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Hm Queen Elizabeth.


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Like many other ex service personnel I have been fortunate in meeting the Queen (and other members of the royal family, past and present) during the 23 years of my military service. I unreservedly agree with Griffs comment above. She was the best. She has now moved on to take her place as the queen in heaven, god rest her soul.


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Phillip came to me today, 
and said it was time to go. 
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that "I know"

I then turned and looked behind me, 
and seen I was asleep. 
All my Family were around me, 
and I could hear them weep. 

I gently touched each shoulder, 
with Phillip by my side. 
Then I turned away and walked, 
with My Angel guide. 

Phillip held my hand, 
as he lead the way, 
to a world where King's and Queens, 
are Monarch's every day. 

I was  given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some. 
The difference is up here, 
they are worn by everyone. 

I felt a sense of peace, 
my reign had seen its end. 
70 years I had served my Country, 
as the peoples friend. 

Thank you for the years, 
for all your time and love. 
Now I am one of two again, 
in our Palace up above.


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34 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Phillip came to me today, 
and said it was time to go. 
I looked at him and smiled,
as i whispered that "I know"

I then turned and looked behind me, 
and seen I was asleep. 
All my Family were around me, 
and I could hear them weep. 

I gently touched each shoulder, 
with Phillip by my side. 
Then I turned away and walked, 
with My Angel guide. 

Phillip held my hand, 
as he lead the way, 
to a world where King's and Queens, 
are Monarch's every day. 

I was  given a crown to wear
or a Halo known by some. 
The difference is up here, 
they are worn by everyone. 

I felt a sense of peace, 
my reign had seen its end. 
70 years I had served my Country, 
as the peoples friend. 

Thank you for the years, 
for all your time and love. 
Now I am one of two again, 
in our Palace up above.


Griff my Man.

Personally I am not a Royalist in fact I am probably a Republican.

Can't stand the new generation of Royal Family but as a man of a certain age have never known any different than Our sadly departed Queen I have and had nothing but respect for Our Queen who to me embodied the term Statesman.

Your poem quoted above actually brought tears to my eyes.

That poem nailed it for me.

Top cudos and great respect to you for either finding it or writing it. I don't care which, that poem was magnificent.

Thank You for posting it.

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Just reflecting on the fact that I swore an oath of allegiance to the Queen, some 55 years ago, as a young cub scout.

I often remember the event and have never regretted it and had occasion to renew it in later life when appointed to a post. 

I still have my cub scout cap that was returned to me a few years ago by my old leader.

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She was reigning monarch for the entire 69 years of my life, and you could always rely on her to say and do the right thing.  Her sense of duty was second to none and her actions and manner commanded loyalty and respect from all but the most churlish of her subjects. Many of our politicians could have learned valuable lessons from the example she set.  

Rest in peace Ma'am.

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I sit here this morning feeling as though my batteries have just gone flat.  The Queen has given meaning to so much of my life.

I was born on the day She married Prince Philip and was 4 years old when I stood on the Mall, in the rain, and watched her coronation procession.  So I can honestly say I remember the whole of her reign, from start to finish.

At school I wore the Queen's uniform, as a cadet RNR.  Later, I earned her commission as an Army officer, and still have it framed at home.  As Griff so rightly says, she was The Boss.  All servicemen know what "Queen and Country" really means. Later I wore her uniform again, as a special constable.

The Navy, the Army and the Air Force will be "bulling their boots" right now.  They are going to have a lot of work to do in the next few days.  They will give her the sort of send - off that will be respected the world over.

Yes we are all very sad - I am quite stunned - but we must be proud as well.  Rejoice that we have known her!  We all have the enormous privilege of having lived in the safety, protection and continuity of, surely, the greatest Monarch the World has ever known.

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