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I have just joined the forum as I am now the proud(!) owner of a very unloved and tatty Dawncraft Dandy.  I know it is considered an 'ugly duckling', but I fell in love with her straight away.


She is in need of lots of TLC, involving hours of work, and of course money, and is unlikely to see the water any day soon.  When she does, the southern broads will be her home, and I am hoping to find her a mooring as close to Rockland as possible.


I am determined to restore her to her former glory, and hope to tap established members for all sort of advice and information - starting with electrics (including current regulations).  Does anyone out there have any links to websites/names of qualified electricians that can help, or any other advice how to get started?


I will of course be posting photos of progress, but here is a starter.


Thanks in advance.


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Any boat that gets you out there on the water is,IMHO,a good boat. There's a lot of folk who would never get afloat if they didn't do it by hard work and sheer determination 'doing up' a project boat. You should see the state of mine! Welcome to world of boat ownership and good luck.

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Welcome Pia.


Good luck with the restoration. I am sure many people will be able to offer advice. There's a few of these boats about. I am not sure I agree that she is an "Ugly Duckling" I hope you have many happy days on the water with her.



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Hello Pia,

Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself.

If you look through the various headings in forums you will see a wealth of information such as boat yards, BSS inspectors, suppliers such as chandlers and a section on services.

Here is a short cut to the services section:-




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:wave and welcome to the forum.. good luck with your project.. she looks like a lot of work there..


This is a good book (http://www.abebooks.co.uk/12-Volt-Bible-Boats-Miner-Brotherton/7406578810/bd?cm_mmc=gmc-_-gmc-_-PLA-_-v01) maybe worth grabbing.. 


Please also do a blog of your restoration project in the restoration section of the forum :) it helps get the through the dark nights and it's helps see what you've achieved!! 

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Welcome from us as well.We did a restoration some years back very satisfying and was proud of the end result .My personal regret was stripping it all out and it seemed a log haul for me to see the end .My friend did his boat but replaced as he went working towards getting it useable and doing jobs while enjoying the boat .Just my thoughts !Enjoy !

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  • 1 year later...



Remember me?  I bought my Dawncraft Dandy in September 2014, and it was in a pretty sad state.  I was hoping to get it on the water within a year, but due to major family commitments, it took a lot longer than expected, but I finally got there. 

It took nearly FOREVER to scrape off the numerous layers of paint and remove all the random fixings and fittings previous owners patched her up with.  damaged bits of fibreglass were repaired, side windows were removed, cleaned up and re-fixed;   The interior was completely stripped out, warped cupboard doors replaced and everything repainted and varnished.

I spent hours trawling the internet for correct fixtures and fixings (as opposed to what happens to be in the shed, like previous owners!) and tracked down manufacturers of parts such as rubber fenders, and even a guy who could build a replacement screen from original Dawncraft plans.  I treated myself to replacing the driver's screen as the original was practically perforated with holes from previous repairs and beyond salvage. 

There are still bits and pieces to do, such as sorting out seating etc., but we got her on the water last week - and she didn't sink (phew!)

I have named her Mie Marie (after my mum who passed away recently).  If you see me on the southern broads, give us a wave!






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Hi and welcome back

this is good to see, I remember reading your earlier post when you got the boat, It's good to see your progress, the boat's looking great.

sorry to hear of your mum's passing, what a lovely tribute to her

happy boating and please keep us informed


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