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Yes, I despair of all these organisations that lose sight of the original reason they were set up. They appear to become too PC. It’s not just the RNLI the RSPCA and other charities seem to concentrate on side issues along with paying large salaries and spending money that isn’t theirs on things they probably wouldn’t spend their own money on.

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""The charity said two per cent of its income went on overseas projects and this did not have an impact on its domestic rescue services. Its Panje Project in Tanzania sends trainers to teach swimming in areas where drowning rates are high. 

Its work includes giving out burkinis – costumes with a head covering, long-sleeved tunic and trousers to protect the modesty of Muslim women.

Providing free creche places in Bangladesh stops children playing by rivers and reduces a child's risk of drowning by 82 per cent, the charity added. 

And the Isle of Man Government is giving £57,855 to support the RNLI's work in Bangladesh where it has a project teaching children to swim.""

I don't think anyone could argue that these projects are not worthwhile but I agree that from a fund raising point of view they should come under a separate charity so that people know what they are donating to. There's no reason that such a charity could not be run under the auspices of the RNLI so long as donations were ring fenced.

I personally am not unhappy that any of my small donations have been used in this way, however our nearest lifeboat is an independent one so not RNLI anyway.

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Yes, I despair of all these organisations that lose sight of the original reason they were set up. They appear to become too PC. It’s not just the RNLI the RSPCA and other charities seem to concentrate on side issues along with paying large salaries and spending money that isn’t theirs on things they probably wouldn’t spend their own money on.


So they have lost money and made UK staff redundant. I despair of organisations like this surviving the REAL world.

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Bloody disgraceful I say, and what with sacking a member of staff for having a tea mug with a bikini clad woman on it, claiming it was offensive to non existant female crew members, I think my monthly donation (life governor) will be cancelled. If I wanted to donate to political issues, I will choose which ones. Sorry RNLI, you've just lost a long standing sponsor. 

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This is such a shame, apparently the RNLI have never hidden this, it's on their web site and in their literature.

I agree that it should have been more open but it is only 2% and it is saving  people from drowning. Too many cancelled donations may affect their work here as well as overseas.

There is nothing at all inheritantly wrong with how they are spending this money, just the way they have gone about it.

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You cannot donate to a charity and expect the money to go to the cause they are supposed to help..

The money is chanelled into headline winners.

Fund raising is now a very well paid job! for some.

A local hospice ( small) has now a fund raiser so a national charity will offer paperwork support BUT they take a cut of the funds raised.

Not from me anymore.


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I know i'l probably get pilloried for this, but I'm getting totally p.....d off with Our money, raised from tax payers or charity benefactors, being used to pay for the rest of the world. We are living in times of increasing National debt run up by successive incompetent at best, crooked at worst, governments purely to fund other countries, some of whom have flourishing nuclear and space programmes, while our own people can't even get hospital treatment, or the disabled and sick get simple benefits such as home help and vital respite for thier carers. 

Rant over. 

Mods, if feel this post goes too far, please feel free to delete it. 

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10 hours ago, finny said:


I have a funny feeling many will also 



I already have, a few years ago!

I had just lost my job and so I had to cut out all non essential expenses, to keep a roof over my head. I wrote to the RNLI to apologise and explain, with the sentiment that I hoped to contribute again once my circumstances improved. I had already begun to have my suspicions about the way the Institute was changing and sure enough, not one of all these new office - bound managers with their official PC titles could be bothered to reply to my letter. I had been what they call an "Annual Governor" for over 35 years.

I am glad to say I am now back on my feet financially and can afford to donate to charity again. I have not renewed my subscription to the RNLI.

Their stated position always used to be that they refused to accept government funding as they knew best how to do the job of life-saving at sea and did not want to be bound by the restrictions and constraints of un - necessary rules and regulation. Now it seems, they have ended up burying themselves in their own rules!

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11 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I already have, a few years ago!

I had just lost my job and so I had to cut out all non essential expenses, to keep a roof over my head. I wrote to the RNLI to apologise and explain, with the sentiment that I hoped to contribute again once my circumstances improved. I had already begun to have my suspicions about the way the Institute was changing and sure enough, not one of all these new office - bound managers with their official PC titles could be bothered to reply to my letter. I had been what they call an "Annual Governor" for over 35 years.

I am glad to say I am now back on my feet financially and can afford to donate to charity again. I have not renewed my subscription to the RNLI.

Their stated position always used to be that they refused to accept government funding as they knew best how to do the job of life-saving at sea and did not want to be bound by the restrictions and constraints of un - necessary rules and regulation. Now it seems, they have ended up burying themselves in their own rules!

I was in a very similar position quite a few years ago and wrote to them in a similar manner.  No reply was ever received.  These guys risk their lives to save others whilst the management sit behind their desks in total safety and reap the rewards.  Only IMOHO of course.


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So, the RNLI makes a loss of £6.3 million having donated £3 million for foreign projects and has to cut 135 jobs.. Looks like incompetence to me and maybe Mark Dowie needs to be reminded of the sign on President Harry S Truman's desk. The Buck Stops Here

Sadly, these days, telephone number salaries attract far more bulls+++ters and chancers than competent people. 

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the management has gone to pot they lost my support when they sacked a lifeboat volunteer for indulging in big boys games with a visiting lifeboat crew from abroad at there boat house in their own time, anybody that risks their life for others and for no pay and reward gets my respect every time.. John

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I was aware that the RNLI spent money overseas long before I stopped my regular donation. In those days it seemed to be spent on education projects overseas, teaching local leaders to in turn teach communities about water safety which I did not mind. It was some of the things they spent money on in the UK which made me stop and think. Expensive man-management training and "group bonding" sessions come immediately to mind. We decided to take a long hard look at the charities we supported with the monthly donations, after which we stopped them all, RSPCA, RNLI, RSPB etc. Some of the things that came to light were staggering. 

We still support our local RSPCA rescue centre through gifts in kind. Pet food, blankets as these can be used at the centre in question. Financial donations made to them still have to go to "head office" to be mis appropriated, sorry I mean reallocated. We still support local lifeboat stations whenever we are nearby one, through the shops and donation boxes though I imagine this too has to go to central coffers so that the professional "moneylenders in the temple" can decide how to spend it.

Of all we support Caister the most, being free of RNLI influence I have more confidence that my hard earned passed to them actually gets spent on saving lives than rebadging excercises and the like. 

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