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Sahara Dust.

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Today we  went to Potter,in the morning and this afternoon to Great Yarmouth.To get Marina's  glasses.By the time we moved off from Yarmouth, it started  to rain and the sky a shade of brown.Be careful if like me you have a lung condition or Asthma. It can make your condition  worse. Try and stay indoors until this dust moves away.

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This happens often in the Canaries. They call it Calima.

Government advice is stay indoors close all windows and doors switch off air con. If you have to go out wear a good mask and eye protection.

Out there it gets everywhere and can land quite thick too over a couple of days.

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Been raining in not so sunny Norfolk this afternoon and evening. Strange yellowy grey sky as dusk fell. And yes, the windows are streaked with dust here too. Not sure when our window cleaner is next round!

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1 hour ago, oldgregg said:

Same here, car was covered in the stuff as I was leaving work this evening.

At least it's not cement dust!! Every now and again (although not lately), the local cement works has a bit of a burp and a fine layer of cement dust appears everywhere!  Think it cost them a fortune last time it happened!!


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We have spent hours over the last 3 days getting our boat to a respectable state of cleanliness only to find half the Sahara on it this evening. It is raining very heavily now, so I hope it will wash most of it off before morning.

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1 hour ago, SteveO said:

We have spent hours over the last 3 days getting our boat to a respectable state of cleanliness only to find half the Sahara on it this evening. It is raining very heavily now, so I hope it will wash most of it off before morning.

Problem is Steve, The rain washes it out of the sky and just dumps more onto everything. You will be washing it out of the car, from every nook and cranny for months.


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It's been raining up here good and proper without stop since mid afternoon.  Hopefully we are far enough north to avoid the contamination that france is sending our way.  I'll know tomorrow after it has stopped raining to see if we have a layer of dried on dust


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