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Last night on the boat was freezing slept in clothes with extra blankets had heating on the boat until I turned engine off at 8.00pm but the bedroom never seems to heat up just the living area 

Going to acle today would there be anything I can buy like a heater or something I was advised at boat yard not to plug powerful things into our 240v system on the boat but I don't mind buying a electric hook up lead and having separate electric.

Failing that I see there is a travel lodge I could book in there lol

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Double duvets work well. We go out extensively in winter and always ask the yard for an extra duvet. Its suprising the difference it makes. We've never plugged in yet. Buying cable and plugs and heaters could be expensive. Don't be tempted to plug in the existing system. Pop to Lathams and buy a thick duvet. Yards tend to supply summer weight ones. 

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22 minutes ago, PaulMargaret said:

Last night on the boat was freezing slept in clothes with extra blankets had heating on the boat until I turned engine off at 8.00pm but the bedroom never seems to heat up just the living area 

Going to acle today would there be anything I can buy like a heater or something I was advised at boat yard not to plug powerful things into our 240v system on the boat but I don't mind buying a electric hook up lead and having separate electric.

Failing that I see there is a travel lodge I could book in there lol

Has the boat got 240 v hook up system already?    If so the cable should be there somewhere.   If not ring the boat yard and ask them to drop one off.     To use a 240 volt hook up with a cable,  the boat has to fitted with a 240 volt hook up system already,  you cannot just buy a cable and hook up.



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We always have as part of our boat kit fleeces, hot water bottles and use the heating (diesel) or plug in fan heaters and leave the lower wattage oil filled radiator on overnight.

If you can isolate areas of the the boat to heat only certain pars of the boat you might find that helps. You should not have to run the engine to heat the boat. Call your boatyard for advice.




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First thing I would check is whether the heating vent to the bedroom is open, and I would invest in a couple of hot water bottles and an extra blanket or two, maybe even warmer nightclothes. 
Unless your boat has a shore power cable there’s not much point in getting heaters. We have a small very low wattage dimplex radiator that we bring with us to the Broads, but we only use it overnight if we are on shore power. 

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I’m with Lulu on this, a fleece blanket over a duvet traps the heat in. Hot water bottles in the bed before retiring. From things I have read, you may need to run the engine to start the heating system up but then it should run quite happily without the engine. If the batteries are well charged, there should be no need to run the engine. 

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14 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

Absolutely!!! Top tip. You should see Mrs Nog's winter bedtime attire. I'm very tempted to post a photo.......:default_norty:

Oh pleeeeeease  :default_biggrin: 

Definitely flleece blankets and a hot water bottle. No one's mentioned cuddling up to keep warm  :default_icon_luvlove: x


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Guest Jayfire
27 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

Absolutely!!! Top tip.

But I don't wear jimjams in bed, what do I do? :35_thinking:

28 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

You should see Mrs Nog's winter bedtime attire. I'm very tempted to post a photo.......:default_norty:

:default_rofl: ooh go on Mr Nog. I dare you :default_biggrin:

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As one who, until last year, sleapt onboard in what basically was a tent without heating, and survived, I do have some observations. Fleece liners for our sleeping bags, fleece beany hats, hot water bottles and fleece body warmers always did the job, even when the condensation on the tent walls froze! The same approach worked well aboard the sailing cruiser. After November we tended to sleep at home, in comfort and warmth!

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Not that it will help but I have (very romantic) thermal long johns and vests with long sleeves from Damaart together with their thermal PJs.   Dont care what I look like as long as I am warm and toasty.     Just bought a pair of boots from Amazon for £15 odd , can you believe it, they are waterproof and furry lined and really cosy.   As long as they last the week I dont care if they fall apart afterwards.

Buy some baking spuds , bung them in the oven,  warms the boat and are lovely to eat with butter and cheese or a topping of your choice.     Hot cuppa soups warm you through.




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Sorry no heels this time Gracie,   I think one's imagination will have to suffice when it comes to heels.    I am dangerous in a pair of flats at the best of times, couple together high heels and few glasses of wine and there you have it - disaster.    Oh well someone has to be the 'boring' one.





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Guest Jayfire
42 minutes ago, KatieR said:

Scare the neighbours? :default_rofl:

Err I think you'll find the neighbours would like to catch a glimpse of me in my nightwear, but then you know that, you're the one that told me so.

And not just the neighbour's eh KatieR :default_norty:

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Well guys sorry to keep bothering you but upto know your advice has been amazing and very helpful don't know what I would have done without it.

However arrived at acle loads of side on moorings and made a right hash of it so I am not getting any better.

We are loving the broads and the places we have been upto know but I Don't know whats wrong with me must be my age I have spoken to my partner about calling it a day or cruising back to stalham staying on the boat and visiting everywhere by car because years ago we stopped on a houseboat in Beccles and a pod at waveney River Centre and wanted to re visit but in my state of mind don't think I could do Yarmouth staying here now at acle to decide 

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At this stage of your trip I think it’s either a trip back to the boatyard for extra bedding or back to PH to see what Latham’s have or on into Wroxham for Roy’s. But bear in mind that Saturday is busy in the yards so they may or may not have spare moorings. 

It was very cold last night for early October. But we always take sleeping bags and hot water bottles. Dressing gowns are also good to slip on while sitting on the boat on chilly evenings. 

The forecast is for 8 or 9 overnight for most of the rest of your trip. Shouldn’t be too bad. 

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Don’t feel you have to visit or go through Yarmouth. The tide is already stronger at Acle than it is further up stream, so don’t let a less than perfect mooring put you off. there’s lots to do and see on the northern rivers. If you want to visit Yarmouth why not go there by bus or train? There are trains from Acle and Wroxham to both Yarmouth and Norwich.

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Guest Jayfire
3 minutes ago, PaulMargaret said:

Well guys sorry to keep bothering you but upto know your advice has been amazing and very helpful don't know what I would have done without it.

However arrived at acle loads of side on moorings and made a right hash of it so I am not getting any better.

We are loving the broads and the places we have been upto know but I Don't know whats wrong with me must be my age I have spoken to my partner about calling it a day or cruising back to stalham staying on the boat and visiting everywhere by car because years ago we stopped on a houseboat in Beccles and a pod at waveney River Centre and wanted to re visit but in my state of mind don't think I could do Yarmouth staying here now at acle to decide 

Nooooo. Don't go doing that PaulMargaret 

What do you mean you made a hash of the mooring? Is anybody hurt? Is anything damaged? No? Then never mind.

Hire boats take a great deal of bumps and bashes, and the boatyards expect as much, and repair them as needed. 

It is clear that you are trying to take great care, and are indeed wanting to get it right so please just enjoy your holiday. It may be better for you to stay North of Acle and not venture further South where the stronger tides may not help you out when trying to moor and tie up 

Now get in the Bridge Inn and relax :default_beerchug:

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