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Susan Calman's Grand Day Out


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Channel 5 tonight Friday 8th Oct 21 at 2100 hrs.Β  Starting on the Norfolk Broads.Β  Apparently she gets on a wherry (don't know which one) and also has a go at quanting (again not sure if that's on a wherry or another boat!


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Blink and you missed the broads I’m afraid she didn’t quant the wherry either their was a small boat pushing it at the back while she was ment to be quanting.Β 


Anybody watched this it has made Norfolk people look stupid snail racing/ tap dancing with puppets come on there’s much more to Norfolk and the broads 😑she should have visited wroxham / museum of the broads / potter Heigham ( bridge navigating would have been fun to watch)Β 

even visited west Runton where the woolly mammoth was found.Β 

her saving grace was a ride on the wells and walsingham railway.Β 

Maybe I should be a locations scout for channel 5 !Β 

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I am glad we chose not to bother.

After all the "press visits" I have had to organise on the rivers, when you have seen one vacuous TV personality, you have seen them all!

I remember a film crew who arrived in the Camargue with a very famous TV lady, who I had better not name. Β It took Susie and I two weeks solid work, two identical boats, leap-frogging around the cruising area, 4 members of staff, a hired minibus and even a helicopter for an afternoon. Β All that for 6 minutes of TV on a travel show, a pathetically silly presentation and no business for us as a result.

At least TV is a transient medium. Β Once you've seen it, it's gone. Β There are better ways to advertise, in my view.

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It fell into the lazy trap of showing sound bites.Just like many others. EarlierΒ  this year Greg WallaceΒ  visitedΒ  Berlin. A city MarinaΒ  and I know very well.High lighting minor things in the city instead of some of the majorΒ  developments since the wall came down.That programme also didn't do JusticeΒ  to the city.

Next week she visitsΒ  Cornwall!

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I am currently watching the program which I find is informative about Norfolk. I thought this was a reasonable program which showed a small amount of the Broads, but remember the general public would get bored by a program just showing the rivers, not everyone likes the waterways of the Broads or the Canals.


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11 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

but remember the general public would get bored by a program just showing the rivers, not everyone likes the waterways of the Broads or the Canals.

I quite agree - I just wish all these self-important TV personalities wouldn't try to pretend that they are first people to have ever discovered the place for us.

Whenever some celeb or other is doing a piece on a preserved steam railway, they will always, always, always have to blow the whistle for themselves.

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Although the tender was behind Albion, as it always has to be for safety reasons, even I could not see whether it was in gear or not.

It may have been running but in gear - I couldn't tell!

And so what if it was ticking over? Would you skipper Albion without that, up Ludham Dyke with hardly a breath of wind? I certainly would not - lose your way on her and you would certainly lose control.

I didn't think that bit was bad, but not everyone wants to watch an hour long programme on a wherry!! It showed what a good old boat she still is!

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9 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

I was disappointed , why advertise constantly that she was visiting the Broads on the numerous trailers and then make a programme about Norfolk as a whole , just be factual and say she is visiting Norfolk in general .

I agree. To be honest I got bored and turned over at the snail racingΒ 

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10 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

I was disappointed , why advertise constantly that she was visiting the Broads on the numerous trailers and then make a programme about Norfolk as a whole , just be factual and say she is visiting Norfolk in general .

Agreed. Without the broads reference it would be another mildly amusing show, still worth watching to pass the time. But the broads thing was just patronising. Obviously a decision made by someone who's never been near Norfolk.Β 

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18 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

You need to blame directors and producers not the person fronting the show.

I think you are right there!

The filming in Camargue that I mentioned, had a producer called Attracta. Β That must have been her media name as I can't think she got it from her parents. Β She had a girl assistant who worshipped her, followed her everywhere with a clipboard and performed all her little errands.

After a couple of days, Susie and I christened them Attracta and trailer.

The film crew, who were freelance, were delighted. Β They didn't like her very much, either!

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