bad day. Either way demonstrating has gone way too far and a lot of people are missing the point of what they are protesting for.

What I am worried about is that the police will think twice about questioning or apprehending someone who is black because of the current situation, and some will try to exploit it to their advantage. 

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I see they have arrested the scumbag who urinated beside PC Keith Palmer memorial stone..  

Isn’t it incredible they can arrest him for that and then last weekend they can rip down a stature causing criminal damage and no action being taken against them and NO arrests for that because it would of been called racist..

 Enough is Enough now..  Bring the army in on all of them.. who cares what they are protesting about. They have made there point. But no they have got to carry it on so the  Left or right wings get involved and then Criminal Damage is being done Police assaulted every time..
 Yet again Tax payers money being waisted all the time with these clowns kicking off at any excuse..  And yet again it’s always fuelled With poison negativity by the muppets in the media..  


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1 minute ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

I see they have arrested the scumbag who urinated beside PC Keith Palmer memorial stone..  

Isn’t it incredible they can arrest him for that and then last weekend they can rip down a stature causing criminal damage and no action being taken against them and NO arrests for that because it would of been called racist..


Such a patriot ! 

Here he is 


Bet there'll be a Covid 'spike' in Essex over the next few days....

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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

Such a patriot ! 

Here he is 


Bet there'll be a Covid 'spike' in Essex over the next few days....

No  wish to be pedantic but that is Tottenham North London not Essex also were some of the worst protests and riots come from and part of the area were black on black murders are commited and then Police are called racist when they try to take action.


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1 hour ago, rightsaidfred said:

No  wish to be pedantic but that is Tottenham North London not Essex also were some of the worst protests and riots come from and part of the area were black on black murders are commited and then Police are called racist when they try to take action.


The ' gent' in question gave himself up to police in Essex, I assume that is where he lives.

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Quite possibly , geographically not miles apart,  given the various tensions in  London in particular for many decades nothing surprises me any more.

I have tried to follow up on Rays post re listening, sadly I  cant comment on those protesting although many of us foresaw  what has occured this weekend, I have spoken to  3 coulered family's in my immediate locality some of whom  now in there 30s I have watched grow up since childhood, while they dont like racism they treat it with the contempt it deserves and have no time with whats happening on all sides at the moment, where they have a problem is with what they call white middle class England who feel the need and right to speak out on their behalf, as they say what gives them the right to presume how they feel when a large percentage of coloured people are more than happy with a life they have here they wouldnt have elsewhere.


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they are protesting because undue force was used on a person and he was harmed, yet they cannot see the irony while they lob bottles and bricks at police officers in an attempt to do them harm. they are complaining about the very thing they are perpetrating, while saying how wrong it is, that i find hypocritical.

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Here's an odd thing to throw into the mix..

You are all decendants of slaves and you are all decendants of Slavers..

In the doomsday book 10% of the population were Serfs or Slaves effectively the same thing with minor differences.

With  the mixing of populations, by now everyone in the UK (and probably europe) is a decendant of a slave..

With the likely exception of those who have come direct from Africa, since they are those who remained in Africa till recently they are more likely to be decendants of Slavers.. as the slaves got exported...

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