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15 minutes ago, grendel said:

theres this thing about having kids,

Full adults, but not quite fully fledged. 
I’d like to think I’d also do things for a good friend as well but that’s never been tested to the full. 

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Went with both grandsons to an escape room today.

By the time I had read the initial clue, youngest one had solved the puzzle and moved on to the next one.  I followed him round looking bewildered. Apparently we (he) set a record for completing it. You are given 60 minutes, he did it in 47 minutes.

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My day yesterday was a very long one....

It started at 6am on Friday in Accra, Ghana then to the Ghanaian Police Academy to conclude the final day of a 2 week strategic command course as part of the UKs capacity building programme with the M.O.D.

After the day concluded I had some food, then made my way to the airport for the 10.20pm flight to Heathrow...but it didn't take off until 11.15pm!

Then a flight which landed at terminal 3 around 6.15am

Through security, to the car park to collect my car and the drive home.

I arrived back home around 10.30am on Saturday 

Then it was a day of trying to stay awake....so I could get my body clock back to normal 

In the evening I caught up on 2 episodes of Dave Whitworths videos and then hit the sack early evening as I couldn't hold my head up any longer 

Loooong tiring day but extremely successful trip.




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Went out early this morning to wash the wife’s car. It has to be relatively early as the front of our bungalow faces south and the only shade I get is created because the garage is set back a little from the front of the bungalow itself.

With the car washed and dried, I moved it back to dress the tyres and noticed a screw in the tread of the offside front one.  To make it worse, it was near the shoulder of the tyre and could render it irreparable.  I contacted a local tyre dealer, who supplied them about a month ago and they were able to get one in for this afternoon.

As I suspected, it was too close to the shoulder of the tyre and was scrapped.  They did me a deal on the new one with a decent 20% discount, but still relieved me of £161.

When I got home, the wife told me that we’d had a win on the Postcode Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .and she’d receive the £5 in the form of an e-voucher.

I suppose I should be grateful that I spotted the problem on my drive and didn’t have a blow out at speed, but having to bin an almost new tyre does hurt!


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I’m certainly finding out what my right arm is for at the moment (steady) and it’s not for raising beer glasses.  Yesterday saw me drive to the marina to give Norfolk Lady another coat of August Race Smooth Opacity wax, in readiness for our forthcoming holiday.  I ran out of steam before I got to the toe rails, but all of the other shiny bits of superstructure have been waxed.



I must confess that I rewarded myself with lunch at The White Heron afterwards.  I needed something to soak up a pint of shandy, so one of their excellent ciabatta’s fitted the bill nicely.


This morning was spent waxing the wife’s car.  I tried some new Ceramic Wax on my car a couple of weeks ago and found it to be relatively easy to use and provide a stunning finish, so thought I’d apply some to hers.  No fancy lunch as a reward - a cheese sandwich and a mug of tea had to do!


Apparently, I can have a couple of hours off now, before I get dragged round the supermarket.  How lucky can I get? 

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It seems to me that here's a man that loves polishing, also that he would rather do more polishing than go shopping. Now as I always like to help a fellow man and my boat happens to be moored next to his... Can you see where I'm going with this @Mouldy 😂

Norfolk Lady looking superb as usual Malc 👍🍺

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27 minutes ago, Ray said:

It seems to me that here's a man that loves polishing, also that he would rather do more polishing than go shopping. Now as I always like to help a fellow man and my boat happens to be moored next to his... Can you see where I'm going with this @Mouldy 😂

Norfolk Lady looking superb as usual Malc 👍🍺

Thanks Ray!  And yes, I can see where you’re going and I’d be only too happy to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lend you my polisher and share a few tips with you! :default_biggrin:  Trust me, I don’t love polishing, but do like to keep things in the best order I can.  Two cars, a bike and a boat are about as much as I can manage now!

I eventually turned the 100,000 miles in my car on the way to the MoT last week.  Bit disappointed that I had an advisory for a slight worn front disc.  The service advisor at the dealers was quite surprised when I told him that they were the originals and had been on the car since new!



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23 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Bit disappointed that I had an advisory for a slight worn front disc.  The service advisor at the dealers was quite surprised when I told him that they were the originals and had been on the car since new!

That's good going 👍

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Back home today after a fantastic week afloat only rained this morning so we’re very lucky. I think we must have seen all the usual antics plus a few I’ve not seen before.

Boats racing around got overtaken in Horning by a picnic boat going flat out,

 Moored stern on at Ranworth the boat next to us kept running his engine 3 times over 8 hrs whilst annoying this was particularly bad as he had it in gear to get the revs up. It felt like being in a washing machine.

Boats leaving moorings at 21-15 sunset 21-20 and heading of down river fishing off the stern. Hire boats turning up at 21-45 looking for moorings.

A couple of day boats from potter dropping off around 10 people at Thurne before taking the boats back 30+ people between the two boats.

Boats trying to moor in the area fenced off at Potter with no posts or key heading. 
I suppose this is why the call it the silly season. 

