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10 hours ago, SwanR said:

Yes it is. You can read more about it here.

Very interesting, and being so close it is my intention to combine it with a "discovery cruise" of the Blackwater on a Thames Sailing Barge out of Maldon, either end June or mid July. It will make a very pleasant 3 night break for me. Thanks for your post.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Yesterday I did my final shopping before Christmas, made some cornflake buns and some chocolate truffles.

Great stuff Alan, can I come and enjoy one of your buns? :default_biggrin:

9 minutes and I'm free from work for the holidays.

I hope you can have a great Christmas mate :default_xmas2:

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our office is still open monday, I have 1 1/2 hours drive, the office will open at 9am, and shuts at 11.30, then I have 1 1/2 hours drive home again, ah the good life. I still have a full days work needed before christmas. everyone at work has been sorting out their paperwork, seeing bits they need doing, sending it to me, then heading off on holiday, I might just finish the before christmas job I was given last friday, but all the others that have come in since - well at least they are not in to chase them. then the first week back we are on standdown training, so they wont get them that week either.

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My office is also open on Monday. Hoping that we can send everyone home about 1pm but it will depend on whether we still have any calls coming in or whether any of my team are on remote support in the middle of fixing things for customers.

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We’re open to midday Monday although only 5 of us in the office as rest have booked time off or working from home.  I can work from home but as it’s only 20 mins walk and we have a pub lunch planned I think I’ll make the effort!!  

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Christmas day afternoon, snug and warm in the caravan.  Just finished the washing up.  All tidied up ready for Strictly Christmas Special.

Day started with Rosie scratching the side of the bed demanding 'widdles' and breakfast, not necessarily in that order.  I'm sure she thinks she is a cat!  Quick walk, back for breakfast and chores.  Two showers and the aquaroll is empty and the waste master full.  Oh, and the loo won't empty itself.

I never thought to say it, but then went on line and ordered our Christmas present to ourselves for delivery on 040119.  Apparently an awful lot of items are ordered on line on Christmas Day.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day.  Best wishes.




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After noon all, 

Been sailing in ever decreasing  circles,  at horning with snowflake sailing club,  came 4th in the first race 1st in the second race.  Howevever when the dinghy fleet was added in for the Boxing Day trophies...  9th and 9th...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Harvey Arms pub last Sunday evening and the usual gathering of us miscreants let out for the evening by our wifies.  We chat about all sorts, catch up with each others news, the conversation is usually far from politically correct, racist, chauvinistic, sexist, +18 jokes - the whole nine yards - This after all is a real Yorkshire pub in the real world, men only on a Sunday night (Unwritten rule of course).

Anyroadup someone mentioned points accrued on driving licenses.  Since the paper half of driving licenses has become defunct I had no idea if or how many points I had to my name.  Well, one of the chaps got out his trusty iphone, went onto the relevant website, typed in a few details and there it was - I have just the three points (SP30) but the really pleasing news is that in just three days they will be over 3 x years old so no longer current.  Now that means I will be entering a dangerous time for me as on past record I seem to get my licence cleaned but within a few months or even weeks - Bang - Points make prizes and I get awarded another three.  So the challenge is to see how long I can keep the blessed thing clean.  I have never had more than three at anyone time. 

What is really quite peculiar (And something I'm quite proud of)  is that I have never since I have owned the mighty Tiger (2007) been awarded any points when astride it.  Must be the same cloaking device switching itsen on with the never to be found 'On' switch that gives me so many issues with some other road users  :default_icon_eek:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update - Ten days gone by and license still clean - Will soon be approaching a record.

Right, the photo you see is our freshly decorated lounge, in particular the chimney breast.  That is a new mirror - the second one as the first one was delivered with a broken centre mirror so they had to send us another one.  I have since replaced the original broken mirror and daughter has claimed it - Another job for me to do it go round and hang it for her.  Anyway I digress, MrsG proclaimed that she wanted a large timber mantelpiece fitting below the mirror. 




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So I'm thinking to mysen, why are we about to exchange a lot of English pounds that I could better spend on 'B.A' or cartridges or go go juice for the Tiger for a timber mantelpiece?  Especially when whatever she chooses on line will be too small or too big, not made to measure, not the right colour / type of finish.  Timber is my thing (Along with a few other hobbies).  Surely I can do better and improve on one rather than ordering one off the shelf that is a 'Make Do' ?

So today on my travels I called in at Donny's best known timber merchant.  One large piece of Oak in exchange for £60 and its in the back of the van.  Now I'm in a risky situation here as I have not discussed this with my home improvements officer but toooooo late she should have made a decision / pulled the trigger which she hasn't done.

I took it home and put it in our lounge to acclimatise itsen for a week or so before I get set to on it. 

'High Darling - your new mantelpiece is in the lounge' - thinking I am in line for plenty of brownie points here

Not a bit of it:-

'It's the wrong colour / grain and I wanted it moderately worked on the edges and rounded corners, it does not match the present Oak furniture we have in the lounge - I'm not happy, don't like, don't want it' (You can just see a piece of our current oak furniture to the right of the 'new' Oak)

Basically - She has the face on and I'm back in the dog house - which in our gaff is outside with no heating.  Macie never spends a day let alone an evening in there, whereas me? - I'm on first name terms with the place




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you just need to point out that once you put the polish on the colour will match perfectly, and as for the fancy edging, you were waiting for instructions how she wanted it. now as for hanging it, you just need some brackets with posts sticking out to form a hidden fixing.

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Grendel is bang on the money- Show off  :default_icon_bowdown:

Chaps - Why do our Ladies jump to conclusions or immediately go off into t deep end, or engaging mouthpiece before brain before transmitting? Or simply ASK?

I will digress here once again, I recently found out at my grand old age of only 58 years and having been married for 32 of them. You know that a lot of Ladies often grip / rest their chins in their right hand or sometimes bite their  bottom lip whilst frowning,  Do you know why they do that? - well I now know (Every day is a school day) and I am willing to share it with you.

They are having a deep thinking session and they hold their chin / bite their lip to try and stop themselves interrupting themselves whilst thinking! - Come on Ladies - You know its true! :default_coat:





Anyroadup where was I? - Oh yes, that new piece of Oak.  At risk of death I had to really concentrate and avoid sounding as though I was patronising and explain a few facts to my MrsG.  The mantelpieces she sees on Ebay do not come out of a tree finished like that.  Nor does our Oak furniture in our lounge simply get cut and put together and look like it does.

No, I explained that our lump of Oak needs to be conditioned for at least a week indoors and become acclimatised to the  temperature / humidity of our house.   Then it has to be cut to length, then any shakes have to be glued under compression and again left for another week.  Then she has to provide me with a picture of the finish she wants, that is moderately worked / scalloped / rounded edges etc.  Then I have to take lump round to the Wizards to run it over his bench planer to square it up.  Then commence with the scalloping / edges using tools both power and hand as I see fit.  Then it is 80g paper on the DA sander followed by 240g.  Seeing as it is indoors no need for 5 star cuprinol.   Then get set to with the Danish oil to give it a finish to match our current furniture.  Then I have to purchase a hidden mounting system and 'Let' it into the timber where it will meet the wall to ensure a snug fit with no gap.  After all that has been done, then she can at last put her dust collectors in it (O r m a n e n t s) and I may be allowed out of the dog house and back indoors.  All this whilst I'm prioritising on the important stuff - 'B.A's new mast

I'll keep thee posted



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