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To Posh For Help


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Yesterday I was cleaning the boat,a Brooms(hire)boat appeared realising the moorings  were full he turned around.well he attempted  to  with enough  room to swing a bus he made hard work of it.I offered advice,They looked at me as if I was mars.A few minutes  later they managed to get out.Also some Broom hirers don't wave.Far to posh.

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you could be right, either that or they were scared or embarrassed to ask, you have to bear in mind that some private boat owners are perhaps too posh to offer or too quick to shout 'go away' 

on trial runs I always tell people to shout for help and don't be afraid to ask as some people want to help but may not be forthcoming, I am often met with the response from new hirers "really?, will people help?" 

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Funnily enough we get waved at by everybody, photographed by almost everybody and gawped at by a few. We always offer to help, once I even offered even tempered advice to the very nice man who was using the screw end of the broom to thud his way down our cabin sides as he moored in Salhouse. I asked if he would object if I bounced my shopping trolley down the side of his vintage Rolls Royce if it were parked in Tesco, the mystified looks I received said it all really. I always try and help and sometimes it is well received other times less so. I must admit to being quite rudely rebuffed by the aforementioned Broom hirers in St Olaves last season. The one time I do wish someone had asked for help was at Acle three  seasons ago, a rather large boat hit us five times whilst trying to moor with the wind and with the flow in the pouring rain. His good lady wife after finally completing this manoeuvre wandered over to my rain sodden self and said "don't worry dear that's what insurance is for". It turned out a very experienced round Britain sailor was on board but thought his guest should "get some experience". Not sure if this counts as too posh to give advice or too posh to take some. Didn't do much for my blood pressure either way.





with wind and with tide. 

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Would a vintage Rolls be parked outside Tesco? I have near neighbours with a vintage, supercharged Brooklands Bentley, classy motor and surely a match for any Roller. Both are retired but nevertheless they do have Tesco deliver their groceries, but always after dark! As if none of us nosey neighbours notice, ha!

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Funny you should mention a vintage Bentley. I can't say which part but Malanka has a part that used to belong to a Vintage Bentley. A previous owner fitted it and told me one day whilst we were moored Coltishal side of Wroxham bridge. We get to find out all sorts of little details like that when previous custodians pop in or stop by. It's a lovely way to learn her history.



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While cruising the Great Ouse once we saw a hire boater stuck fast in a reed bed. We told him to toss us his lines and we would tow him off .The response was a very snooty "we're not allowed to do that according to the hire company rules."  With this his wife threw us the lines saying" You can sit here all day obeying rules if you like but I'd rather  get going" and giving us a brilliant smile said thank you. We towed them off without so much as a nod of acknowledgement from the husband.





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Just now, addicted said:

We told him to toss us his lines and we would tow him off .

With this his wife threw us the lines saying

and giving us a brilliant smile said thank you. We towed them off without do much as a nod of acknowledgement from the husband.

You know why only a nod from the hubby CarolE, he no more lines to read from ill get my :coat: as I leave

Charlie :hardhat::kisscheers

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But daddy you know us broom drivers really don't need the help.. you know how hard it is to turn a well built broom around whilst reading the financial times, pouring out another G&T and trying to look all snobby.. one day I'll let you have a go . cheers

About the waving thing... sorry y'all too... far too many boat's to wave at you all up here.. I will wave back though... 

What have I become... lol 

(Joke y'all).

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We have noticed a lot of people don't wave after this weekend. Dont think I would narrow it down to a breed of owner/hirer or boat though. 

Just go with the flow. Offer to help and if refused walk away. If offered help and you don't need it politely decline. If you need help shout!!!!

a couple of guys canoeing retrieved our friends drifting fender up at Berney Arms the weekend. It had been blown onto the other bank. They asked if the cafe was open as they wanted to get some food. No way were they getting dismounted and back in their canoes using the ladders so we let them use our swim platform. Tied their canoes up to the boat and they were very grateful. One good turn deserves another in my book. In fact even if they hadn't done us a favour I would have helped them. 

Not sure were they landed in GY though as they were going across Breydon!!

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Go with the flow indeed.......


week before last we drove up tohave a look at the Horsey seals and stopped to see the windmill restoration on our return. There was a hireboat of some 35 foot up at the end of the dyke trying to reverse back down the dyke between England moored boats. I offered to help walk them down using a rope "no it's okay they told us this boat steers in reverse". 

Of course it does.......


i bought an ice cream, sat down and enjoyed the entertainment :-)

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