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Injured Mod on holiday....


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Hi All,


If there are messages for me, I apologise for not replying, I had an accident on the boat. Will tell all later. I am ok and heading for the New Inn at Horning tonight IF my space I booked is still there for me. 


If Mike reads this, I hope to see you and Pat there tonight.



cheers Iain.

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Only just seen this, hope you are ok and your holiday's not been affected too much, please let us know if you are well, I feel gutted for you as I know how much you were looking forward to this break


Thinking of you  :kiss



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Wow thank you for your kind wishes. Right then I am a bit battered and bruised but able to do the mooring up for the Ruth (SWMBO)  and my sis in law. 


Well these are all the gory details. I have found IMO a design fault on Broadway2. The eye level fire extinguisher. It is at the end of the passageway across from the cooker, and Ruth was making me bacon n eggs. As she was working with her back to me I passed facing her but as I turned I whacked the FE and duley took a rather nasty fall, the holly teak flooring is very unforgiving when you land head first!


The upshot is I have a bruised face, torse and a badly skinned elbow, oh and a ostrish lump on my leg. Add that to arthritis means I aint entering any gymnastic events any time soon! :naughty:


Admiral (John) you'd better drink or I will be not best pleased. :naughty:


We are heading over to the south earlyish tomorrow for a few days. I have sent the ladies  into the Bridge Inn at Acle, as getting off the boat last night was not easy. More on that when I get home.


Thank you again for all your kindness. Oh and Poppy I WILL DEAL WITH YOU LATER! :naughty:  :naughty:  :naughty:



cheers Iain


P.S. Please excuse typo errors I broke my vow of no more drams, I had a Whyte n Mackays and Irnn Bru lol

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