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Sabre 28 - Cruiser - Project


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Thanks Guys cheers


Don't worry Iain we are trying to get it done.. We've got a couple of deadlines.. BSC next weekend so all systems need to be done (Dave said he has a little to do in the week), weekend after that is our mini christening party so I want the majority done! And then a couple of weeks after that I want to launch on the travel hoist to make sure it floats so dave needs to rebuild the leg.. If all is fine (BSC and float test) then we should be in norfolk for easter weekend... fingers crossed..


Don't worry Grace the kitchen was only a mess for a few moments.. it's all tidy now :) 

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Some great pics there Alan, but it looks like, owing to the flare of the hull, the table in its "table position" is going to be a little short, and sit inward from the edge of the seats, have you considered an extending flap which you could drop down when lowered for night use?, it would be very easy to make at this stage, and when dropped and lowered, it would form an underbunk locker for night time use. 


She really is looking 99% finished now, and looking good.


Iain (Broad scot), bugger seing it finished, i`m waitng to see it going along the river.

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cheers Neil (The last percent is the killer!!)


You have a good eye there! We did cut the table to fit the bunk insert, to be honest though it's only a couple of inches short but it's a bit of a shame when used as a table. Brilliant Idea about the flap though! I didn't think of that. We did test sit there though and it didn't seem too bad.. We also noticed there's a couple of advantages about keeping it a bit smaller (I.e makes the room feel a bit bigger, That seats not huge enough for 2 people really).. But we will see.. Probably to get to the finish line though we will have to redo at a later date (I'd like to do a really nice solid table with a rose insert :( ) cheers

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Alan, very impressed it's the finishing touches that the longest.

A word of solace remember painting the Forth Bridge, now it's done for 10 years!


Close. It took 10 years to paint but to last now at least 25 years. It never fails to amaze me, every time I see it and been under it twice. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-16110496



cheers Iain.

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Thanks Barry :) I'm trying to be positive but I'm a worrier lol..



Quick update so the light at the end of tunnel is obviously coming really quickly now.


The curtains are done!.. I've worked out how to do the curtain poles on the bottom of the windows so I've ordered the poles and will collect on friday evening.


The foam is with daves mum who will hopefully tackle these in the next couple of weeks and cover for us using matching material from the curtains (although a very dark blue instead of grey for the curtains!), We will probably install the curtain poles on sunday.


This evening dave has finished the last bits of electrical bits (The weekend we noticed that two busbars were missing covers so an emergency ASAP order arrived today and my guestimation was spot on and these fitted :) he also installed the battery boxes ) So the boat is now all ready for the BSC this saturday! 


But still fingers crossed everyone please and positive vibes! (if it passes I've got a bottle of wherry on standby :wasted: )


This sunday we will fit the leg which is finished just needs assembling and oil inserted and test run it in gear (in a bucket). 


One of our friends hand carved some timber with the boats name which will go on the sides (In a "Hardy" boats style), Its a little tribute to the boat "Orca" from the film Jaws which the boats named after (Again Dave named this one not me!!), I've also now got the boat name vinyl stickers for the transom which is in a similar font to that found from the movie).  So these will be installed on Saturday too :)


The next Saturday we have the denaming and christening party, I've spent a lot of time organising this and it's turning into be a big day..  I'm even dressing the boat up bunting :) and it's going to be a good day! I'll take a ton of pictures.


A boat blocking us is also being moved out the way tomorrow and I've booked the slipway, hoist and tractor driver for 7th March (2015!) the plan is to let the boat float in the travel hoist so we can ensure the legs high enough, the gas bottle drain outlet is high enough and to get a rough waterline so I can antifoul.


If all is well with the bsc and float test I can confidently arrange (and pay for) a mooring and transport to norfolk. We are aiming on moving to norfolk over easter. Although we aim to install the synthetic teak flooring in the wheelhouse and install a helmsman seat before it goes up.  


Exciting yet nerve racking days.  :hardhat:

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Alan and Dave, All the very best of luck for the BSC, I will be keeping everything crossed for you.


I would love to attend your Christening Party but unable to come as it's my dad's birthday, as you know I need to be with him, be warned though, you had better take lot's of pics or you'll have a very upset Gracie on your hands Lol


Iain's right one bottle of Wherry is never enough :naughty:


Grace :kiss

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Thanks for positive vibes guys! 


I'm confident on the BSC, I think we will be ok! I'm more worried about the float test although I have a good google image search last night and am now a bit more confident that the leg is high enough as to not cause problems! 


Shame you can't attend Grace, I can't reschedule either as it's a bit late :( lol but have a good day with your dad :) On Robin (London Rascals) recommendation earlier in the year I brought a little gopro type thing (The sj4000) so I'm hoping to record the events and share the movie.. If I can work out how to do it!


I think there maybe two bottles of Wherry! I can't get too wasted though as it's always a school night :)



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Hi Alan,


I hope your launch goes better than a boat I worked on in the early 70's. I was on loan to install all of the electrics on a 40 foot trimaran, the boat had been worked on by a team of engineers for over a year, I was there just for the last few weeks.


The boat was launched but took on water, it turned out the hulls that had been bought were porous (and then some).


I never heard the end of the story on that boat.


I am sure you fair far better.


Best of luck.




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Hi Alan,


Geez that doesn't sound fair!! :shocked  But I guess its easily done??! lol. We have seen one boat at the here (owned by a plumber) take on water quickly from it's main seacock because he hadn't put any sealant on.. just dry to the fibreglass!!). 


Thanks Grace lol I'm not too bad but I certainly won't be happy until it's done!


The main worry at the moment is because the sterndrive isn't intended for a deep v hull, i.e the steering arm outlet isn't watertight at all (The main baffles are though) (Pic: )so we need to ensure that the waterline isn't as high as the top part of the transom case... but I had a good google about last night at the same boats and the waterline on the stern does look a lot lower than feared, so I think it's ok. (this picture: http://www.watersidemarinesales.co.uk/images/gallery/88/03.JPG )  (the other worry is the gas compartment outlet is too low (but that can be filled and re positioned in a short time.. if the legs too low then thats a huge problem!!!).. proof is in pudding though!!


Isn't boating fun?!



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Don,t think you,ll have any problem, the hull can take twin engine,s so i small single diesel shouldn,t be a problem for it, the only problem you may have , is reversing,, the prop wash may hit the vee, causing lack of backward thrust, only way is to suck it and see , good luck, with the wetting :wave

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Don,t think you,ll have any problem, the hull can take twin engine,s so i small single diesel shouldn,t be a problem for it, the only problem you may have , is reversing,, the prop wash may hit the vee, causing lack of backward thrust, only way is to suck it and see , good luck, with the wetting :wave


Thanks for this :) It should be bow heavy as you say considering theres no big engines ( :( I still would love to have twin v8's in there!!).. we are hoping it is though so then we ballast the stern down to where we prefer the waterline (within reason).. It's just the unknown (and now waiting) lol 


This is the reason why this leg is causing worry, Sillette told us to get the cavitation place of the leg below the bottom of the v, but we couldnt really do it (as it increased the changes of the steering bit being under water) but it's only 1 inch above it, so the prop is in clean water so it should be ok .. who needs reverse anyway? :shocked lol 


We will be fine pirate  


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