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My Day


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I’ve read quite a few of the books from childhood. 
A Traveller in Time, I am David, Stig of the Dump, Jane Eyre (which is the only one of that sort of book I like), Towers in the Mist, Adventure in Forgotten Valley to name a few.
Always worth a revisit.  


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Have you read the Susan Cooper ‘The Dark is Rising’ books? I love them, as they are firmly based in West Country and Welsh mythology, and not in an ‘airy-fairy way, but the real myths and language. 

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Not much to say about today, except I think I’ve got the worst over. There were still quite a lot of flies in the kitchen this morning as I found more rotting/mouldy food hidden away in cupboards and in both ovens.

Anyway, I’ve now mostly cleared Dad’s kitchen of the worst of the detritus and took a lunchtime trip to the local ‘dump’ with a car full of bin bags. Luckily my cousin Chris and his wife live in a village that side of the island (in the village with the long name) so I was able to pop in to see them on the way back…and they gave me lunch.

Chris’ sister Sandra is putting me up for the rest of my stay, so we had a nice quiet evening catching up.

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I have at last updated the GriffTile website - Well that is to say I paid a wizard to do it for me - Its now mobile / tablet / PC  friendly and complies with Google search parameters etc

There's even a new section on boat tiling too



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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

I have at last updated the GriffTile website - Well that is to say I paid a wizard to do it for me - Its now mobile / tablet / PC  friendly and complies with Google search parameters etc

There's even a new section on boat tiling too



Just had look and it's looking good. 

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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Onboard after an excellent journey up. I have a solo pass until Sunday as youngest grandson is doing much better getting into school at the moment.

I also have a list of jobs to do so we can relax in a couple of weeks time when we get up for half-term week.

My biggest challenge will be getting timings right for the machine that goes 'ping'.

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23 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

If it goes "Ping..ga" does that mean you've found a u-boat ?

Whiteys registration number is U67!, does that count.

Ironic really as it is named after an old friend who was a Lieutenant Commander in the RN.

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My week...

Despite slaving away for several days, it doesn't look like I've made much of a dint on my father in law's house. I had three trips to the local 'dump' and one to a charity shop, so I'm sure I must have made some progress.:default_wacko:

Anyway, I returned home Thursday, and we visited Dad yesterday. I had managed to find some clothes for him (hidden under piles of other stuff), so took those around to the hospital. He's looking a lot better, which is very good news.

I did manage to have some down time with my cousin whilst in Anglesey. We had a lovely walk one evening along the prom at Holyhead beach, so I'll share some photos below.

I also captured this 'yarn bomb' on the Trearddur Bay post box, celebrating the RNLI. 



Holyhead beach (Mackenzie pier). When I was young these steps would have been swarming with kids using them as a diving platform. Where are all the swimmers now? (It was a very balmy evening.)




Holyhead 'mountain' (all 700' of it).



Why do both ferries for Dublin depart within minutes of each other? The Irish Ferries ship had only just reached the turn at the end of the breakwater when the Stena Line ferry set off. 



The Maritime Museum has an interesting collection. All sorts from diving bells to French cannon. The main museum is housed in an old air-raid shelter. 




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Deb’s mum and dad lived in Southern Ireland for a few years, during the eighties.  We visited them a couple of times, once in ‘84 and again in ‘85, both times travelling on my motorbike and using the Sealink ferry to Dun Laoghaire.

The crossing in ‘84 was particularly memorable as a passenger threw themselves off the ferry mid crossing and we circled the area for several hours, searching for her, before continuing with the journey.  The delay impacted us getting to the in-laws home quite severely, not helped by the signage used in the Republic at the time, with some road signs showing distance in miles and others in kilometres!

It was an interesting journey nonetheless, completed on unlit roads in the middle of the night.

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20 minutes ago, Smoggy said:

Say hi to my sister, she lives in bryn mor terrace in holyhead.

Small world. :default_biggrin:

A postscript…

I came away from my cousin’s with a carrier bag of goodies. When I unpacked it I found a case of silver spoons. Sandra was mystified how it got there. So am I. I really, really am not a Lobelia (Sackville-Baggins).  Honest. (You have to be familiar with ‘The Hobbit’ to get the reference.)

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My day… Well Fiona and I have been battling the golf course with bunkers that is the lawn for months. We have toiled, clipped , reseeded, filled in, fed, watered and given love to the lawn which is slowly improving. 

Time today to give the deck ( red Ballau) some love, last weekend was five hours of power washing, scrubbing, trying to find a suitable oil based product with lots of VOCs to annoy JSO. 
Attached is the done half ( one coat) and the power washed half…it’s a video, just because I can. 


 Oops twice…. lol 


The final picture is two coats and I think it’s lovely, it may not be a boat, BUT,  it’s wood and it’s fun. 



Final two coats and it’s the second half tomorrow. Enjoy the spring meet people. So sorry we couldn’t be with you all..


Martin & Fiona 

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So.... (yeah that's already annoyed some people)

In the pub tonight fetching beer from the bar ordered on the app ( the app is two thumbs up to the landlord) spotted a guy in the corner with big headphones on reading a book looking like something that rhymes with Twit (yes it's Twit, good rhyme eh),  then noted the book title "surrounded by idiots", hang on a sodding minute I'm pretty sure you can drink on your own for quarter on the price at home without the rest of the town noticing your a Twit.

It is just me,??????

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The oil is Barrettine deck oil Clear. 1x5L tin did just over half the deck with two coats. Applied with a flat fluffy applicator NOT a brush or roller.

Half the deck is just over 22sqm…Says 1L per 4 sqm on the tin So about right……

£71 for two 5L tins.


Went for true deck OIL, not the more modern “Linseed” water based alternatives. The finish is excellent much better than the water based ones, dries quickly not tacky to the touch at all after 5 hrs..

Some deck oils are not suitable for use with hardwood decks, best to check. Most oils work well with hardwood. 
Ballau weighs 850kg/M 3  ( very heavy)

Janka Hardness 7120N ( very very hard)

Specific gravity 0.69/0.85 ( not known for floating when wet) 

Hope that helps 


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The view from Here!

The rain has been constant and heavy since 0500 on the North Norfolk Coast.

Now a North Sea Haar is rolling in over the cliff tops shrouding out the horizon.

Chores done, an afternoon of TV. GP qualifing and football, even though I am a rugby man.20240525_141720.thumb.jpg.df40afd2718c35f5fcf2e180384d8021.jpg

Just put on the heating!



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29 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

The view from Here!

The rain has been constant and heavy since 0500 on the North Norfolk Coast.

Now a North Sea Haar is rolling in over the cliff tops shrouding out the horizon.

Chores done, an afternoon of TV. GP qualifing and football, even though I am a rugby man.20240525_141720.thumb.jpg.df40afd2718c35f5fcf2e180384d8021.jpg

Just put on the heating!



The same here on the East Norfolk coast Chris, the church tower is beginning to fade into the mist. No heating on though, don't want to set a precedent for Gill, it's off now until October at the earliest! 🙂

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 I am at my daughter's. I am being taken out to lunch as today I reached the grand old age of 80! I am being thoroughly spoilt which is lovely, coincidentally it It's my lovely son-in-law's birthday too so  joint celebration


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