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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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32 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Sailed from Salhouse bound for Womack Water, on arrival mid afternoon, not a berth to be had and a good few on their mudweights, Andrew's river frontage it would be then


Enjoying your tale not enjoying how busy it is with moorings!

Were up on the 26th June and not looking forward to the mooring bun fight!

Just a quick question can you mud weight overnight in Womack water then?

I have a dinghy so I could mud weight row to the bank, from memory there's a small area to be able to moor it for a couple of hours?

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Monday 31st May

Yet another cracking morning, had a chat with Vanessa as missed her the previous evening.  Walked over t bridge to the cafe / stores which is Tres posh but sadly no papers in stock.

The holding tanks gauge was showing high, this due to six being onboard (For a day n half out of four days) plus me spending two maintenance trips onboard staying in t wetshed with Richo's toilet block being shut outside of working hours.  We decided to sail to Bridgecraft for a pumpout.  £15 for the one tank.  Then it was onto Potter Heigham.  The moorings here too were busy but a kindly gent moved up a weekender boat a tad so we could slot in.  Purdey, straight into the water at the slipway outside the pilots office. It was hot, so hot that the girls give La'tharms a miss - Bonus

Time was moving on so reluctantly we eventually sailed for Stalham and 'B.A's home berth in the wetshed.

Now Purdey dog had taken to life onboard really quickly.  When stern berthed she was getting hersen onboard just fine but was reluctant to get hersen off onto t bank, probably as she can't see over the transom.  Side on berths - on and off at her will (When she was allowed)

It was shortly after we sailed that she took it upon herself to go wandering round the outside deck whilst we were underway.  Macie dog never did this and had to be coaxed to go and sit on t foc'sle and only then in company. Purdey kept on doing it on her tod all of her own decision, she obviously enjoyed doing it too.  Heart in mouth time for us in case she fell off / in.  If she insists on repeatedly doing this I will have to put her doggy buoyancy aid on her or instruct her not to go on the upper decks whilst underway without it

We got back to the wetshed and departed for home about 1700, we needed to go via Jason Hatch's place to square him up with finances for the major engine service bits n pieces it was nice to see him and Sonia,  Consequently we did not get home until just before midnight

It was a belter of a weekend afloat all of us agreed how much we had enjoyed it and how much we had missed it.  Purdey has been baptised with her first trip afloat and we are well pleased with her progress, the Lads will love her being on the Lads Week.

One thing for sure, it won't be another six month wait until we are repeating the experience,




BA NBN 988.jpg

BA NBN 989.jpg

BA NBN 990.jpg

BA NBN 991.jpg

BA NBN 992.jpg

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We followed a day boat from Wroxham to St Benets where two boys we’re trolling of the stern I pulled along side to point out that the fishing season was closed. The boys took the rods in only for the father to tell them to carry on and me to F off and mind my own business. They passed back pat St Benets. An hour later still fishing. 

why are the boat operators not pointing out that it’s closed season as they must see the rods. 

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So good to see Purdey Dog has taken to boat life.  Id be a bag of nerves if Desmond walked about although although as have no stern access we need to teach him to walk down the deck so we can go to Salhouse or Ranworth.  

Ive just subscribed to Purdey’s YouTube channel 😁

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Watching Purdey pacing up and down the boat  I'd take a bet that it will only be a matter of a very short time before she decides to take the plunge. She looks to me as if she is giving the prospect of  a dip very careful consideration.




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More friends than you, really? Should I be surprised? :default_norty:

Saturday 12h, we sailed at 0700, it should have been 0650 but it really was a struggle to get the mudweight up.  Back into wetshed off to Tesco then sailed again at around 0900 this time for Ranworth Staithe. 

Jonathan on the helm with plenty of advice / instruction 

Had a bit of a moment on the lower Ant, we had to take action to avoid a collision after a Richo’s craft overtook us but forget about his stern swing. Obviously our fault, if we had being doing 6mph instead of 4mph the situation would not have arisen. 

Ranworth Staithe - there was a space! Under supervision from Robin, Jonathan did a perfect first time stern berthing. 

Then the fun started. I was fending off Hireboats for ages as they came and went. We got nudged once when I was off guard. The Lady Ba ‘Quay Attendant’ was busy, too busy, she needs to calm down a bit before she has a coronary

What I wanted was a large boat on our Port side to protect us. Our saviour arrived in the form of a swish rc45. Trouble was the helm was first time afloat

After 3 failed attempts under my instruction to get the thing berthed he gave up, so did I !

Only one thing for it, I stepped onboard and berthed it for them. First time I have helmed one of these and it was a breeze. Quite responsive. The crew were grateful, I could now relax

Dinner in t Maltsters after a long DTS. The broad  was as busy as ever must have been over twenty on mudweight. Jbx5 after he arrived said the island was full too. He was extremely lucky to get berthed on the Staithe. 


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Sunday 13th June

B'fast rolls onboard,  We then cleared the quay into the Broad with clear water around us explaining to Jonathan how to approach a mudweight mooring deploy and retrieve the same.  Then it was onto Ranworth island for some instruction stern moorings with me instructing, Howard n Robin acting as stern deck crew,  at 1000 it was 24c in the shade! after many successful stern moorings, the last of which we actually tied up so Horace dog could have ten minutes ashore we sailed for Sutton staith boatyard for the mandatory pump out and diesel.  Pump out was £15 with a stamp on the card.  Diesel is currently £1:07 per Litre.  I was interested in how much diesel we had used. 

We had sailed from the wetshed to Barton, back to the wetshed, then wetshed to Ranworth Quay, then berthing manoeuvres on the island, then to Sutton staithe yard.  I could not get more than 10 x Ltrs in.  Yes only 10 x Ltrs used.  I checked the engine hours, we had had the beta running for 6 x Hrs-ish.  That was impressive economy, obviously no use of the Planar heater.

The wx was absolutely glorious the whole weekend.  Jonathan did very well under instruction and is a good listener / learner.  We did the official key handover too and to have the four skippers / owners onboard at the same time was a rare event.  It was also a bonus to catch up with JBX5 too.

Next weekend we are onboard again, this time Thursday to Monday, Jonathan will have his wife, three young children and Horace dog along with me, MrsG and Purdey dog.  This will be a social / training weekend, the first time his children will be onboard too.  A proper boat full - Good.

We departed for home at 1630, including a stop I was in the house for 1900 which was good going too

See you afloat




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Onboard at 1630. The drive down took four n a half hours for goodness sake.

Visited Stalham high st for maggots and Tesco for ice cubes. 

Sailed at 1800. Very lucky this wild mooring was sort of clear but we are safely berthed. Now to get my rod out, first time since Lads week October last year :default_beerchug: Happy days, even MrsG is smiling.  Purdey dog going bonkers







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