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Paddle Skedaddle - Saturday 13th May


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11 hours ago, Heron said:

Looks like an accident waiting to happen! 


I agree, I wouldn't like to be helming amongst them. I'm not one for knocking any activity anyone wishes to do but I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt or worse after an argument with a ruddy great cruiser.

Good luck to them, I hope they have fun and above all stay safe. If anyone taking part is reading this please be aware of river traffic and take great care x

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Could be interesting at Ludham Bridge in particular.  It’s bad enough with boat traffic on a Saturday and Sunday without a plethora of paddle powered craft all heading down The Ant, in a race.

Wonder if the YouTuber who seems to spend a lot of summer weekends, capturing and posting accidents and mishaps, will be there.

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I remember the infamous "wild swim" that took place on the Waveney a little while ago, where the river was effectively closed to other navigation, not by the BA or the Police but by the organisers, in hired day launches and hi-vis jackets, assuming the "authority" to force other traffic into the bank.

The BA allowed this to happen while their own rangers sat there and watched. Is this what will happen at Ludham bridge, on a summer Saturday?

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To put it into context, It is this saturday and runs from 9am until 2pm. Participants are over 18 and must aim for 2 1/2 hours completion with a maximum of 5 hours.

This is not a newbies event, they will be experienced paddlers who have trained for the event.

Why can we not share the Broads with other water users for the odd day or two., is it really only for boaters.

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9 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

is it really only for boaters.

No, but it is for all to "boat" in safety and consideration.

If all these are experienced and trained, we can be sure they will come with an entourage of "officials" who will probably be the ones causing the real trouble if previous events are anything to go by.

Let us not forget that water-skiing is also an activity allowed on the Broads navigation.  But it has its appointed places and that is not all the way down the Ant on a summer Saturday!

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Cannot see the issue - not exactly high season is it and the Broads do not belong to motor cruisers, hire or private. They are there for ALL to enjoy - not one person has complained about the 3 Rivers Race and that will cause , in relative terms, far more havoc. Why do we feel we have even the right to complain as we do - perhaps we should have a specific weekend for paddle boarders?

As the Chair rightly points out, other events raise similar issues but in reality pass by without issue - competent paddle boarders are well able to keep themselves safe and in fact seem well able to control their boards with skill and ease - just like sailors. Anyone planning to take part are going to be skilled, and a far cry from the average blown up paddle board " navigator"

If I encounter them I shall give them a cheery wave of encouragement and wish them a good day - in the past paddle boarders I have seen working hard are just too out of breath to even acknowledge you!!!!!

Talk about "nimbyism"!

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It means.....Objecting to something that will affect one or take place in one's locality.....I know because I just googled it :default_biggrin:

I have no objection to anyone using our rivers in any way they please. I won't be helming through them so they should be safe :default_biggrin:

I think we should have a motor cruiser race and then everyone can get out of our ruddy way :default_party0001: x

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34 minutes ago, Gracie said:

I think we should have a motor cruiser race and then everyone can get out of our ruddy way :default_party0001: x

If only The Lowestoft and Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club had thought of that first. :default_smiley-taunt014:

We could have had power boat racing on Oulton Broad. :default_rofl::default_norty:

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1 minute ago, Meantime said:

If only The Lowestoft and Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club had thought of that first. :default_smiley-taunt014:

We could have had power boat racing on Oulton Broad. :default_rofl::default_norty:

No one has an issue with the disruption and safety precautions that causes. :default_biggrin:

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1 minute ago, ExSurveyor said:

No one has an issue with the disruption and safety precautions that causes. :default_biggrin:

To be fair I don't have an issue with the Paddle Skedaddle. Like I said earlier, just wish they arranged it for three weeks later. Could have spectated both the Three Rivers Race and this at the same time. Now that would have made the lower Ant interesting! :default_rofl:

Power boat racing on Oulton Broad, The Three River Race, Water skiing all have a long tradition and history attached to them. It has to be remembered that tradition had to start somewhere with the first running of the activity. In years to come maybe they'll be celebrating the long tradition of the annual Paddle Skedaddle. Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but either way good luck to them.

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4 minutes ago, Meantime said:

If only The Lowestoft and Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club had thought of that first. :default_smiley-taunt014:

We could have had power boat racing on Oulton Broad. :default_rofl::default_norty:

Well pardon me for breathing and do behave MT, I was just having a giggle. Everyone should be allowed to enjoy our rivers whether they are flappy thingies, paddle boarders, anglers, kayakers, canoeists, swimmers, you get my drift but we just have to have a moan about it don't we :default_biggrin:

I think we should ban geese next, I mean how many times does one have to step in their poop with one's best shoes on :facepalm:x

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