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Marina Quays


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You could be right there but some yards may allow regular returning clients to transit Breydon. Before now H.W’s have never stopped our annual Lads Week going over Breydon traditionally in October even when we once hired in November (that was an experiment that wont be repeated)


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There are also plenty of private boats that are denied the whole of what GYA has to offer for whatever reason they might want to visit due to the Ba closing those moorings.

Imho it is either selfish, ignorant or an attitude of its my ball and I’m taking it home coz you ain’t paid a mooring fee


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That`s something i`ve learned reading this thread, i never knew GYYS moorings were "closed" during the winter months, so thanks for pointing that out. Also, WHICH months officially constitute "winter months", is it from the end of October til the beginning of April?. I know t`s NOT October, as we`ve moored there in October on previous occaisions, although this was many years ago.  Also, what would happen if you just pulled up and tied up for the night at GYYS moorings in November til April?. Would the police or some council bod come and untie your ropes, or tell you to push off?, and can they "force" you to cast off if you refuse?.

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Also, what would happen if you just pulled up and tied up for the night at GYYS moorings in November til April?. Would the police or some council bod come and untie your ropes, or tell you to push off?, and can they "force" you to cast off if you refuse?. Also, WHICH months officially constitute "winter months",

One eyed stag - or - No Idea.  I admit I have stopped there whilst the moorings have been 'Closed' no one came to cast us off.  it wasn't an overnight stay though


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I have always thought that the area between Humberstone farm and Cobholm Island would be a great place to build a marina. The channel comes close to the south of Breydon there. It would afford excellent access south, north or to the open sea.

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10 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

That`s something i`ve learned reading this thread, i never knew GYYS moorings were "closed" during the winter months, so thanks for pointing that out. Also, WHICH months officially constitute "winter months", is it from the end of October til the beginning of April?. I know t`s NOT October, as we`ve moored there in October on previous occaisions, although this was many years ago.  Also, what would happen if you just pulled up and tied up for the night at GYYS moorings in November til April?. Would the police or some council bod come and untie your ropes, or tell you to push off?, and can they "force" you to cast off if you refuse?.

The yacht stations (Yarmouth and Norwich) are open from the Saturday before Easter until the first week of November. Reedham is also manned during the same period, but the mooring doesn't close when its not manned.

I believe the yacht stations are leased on a seasonal basis, therefore technically they revert back to the appropriate councils when they are closed. However at Yarmouth the BA put up signage stating that the site is closed and no mooring is allowed. I assume that since the site reverts back to GYBC, it is their decision not to allow mooring over the Winter, possibly on the old time favourite of health and safety!

If you decide to ignore the signs and moor there anyway then there would be a number of factors at play. Firstly you will have broken a byelaw by mooring where the BA have displayed a no mooring sign. Secondly if GYBC or anyone else to that matter comes along and unties you and casts you off, they will have broken a byelaw by interfering with your ropes. Thirdly, I guess you will technically be trespassing on council land and liable to a prosecution for trespass. Off course if you just happen to have a mechanical failure and need a safe mooring for a few hours, then I'm sure you would have reasonable defence against all of the above.

In practise unless you stayed for a number of days, or regularly stayed overnight, I think no action would be taken against the odd transgression.

Given all the above, the best solution would be all year round visitor moorings at Marina Quays, manned or unmanned.

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16 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

Thirdly, I guess you will technically be trespassing on council land and liable to a prosecution for trespass.

I might be wrong here but as I've always understood it, you cannot be prosecuted for trespass, you may however be sued for any damage you do whilst trespassing.

If all signage showing it to be a official mooring were to be removed/covered over, and perhaps a sign warning that owing to strong currents and high tidal range all mooring was at moorers own risk, would that be a realistic proposition?

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8 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I might be wrong here but as I've always understood it, you cannot be prosecuted for trespass, you may however be sued for any damage you do whilst trespassing.

If all signage showing it to be a official mooring were to be removed/covered over, and perhaps a sign warning that owing to strong currents and high tidal range all mooring was at moorers own risk, would that be a realistic proposition?

You are partly right. Since 2012 trespass to residential property has been a criminal offence. Trespass to land is a civil matter and you can be sued for trespass. You do not need to cause damage to be sued for trespass, but any award is usually reflective of the extent of trespass, or damage caused. Causing damage can lead you open to a charge of criminal damage. If the trespass becomes persistent then an injunction can also be sought.

With regards to your potential solution for GYYS, I would think that most people would find that reasonable, however it would need the BA to remove it's closed signs and I suspect there may still be a public liability issue for GYBC. The disclaimer would probably not be enough in a court of law to prevent someone suing the council. I seem to remember someone attempting to sue Hall Farm after using the moorings because they slipped on uneven ground, even though there were signs to that effect. After that the moorings were closed for a while. I guess it comes down to the fact that if the site is closed and someone trespasses and has an accident it is much harder for them to claim. If it is open, but at your own risk then someone needs to complete health and safety and risk assessments and provide public liability insurance just in case someone has an accident and decides to claim. 

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I am sure you are correct, with nobody in attendance or inspecting the moorings they would leave themselves open to litigation. Their Public Liability does not stop with saying "at your own risk". Certain sports like bungee, skydiving and white water descents often require you to sign a legally binding "Liability Waiver"  as At Own Risk notices are insufficient.

