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2 hours ago, bucket said:

My day features my first Jersey royals this year!!.....yum!.....simply boiled just perfect then served with sea salt and butter......and only a million pounds for a small bag!

I was lucky a few years ago when I was out in Jersey I brought back some  JR seed potatoes 🥔 from a grower out there who I know . Planted them had a lovely crop from them only problem they didn’t taste the same.. was missing the sea air the granite soil and the sea weed kelp. That’s what the secret is of them 👍

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Somehow I don’t think JR’s taste as good as they did when I was younger. I bet the farmers don’t go to the trouble of using seaweed as a mulch nowadays. That would be too much like hard work. 

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40 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

I bet the farmers don’t go to the trouble of using seaweed as a mulch nowadays. That would be too much like hard work. 

Too much like hard work or a luxury that the UK supermarkets believe we don't want to pay for? Most of the food choices made for us by the supermarkets are actually about them making extra profit at the expense of their suppliers.

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1 hour ago, bucket said:

Absolutely right ScrumpyCheddar, if they aren't grown on Jersey they just don't taste the same.

And that’s right legally as well, for the crop and the seed potatoes. They can’t be called jersey royals. So ‘jersey royal’ seed potatoes in garden centres over here come under the less romantic name of ‘international kidney’. 

If you feed them with liquid seaweed, which I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s sold as by ‘gardening naturally’, they taste pretty good. 

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6 minutes ago, kpnut said:
If you feed them with liquid seaweed, which I can’t for the life of me remember what it’s sold as by ‘gardening naturally’, they taste pretty good. 

Thank for the tip Kate. I have a bottle of liquid seaweed lurking in the greenhouse.   :default_biggrin:

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26 minutes ago, Meantime said:

Too much like hard work or a luxury that the UK supermarkets believe we don't want to pay for? Most of the food choices made for us by the supermarkets are actually about them making extra profit at the expense of their suppliers.

And the fact that British consumers aren’t satisfied with seasonal produce anymore.  The expectation now is that we can eat strawberries at Christmas and asparagus in November.  Energy costs are now dissuading UK producers from growing some fruit and veg as heating greenhouses is too expensive and a shortage of pickers means that some of what was grown, had to be left in the fields to rot.  

They might be part of the reason that when I bought parsley and thyme from the supermarket a few weeks ago and they came from Portugal and Greece respectively.

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38 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

And the fact that British consumers aren’t satisfied with seasonal produce anymore.  The expectation now is that we can eat strawberries at Christmas and asparagus in November.  Energy costs are now dissuading UK producers from growing some fruit and veg as heating greenhouses is too expensive and a shortage of pickers means that some of what was grown, had to be left in the fields to rot.  

They might be part of the reason that when I bought parsley and thyme from the supermarket a few weeks ago and they came from Portugal and Greece respectively.

Do we expect to much??? I don't this so tbh. I know people who're genuinely struggling to make ends meet. 

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12 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I've not seen any JR this year.Dont know what's going on.

Our greengrocer has had them for a fortnight. Morrisons (Scarborough) have had them in for a week......I am sure they will be available in your neck of the woods somewhere.

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Majorcan new potatoes are a good substitute to go with a nice Welsh leg of lamb and seem to be plentiful at the moment. But a substitute nothing compares to a newly dug Jersey.

I am reminded that the butcher in Sudbury Town, where we rented a house when first married in 1971, would do us a leg of lamb for around £1.00, I expect my Coronation Dinner leg will be very close to £40.00.

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34 minutes ago, Gracie said:

You stick to delivering chocolates Mt, my address is.........:default_biggrin: 

I have a hospital appointment today, always worrying but I'll be okay, hopefully I'll have chocolate tonight :default_biggrin: x

Hope all, goes well at the Hospital Gracie,.I know how worrying that can be.



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36 minutes ago, Gracie said:

You stick to delivering chocolates Mt, my address is.........:default_biggrin: 

I have a hospital appointment today, always worrying but I'll be okay, hopefully I'll have chocolate tonight :default_biggrin: x

Guess what, I put your address of ......... into the postcode finder and it came back as address not found :default_shocked1animated:

Hope everything goes well at the hospital today. 

Here's some virtual wine and chocolates for tonight :409_wine_glass::403_chocolate_bar::409_wine_glass::403_chocolate_bar::default_icon_kiss:

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" I have the following warning for dog owners from a reputable source... 6 dogs have died having visited Beccles Common. Believed to be due to pest control measures. Please don't walk any dogs there unless you know it to be safe.

This information is ok to share anywhere dog owners may read it"

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1 hour ago, Smoggy said:

Well worth sharing the info whatever the tos says about faceache.

I agree the information being shared , especially in such cases, is important however can members please check that when quoting from a private source that the correct permissions have been given .

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