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Yesterday drove to through Ludham, first a Nissan juke pulls out on me with out looking in my direction at all. At least I had time to slow down.

Second an old type mini pulls out from behind some vintage tractors intending to go down a side road, full on tyre smoking braking required, had I been 10 ft further forward it would have been ex mini and ex driver. 1.5 tons of 40 year old landrover takes a lot of stopping even if It was below the speed limit at the time.

forecast,  light rain and drizzle changing to sunny spells.. We got a lot of fine rain for the down river race , and occasional spots on the way back the sun didn't turn up till after the boats were put away long after the forecast..

The good yesterday?. BM was within sight of the other boats at the finish both races, down river to Thurne and back. With Blue Moon having a handicap of 21 % off her finishing time, and the others having 14% or faster,  BM was most definitely not last...




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  • 2 weeks later...

One of those jobs we don't do very often and when we do, it's hard to think when was the last time we did it - moved everything out of the living room ready for a new carpet to be fitted tomorrow. Thankfully they agreed to fit the matching dining room carpet next Monday to give us a bit of breathing space. We've never had that before and I wonder if it's because this time we went to the long serving local guy with a shop in the village and a good reputation.

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Had to down tools for a few hours yesterday to attend a funeral in our local village church (Finningley)  As funerals go the service was one of the best I have attended.  The highlight for me was a Welsh male voice choir (Recording) singing the hymn 'How great tho art' - I had to give them a helping hand of course -

It was requested that we mourners wear blue.

That gave me a rare opportunity to wear one of my favourite ties in my collection



BA NBN 1349.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a bit quiet on the Mermaid Meanderings front due to Desmond having to undergo an operation on his foot but we did manage to get a riverside fix by going to The Plough in Fenditton by the River Cam. Lovely food and pretty views of the river.  The blue boat looks like ones Ive seen at Barnes





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Yesterday. Mrs Raser and I visited Snowshill manor near Broadway in the Cotswolds. Fascinating place, bought by a chap so rich that all he had to do was go round collecting artefacts, whatever he felt like at the time. Then he bought Snowshill just to put it all in! One room has around 10 spinning wheels, a couple of large winders and large weaving loom, another room has about the same number of Japanese fighting costumes. Good variety then. The boating connection comes in the form a few large scale models of ships like HMS Romulus, about 6ft long, builders models.

Anyway, on the way home we came up behind a nicely signwritten van: H. M. Coastguard Search and Rescue which made us both do a double take and raised a smile. We in Leicestershire are about as far from the sea as it's possible to be on this little island so I don't think they were very busy yesterday. Rutland Water can be a bit angry at times but they have their own arrangement...:facepalm:

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Nostalgia time ...I baked my mother's chocolate cake recipe this afternoon. Still a family favourite after all these years.

The topping has to be Cadbury 's dairy milk ... otherwise it's just not the same.


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15 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Nostalgia time ...I baked my mother's chocolate cake recipe this afternoon. Still a family favourite after all these years.

The topping has to be Cadbury 's dairy milk ... otherwise it's just not the same.


WOW but why just single portions :default_coat:

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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34 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Nostalgia time ...I baked my mother's chocolate cake recipe this afternoon. Still a family favourite after all these years.

The topping has to be Cadbury 's dairy milk ... otherwise it's just not the same.


Oh Helen, that looks amazing. Not that I'm in awe of it or anything, my baking turns out like that all the time :facepalm::default_biggrin:

Grace x

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54 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Nostalgia time ...I baked my mother's chocolate cake recipe this afternoon. Still a family favourite after all these years.

The topping has to be Cadbury 's dairy milk ... otherwise it's just not the same.


I've put on 1/2 stone just looking at it!

The healthy option would be to put it on the floor and run round it a few times! :default_smiley-char054:

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32 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Oh Helen, that looks amazing. Not that I'm in awe of it or anything, my baking turns out like that all the time :facepalm::default_biggrin:

Grace x

You had better tell Charlie and his brother that the forum is down due to strikeout because if they see that picture , you are in deep water Gracie. :default_norty:.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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2 hours ago, floydraser said:

Yesterday. Mrs Raser and I visited Snowshill manor near Broadway in the Cotswolds. Fascinating place, bought by a chap so rich that all he had to do was go round collecting artefacts, whatever he felt like at the time. Then he bought Snowshill just to put it all in! One room has around 10 spinning wheels, a couple of large winders and large weaving loom, another room has about the same number of Japanese fighting costumes. Good variety then. The boating connection comes in the form a few large scale models of ships like HMS Romulus, about 6ft long, builders models.

Anyway, on the way home we came up behind a nicely signwritten van: H. M. Coastguard Search and Rescue which made us both do a double take and raised a smile. We in Leicestershire are about as far from the sea as it's possible to be on this little island so I don't think they were very busy yesterday. Rutland Water can be a bit angry at times but they have their own arrangement...:facepalm:

We stayed in Broadway beginning of March, and went up to Snowshill a few times on our way out and about.Lovely place,but a bit tricky driving in the mist and ice..

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