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I did moor there for a couple of hours one early March Sunday morning three years ago.

We picked our shared boat up from Brundall on a lovely sunny, but very cold, Saturday afternoon and cruised off down the Yare.

A couple of hours later my wife was looking for the duvets and found there was just one double onboard - usually there are 2 doubles and two singles. They had been taken off during winter maintenance a month before and not returned.

Should we turn back? No because it was winter and the shed at Brooms where we kept them would have been locked up.

Our friends in the berth at the stern used the double duvet. My wife had brought a large furry wrap so she wrapped herself up in her duvet cover and the wrap and was reasonably comfortable.

I had a duvet cover and my wife's overcoat over me and the mattress protector and a sheet under me. I definitely wasn't comfortable, not sleeping for most of the night because of the cold.

When we woke up moored at Burgh Castle, the boat was covered in ice and the ropes were solid - I had thought about running the heating on low all night but the electric post wasn't working and I needed the boats batteries for my cpap machine.

Where do I buy a couple of single duvets? . . . Asda Great Yarmouth.

We went across at low water slack so couldn't moor below the Yacht Station (no ladders and moored working boats).

We moored just past the fencing that cordons off the yacht station and hangs out over the river about a foot.

My friend climbed round the fence while I held it steady, then he did the same for me. Off to Asda for the duvets and returned to repeat the round the fence procedure.

Apart from mooring illegally, I probably shouldn't have been climbing round fences hanging over the river especially as I was 70 and can't swim - I did put my life jacket on for the climb though.


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1 hour ago, webntweb said:

I did moor there for a couple of hours one early March Sunday morning three years ago.

We picked our shared boat up from Brundall on a lovely sunny, but very cold, Saturday afternoon and cruised off down the Yare.

A couple of hours later my wife was looking for the duvets and found there was just one double onboard - usually there are 2 doubles and two singles. They had been taken off during winter maintenance a month before and not returned.

Should we turn back? No because it was winter and the shed at Brooms where we kept them would have been locked up.

Our friends in the berth at the stern used the double duvet. My wife had brought a large furry wrap so she wrapped herself up in her duvet cover and the wrap and was reasonably comfortable.

I had a duvet cover and my wife's overcoat over me and the mattress protector and a sheet under me. I definitely wasn't comfortable, not sleeping for most of the night because of the cold.

When we woke up moored at Burgh Castle, the boat was covered in ice and the ropes were solid - I had thought about running the heating on low all night but the electric post wasn't working and I needed the boats batteries for my cpap machine.

Where do I buy a couple of single duvets? . . . Asda Great Yarmouth.

We went across at low water slack so couldn't moor below the Yacht Station (no ladders and moored working boats).

We moored just past the fencing that cordons off the yacht station and hangs out over the river about a foot.

My friend climbed round the fence while I held it steady, then he did the same for me. Off to Asda for the duvets and returned to repeat the round the fence procedure.

Apart from mooring illegally, I probably shouldn't have been climbing round fences hanging over the river especially as I was 70 and can't swim - I did put my life jacket on for the climb though.


Hi Roy,

I think I may have gone to Beccles and picked a duvet from Morrisons rather than messing about with Yarmouth. 

Good Idea with the life jacket, I hope it was a auto inflate:default_norty:



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16 hours ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Hi Roy,

I think I may have gone to Beccles and picked a duvet from Morrisons rather than messing about with Yarmouth. 

Good Idea with the life jacket, I hope it was a auto inflate:default_norty:



Alan, Yes, it was auto inflate.

Our friends had only been the the Broads once before and that was South side. They wanted to see Wroxham, Potter etc, so Beccles was out with it being short days.

Outside BST I am quite happy to get up an hour or so earlier and make the most of the day, but the ladies who come with us don't want to do this.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was told today that the two main objections were the height of the proposed buildings and footpath access but I know nothing else. Has anyone heard how the meeting went? My understanding was the BA planning team would be in attendance.

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On 26/09/2018 at 07:27, ChrisB said:

I have always thought that the area between Humberstone farm and Cobholm Island would be a great place to build a marina. The channel comes close to the south of Breydon there. It would afford excellent access south, north or to the open sea.

This was mooted in 2004


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have just received a letter from the Broads Authority informing me that the full application for the erection of 8 residential dwellings 1 mooring for BA use , 12 residential moorings allocated to dwellings, visitor moorings, the refurbishment of the marina building etc has now been withdrawn.

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24 minutes ago, Vaughan said:


There must be a story behind that!

There is  over on "the other side"  a post stating that according to the BA planning website it has only  been withdrawn with a re-submission proposed  by the end of the year. If true then given the relatively  short time lag  it may be that  they  have   attempted to address some of the concerns expressed first ?  

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12 minutes ago, Mark said:

There is  over on "the other side"  a post stating that according to the BA planning website it has only  been withdrawn with a re-submission proposed  by the end of the year. If true then given the relatively  short time lag  it may be that  they  have   attempted to address some of the concerns expressed first ?  

Nothing in my letter in relation to that statement.

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2 hours ago, EastCoastIPA said:

The answers can be found in the following link to an email from the developers to The BA.

Please excuse me for asking  :default_gbxhmm:  but are we allowed to publish a private communication such as this on open forum?

I recall that I got "hauled over the coals" for posting someone's business phone number, not long ago?

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