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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

On our way back home at 1430. Top down


When you said the other day that you drove the whole way to Norfolk with your roof down, I took your lead on that and drove all the way back home yesterday with my hood down - 150 miles of sheer bliss, and managed to avoid the M25 to boot, taking the more scenic A505 past Duxford !



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Great drive home, Wx perfect for it.  Did it in fours hours including two stops, it seems I can't get there and back on a full tank unless I drive like Miss daisy and what's the point in that?  I've a sneaky suspicion we are doing no better than 25mpg and its not a big tank either, but hey ho, its only the enhanced higher octane stuff and having fun costs


'B.A' Diesel consumption we did 13 x hours of engine running which equates to 2:6 x Ltrs per hour, (50Hp shaft drive) but we did have the heating on for three evenings so no complaints there.


The ensign staff saga - I need to explain a tad more here.  First off if I had been on the helm prior to encountering the third gaggle of rag n sticks I am confident we wouldn't have got oursens in a situation where we were at such close quarters in the first place.  The skipper of the yacht we had contact with was truly apologetic explaining how he was unable to alter course or bring his boom in.  I was and still am annoyed that the two crew in the safety boat both claimed they had seen nothing.  That imho is total bo11ox and if they didn't see anything just why were they on the river in the first place? daydreaming and looking in the other direction from their charges? There were no other rag-n-sticks on the water down river of our incident area at that time


Anyroadup, it is what it is, no one got hurt and no real expensive boat stopping damage was done and I look forward to amicably meeting the skipper of said rag-n-stick


It did delay me getting home as I had to drive out to Nearest and Dearest, obtain a replacement then back to the wetshed and  spend an hour fettling it.  It will need at least two coats of varnish too, that'll have to wait for another day.  The cost of the staff has gone up by a tenner too since we last bought a replacement and I've lost count just how many we have had now


The idiot at Coltishall who got hissen arrested.  The same hire boat only went and berthed directly opposite us at Ludham Bridge Sunday evening.  The idiot was onboard but refused to acknowledge us or even look in our direction. He tied up smack in the area that is taped off (Some folk just can't help themsens) and clearly signed 'No Mooring' whilst refurbishment work is being carried out.  When the contractors arrived this morning he got somewhat strongly ordered what to do with hisself and his boat.  What was strange though, it became obvious there was only him onboard.  We can only guess the rest of his crew deserted him due to his behaviour the day before

What else occurred? - Oh yes one of our crew managed to nearly asphyxiate himself when he started choking on his dinner in t Dog, a swift thump on his back did the trick but for a few seconds it was a bit serious

'B.A' behaved herself impeccably for the weekend.  It was a real treat for us the crew to meet up once again just the once per year as we do, shame the NBN annual gathering clashed with it though

Till the next time then




BA NBN 1283.jpg

BA NBN 1284.jpg

BA NBN 1285.jpg

BA NBN 1286.jpg

BA NBN 1287.jpg

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18 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Great drive home, Wx perfect for it.  Did it in fours hours including two stops, it seems I can't get there and back on a full tank unless I drive like Miss daisy and what's the point in that?  I've a sneaky suspicion we are doing no better than 25mpg and its not a big tank either, but hey ho, its only the enhanced higher octane stuff and having fun costs


'B.A' Diesel consumption we did 13 x hours of engine running which equates to 2:6 x Ltrs per hour, (50Hp shaft drive) but we did have the heating on for three evenings so no complaints there.


The ensign staff saga - I need to explain a tad more here.  First off if I had been on the helm prior to encountering the third gaggle of rag n sticks I am confident we wouldn't have got oursens in a situation where we were at such close quarters in the first place.  The skipper of the yacht we had contact with was truly apologetic explaining how he was unable to alter course or bring his boom in.  I was and still am annoyed that the two crew in the safety boat both claimed they had seen nothing.  That imho is total bo11ox and if they didn't see anything just why were they on the river in the first place? daydreaming and looking in the other direction from their charges? There were no other rag-n-sticks on the water down river of our incident area at that time


Anyroadup, it is what it is, no one got hurt and no real expensive boat stopping damage was done and I look forward to amicably meeting the skipper of said rag-n-stick


It did delay me getting home as I had to drive out to Nearest and Dearest, obtain a replacement then back to the wetshed and  spend an hour fettling it.  It will need at least two coats of varnish too, that'll have to wait for another day.  The cost of the staff has gone up by a tenner too since we last bought a replacement and I've lost count just how many we have had now


