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5 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Crossed with your post and do understand how you feel. I wouldn’t go any further south than where you are. Maybe head back towards Ranworth and Salhouse for a day or two and see how you feel come Monday. 

Absolutely. I understand too. Stay North, perhaps Breydon and the South is a big ask on your first ever boat. For what it's worth I think you've done brilliantly up till now, even experienced helms can make a hash of mooring up and the like

As Jean says try Salhouse or Ranworth, stay for a couple of days, crack open a bottle and watch the world go by

I think you will get better with time but pf course you have to do what's best for you both, go back to Richardson's if it makes you feel safer, use the boat as a floating caravan if you must. My parents are thinking of doing that very thing as boating is an issue for them now. Don't give up yet :default_icon_kiss: x

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I felt the same first time out. Difference was that we had a boat with bow thrusters which just gives you a bit of confidence that you can keep the bow into the bank when mooring while your other half gets the ropes on. With only the two of you it’s not as easy as it is for larger parties. You really need one at the helm and one to be confident to step off with the ropes and both have your buoyancy aids on. 

The one at the back who will get off with the ropes needs to shout clear instructions to the helms person as to how far back you still have to go or how close you are to the bank or other boats. At least that’s how we do it. 

Given how I felt in those early days we quickly decided that it was better for my other half to do the ropes and I took the helm. We also cruised early morning and then the rest of the day was stress free relaxing on the boat. 

Good luck! You’re probably doing far better than you think you are. And we all still make mistakes and mess up our moorings. If it’s not going right pull back out into the river or broad, circle round and start again.  :default_icon_wave:

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2 possible problems at Acle either mooring with tide (instead of against it) and the offshore wind. First easy to overcome. Second, stand near bow when mooring with stern and bow rope, step ashore and pull stern in. Easy to say I know but practice makes perfect. 

I'm not sure I'm brave enough to post Mrs Nog photo :default_hiding:

However she is better than any hot water bottle (especially after a few gins) :default_icon_kiss:

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Put on two of everything. My missus finds that jeggins under jeans and two fleece tops does the job plus we have warm feet (fleece wellie liners) and warm head (fleece hat) and if we get too hot we open a window or the door to the tent, I kid you not! The trick is not to get cold in the first place. Modern outdoor walking gear, without the boots, is light and keeps the cold at bay. There really is no excuse for being cold in this day and age. I also have waterproof gloves, great investment, not cheap but worth every penny. I also have fingerless mitts for when its really cold at night.

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Believe it dropped to around 4 or 5 degrees last night which is pretty darn cold for any first timer in a boat in October to be fair. Now about your hash of a mooring, I can tell you that it hasn`t made local TV or radio, youtube or any media platform as far as I can see so put it behind you and practise makes perfect as they say.

Somebody mentioned fleece inner sleeping bags which are brilliant, cheap but so warm, easy to wash and dry fast. Probably too late for this trip but worth thinking of for next year :default_wink:

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everyone else on board was cold, last night at potter, but I was snug in my sleeping bag, that said I am a shorts and tee shirt person all the time, I may change into jeans if the temperature falls below -12 c, currently nice and sunny today (was rainy earlier)

dont worry greatly over making a hash of mooring, we all do it from time to time.

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for the cold if you have a sleeping bag open it up and sleep on top of it , made all the difference a freezing april easter when had woke up to ice n the boat at wroxham..... do not give up from trying and succeeding to moor at acle . my late father who thought was a good helm had 2 instances outside the bridge , a brooms 9 berth supreme commander being blown back against a small boat (no filming in 70s thank you) and rope around propellor that needed a frog man .  follow grendel across breydon , get help at reedham , loddon is a calm mooring , beccles and oulton broad can use ys's .   We once returned to richo's to meet a couple who said had enjoyed the week apart from stress of mooring and as a crew of 2 we often had some confusion with instructions but once moored it's take a breath and relax.  Not endorsing ramming the boat dodgem style but it often sounds worse than it is when fender hits the mooring and the cupboards rattle or something falls off the sideboard .. 

