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Well, I think that you are all very brave. I don't do "chilly". I certainly don't do "cold".

I was once tasked to bring two cruisers from St Albans to Stalham in February, with a colleague. You might guess the heater on my boat did not work. I don't think that it ever worked. Indeed the same heater was present on a number of boats. It was a gas heater thing. You never knew if it was on or off. Cannot remember what it was called. I didn't care having lost interest in it. It was a black thing, stuck on the wall, inside the boat. Defied the Trades Description Act.

I used to smoke in those days. Loved a gasper. My lighter packed up as if to compound my misery. Half way across Breydon.

Got through Yarmouth OK and then that drag up the Bure. Not the most exciting part of the Broads ever. Certainly not in midwinter.

Came to that bit where you continue up the Bure or you go up the Thurne. It is an optical illusion, well it was for me, suffering from hypothermia and one or two glasses of an exceedingly pleasant malt. So in a state of euphoria I found myself on my way to Potter. Me mate, me Besty, me Best Friend for Ever deserted me and carried up the Bure.....................

Sorry about the pause.  Started to fill up a bit there!

Eventually, in the pitch dark got to Stalham. No Rangers about, they were all in slipper and pipe mode. Besty had long gone. I thought about calling an Ambulance but decided better of it. Thankfully Dearly Beloved was there waiting to capture me up..

I vowed never to go boating again in the winter. And I never have.

But please, please, don't let me stop you ......enjoy what you can.

Old Wussername.

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1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

Lovely photos again.

Each time we pass St Benet's the cross seems to be leaning even further over. I wonder how long before it falls over completely?

Expect it will be resurrected by the 17th of April, in readiness for the bishops annual trudge through the mud.

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