The idiot at Coltishall who got hissen arrested.  The same hire boat only went and berthed directly opposite us at Ludham Bridge Sunday evening.  The idiot was onboard but refused to acknowledge us or even look in our direction. He tied up smack in the area that is taped off (Some folk just can't help themsens) and clearly signed 'No Mooring' whilst refurbishment work is being carried out.  When the contractors arrived this morning he got somewhat strongly ordered what to do with hisself and his boat.  What was strange though, it became obvious there was only him onboard.  We can only guess the rest of his crew deserted him due to his behaviour the day before

What else occurred? - Oh yes one of our crew managed to nearly asphyxiate himself when he started choking on his dinner in t Dog, a swift thump on his back did the trick but for a few seconds it was a bit serious

'B.A' behaved herself impeccably for the weekend.  It was a real treat for us the crew to meet up once again just the once per year as we do, shame the NBN annual gathering clashed with it though

Till the next time then




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BA NBN 1287.jpg

Would it not have been possible to just machine the bottom of your previous mast and reuse it 3” shorter? Could have saved 55 quid.

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I’d gone up the bure on Friday to keep away from the Thurne regatta over the weekend. It was only when I got the other side of Wroxham bridge that I noticed what Potter bridge was doing.
I do wish I’d about turned on Saturday, braved making my way through the yacht race at Thurne mouth and gone under Potter as even this morning (Wednesday) it’s still showing over 6’9”. 
Opportunity well and truly missed and now I need to go back up the Ant. 🙁

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'B.A' spent yesterday teatime at Beccles then onto the Locks Inn ('My' pub) for overnight.

They reported seeing a bittern flying alongside then over the foc'sle.  They described it as a fat lazy brown Heron  :default_icon_e_smile:

Jammy so and so's


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Bro' and his crew home yesterday after eight days onboard - All went well, they were very lucky with the weather too, when they did get rain it was mostly overnight apparently.

'B.A' due out again 09 - 16th this month.  Again Bro' and his MrsG but with a different crew, bound primarily for OB and Beccles for this years wooden boat show / gathering 11 - 13th 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bro' and crew arrived home yesterday.

He / they report that had a marvellous time afloat, the highlight of which was taking part in this years Wooden boat show gathering commencing proper at OB on Thursday afternoon through to Sunday.

Both Bro and his MrsG informed me prior to the trip about their concerns about the woody gathering wrongly assuming it would be full of anoraks and woody nerds.  I had engineered it so they would take 'B.A' along in my absence .  I have attended every show but one and I didn't want 'B.A' to miss it.

They thoroughly enjoyed the company, the friendliness of the crews and the weekends meet as a whole as I had predicted they would do.  Snag with this is they now want to attend the event next year, so do their guests they had onboard with them. I intend to be there next year of course, status quo lined up

'We're gonna need a bigger boat'  Or I'm gonna have to borrow or hire a woody so we can all attend

They had good wx in the main, 'B.A' behaved hersen, nowt broke or went wrong onboard either - Bonus

His MrsG said the only issue she noticed was that some hire boat crews just don't seem to care about knocks / scuffs when mooring / departing and she did indeed hear on more than one occasion the very annoying comment ' Well, it's only a boat'   :default_icon_mad:   :default_2gunsfiring_v1:  Bring back security deposits is my opinion on this one

'B.A' is due out 31st Aug next with yours truly onboard with MrsG, Purdey dog and our guests (At Last - Finally)  It's a bucket list wish for a mate of mine and some of his family, he has always wanted to helm 'B.A' but never asked (He should have done before now) and I only found out by accident, he also wants go go under Bishops Bridge up to New Mills pond so I intend to achieve both

Counting down the days once more then



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On 17/08/2023 at 22:36, BroadAmbition said:

........... he also wants go go under Bishops Bridge up to New Mills pond so I intend to achieve both


About this time last year we went under Bishops Bridge for the first time ever and made it as far as going under Jarrod's Bridge before I 'bottled it' and turned round.

I wasn't sure if cruisers went this far down the river (as I never saw anybody else down there!) and I only had 1 foot of water left under the keel so was worried about bumping into a Supermarket Trolly !!!!!

Maybe I should have carried on ...................?

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I too have made several excursions up there, if you get to new mills its a dead end, but avoid the right side as you approach, one time when I was there there was a regular beach over the right side of the basin, its clear up near the mill races, but near the entrance that side can be shallow, if in doubt talk to the yacht station staff, they generally know any current issues on that stretch.

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