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3 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Don’t feel you have to visit or go through Yarmouth. The tide is already stronger at Acle than it is further up stream, so don’t let a less than perfect mooring put you off. there’s lots to do and see on the northern rivers. If you want to visit Yarmouth why not go there by bus or train? There are trains from Acle and Wroxham to both Yarmouth and Norwich.

Bus from Acle village centre is nearer than the Train Station & more frequent & takes you to City Centre

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28 minutes ago, doc said:

for the cold if you have a sleeping bag open it up and sleep on top of it , made all the difference a freezing april easter when had woke up to ice n the boat at wroxham..... do not give up from trying and succeeding to moor at acle . my late father who thought was a good helm had 2 instances outside the bridge , a brooms 9 berth supreme commander being blown back against a small boat (no filming in 70s thank you) and rope around propellor that needed a frog man .  follow grendel across breydon , get help at reedham , loddon is a calm mooring , beccles and oulton broad can use ys's .   We once returned to richo's to meet a couple who said had enjoyed the week apart from stress of mooring and as a crew of 2 we often had some confusion with instructions but once moored it's take a breath and relax.  Not endorsing ramming the boat dodgem style but it often sounds worse than it is when fender hits the mooring and the cupboards rattle or something falls off the sideboard .. 

Girlfriend didn't know what ys meant and she's been with me several times!!  So ys=yacht station.  There is usually a broads ranger at Reedham who helps with mooring.

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16 minutes ago, Bytheriver said:

Bus from Acle village centre is nearer than the Train Station & more frequent & takes you to City Centre

A fast service, we've used it several times. By the time you've walked to the station its as quick. The stop in next to the Kings Head or just opposite over the road for Norwich. 

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13 minutes ago, PaulMargaret said:

So we have been for a walk into acle village and made a decision to stay north and next year stay on the south broad preferably in a apartment with a day boat.

any ideas were to go from acle tomorrow

With easy mooring lol if there is such thing 

Hello Paul & Margaret,

I would suggest that you go towards Potter Heighan and then go up to Womak staithe stern mooring but it is well worth it. a short walk up the lane to Ludham.



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18 minutes ago, PaulMargaret said:

any ideas were to go from acle tomorrow

A sensible decision to stay north I think. Where to go partly depends on whether you need anything such as shopping or water top up. 

If not then I would cruise back up the Bure, maybe turn down Fleet Dyke (opposite St Benet’s Abbey)so you get a look at South Walsham Broad, which is beautiful. Then come back up and carry on along the Bure to the turning for Ranworth. Now instead of heading for the Staithe go to the Island. Yes you have to pay to moor there and there’s no facilities or land access other than stepping off the boat really. But it’s less likely to be busy, especially in the morning. Probably plenty of room to moor stern on without trying to slot into a tight space. And if you struggle you can even just get one rope on then pull the boat round into place if you’ve ended up side on. 

Then you can switch off the engine and relax for the day. Always lots of comings and goings to watch as well as all the wildlife. It’s been my saviour on many occasions especially when I arrive and there’s no one else there! 🤭

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Guest Jayfire
31 minutes ago, PaulMargaret said:

any ideas were to go from acle tomorrow

Low water at Wroxham tomorrow is just before half past 1, why not head back there and use the bridge pilot. Once through the bridge you can moor up again in Wroxham or head on up the beautiful stretch to Coltishall. 

The low bridge means everywhere above Wroxham will likely to be quieter and give you more chance of plenty of room to moor up

Don't forget to make use of the Bridge Inn before you leave Acle however, it's a cracker :default_beerchug:


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19 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

Low water at Wroxham tomorrow is just before half past 1, why not head back there and use the bridge pilot. Once through the bridge you can moor up again in Wroxham or head on up the beautiful stretch to Coltishall. 

The low bridge means everywhere above Wroxham will likely to be quieter and give you more chance of plenty of room to moor up

Don't forget to make use of the Bridge Inn before you leave Acle however, it's a cracker :default_beerchug:


Where did you get that one from.   Low water is not half past 1.




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Guest Jayfire
1 minute ago, doc said:

is white horse at upton open?  had 2 good meals there when community pub open . similarly white horse at neatishead good for food 

It certainly is. 

If Paul and Margaret takes Jean's advice of going to South Walsham however, The Ship has not reopened after the lockdown :default_sad:


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