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The White Heron


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I do not believe for a minute that it was purchased to reduce taxation. It was to make a contribution to thier profit stream. No hidden agenda. Unless of course you are able to confirm otherwise.

Sure it is a speculative investment, 

To diverse. It is never, ever, that which you pay and invest in a project. It is what you are able to sell it for. The difference is your risk factor. Not the initial outlay.

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2 hours ago, addicted said:

I received a text from a friend currently staying at their chalet in Brundall.  It reads: don' t think you will like the White Heron. Like a contemporary barn, nothing to soften the noise, and a manager who stands around when staff are under pressure RIP the old Yare. Doesn't bode well does it?  If this is right it will be very disappointing.




On the whole I would say that your friend is correct but then I dont know if you were a fan of The Yare or not. I will agree based on last nights visit when it was standing room only that the noise still bounces around the place however my understanding is that is it isnt 100% finished. 

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"The pub will be cashless," added Ryan.

"We'll have QR code on the tables so people don't have to go to the bar to order.

That's the soul ripped out of the place then, if that is the ordering system I'll not be bothering, any visitor moorings does anyone know?

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Wetherspoons and Greene King have had an app for years now so that you don't have to go to the bar, doesn't mean you can't if you really want to. It's just extra choice.

Why do people have to look for all the negatives before they've even stepped foot in the place?

Personally, I thought all the old tat hanging off the ceiling in the old Yare was a fire risk.

I think I'll decide once I've tried it!

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I seem to remember a lot of very similar comments about another establishment when it reopened. Noisy soul ripped out of the place, too clinical etc etc etc. It now regularly wins awards and is a firm favourite with many. The White Horse at Neatishead had so many similar comments when it reopened.

Give them time to get established, to iron out any teething problems and most of all give them time to finish it off and get the restaurant side up and running.

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We went to the Heron last night for  a drink and I've been srtruggling to think of a word to describe it and underground car park is spot on! Not unpleasant as such but not very welcoming either which a pub needs to be. Minimalism taken to its extremes. Shame if they intend to leave it like that.



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When Weatherspoons took on the old regal cinema on Dereham Road in Norwich as the City Gate it quickly earned the nickname Airport Waiting Lounge on account of the open plan, wide visibility through the glazed entrance doors, bench seats and bright lights in what seemed a lofty space. Think they gave it up after less than 5 years but the nickname has stuck. As underground car parks can be susceptible to flooding I think I’ll have trouble forgetting the comparison but will be giving it a go, might even let the train take the strain. A good food and beer offering could see rail ale drinkers by the carriage load!

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8 hours ago, floydraser said:

Here are the important questions:

Will I go A over T as I walk in the place or have the levelled the floor?

Are the three old boys still at the end of the bar?

What is the beer - any sign of Adnams Broadside?


Floors are level with a ramp added at the entrance for wheelchair users and all internal doorways are now wider.

Havent seen the three old boys in what was known as the Bullsh*t corner.




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21 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

Floors are level with a ramp added at the entrance for wheelchair users and all internal doorways are now wider.

Havent seen the three old boys in what was known as the Bullsh*t corner.




That'll do for me. I'll give you a shout next time I'm over! :default_beerchug:

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That's what I thought until I got a mobility  scooter. For a few years now if I walk long distances I get very breathless so for example  last week we went to Norwich  so I used my scooter. There are some shops I just can't enter with my scooter. My disability  is slight,for some it's far worse. There is still a long way to go to improve accessibility overall. 

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Good luck to them, I hope it's a success. I'll be visiting next time we are that way for sure.

As for Whetherspoons we have one in our town which was once an independent cinema. People were literally up in arms and didn't want it to change from a Cinema although it was closed and only ever held a film night once in a blue moon. Now it's packed out with holiday makers as well as locals who were so set against it becoming a pub :default_biggrin: They have film reels and some of the old cameras displayed on the walls so it's kind of kept it's character a little

I guess what I'm trying to say is that everything changes but we always seem to accept it in time after a lot of ranting and raving :default_biggrin:

I think the White Heron could be a real little gem if we give it a chance x

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