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Acle B.N.P.


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Given proposed changes to social media regulations announced today, I can understand why the ToS would need to be updated.

All social media platforms will need to tighten up procedures.

It is very easy to complain about changes if you are not ultimately liable for the consequences of any breach.




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2 minutes ago, Maxwellian said:

TOS has not been updated since the updates for GDPR to my knowledge. That is the only update since Jonzo moved on. They are not long at all.

i will be amending them, laws and rules change. As a result of the update the proposed action will be within the TOS. This will not be open for discussion D46. Test me and see!

Shall I take that as a threat ? .


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4 hours ago, floydraser said:

On this question I admire the lead shown by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ahern who refused to use the name of the gunman in the mass shooting last year (I think). Any mention keeps the issue in the public eye which in itself could be interpreted by the perpetrator(s) as encouragement, whether or not that was the intention of the contributor to the discussion.

A somewhat inappropriate comparison, in my opinion. There were no restrictions on the reporting of those shootings, which were in the public eye for some considerable time. Jacinda Ahern wasn't leading, she was following. There was already an established international movement whose purpose is to deprive perpetrators of such heinous crimes of the notoriety they crave. Very commendable. But events of this nature were, and are, fully discussed and reported on in public.

Surely you cannot be seriously suggesting that the reporting and discussion, in the Press or other media, of crime of any sort can, or should, be taken as encouragement. Naming and shaming is already against this forum's ToS, even for non-criminal activities.

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I don't believe this !!!!!

I am one of the official forum idiots, yet even I can see what the forum team are trying to achieve. If I were to post "Yeah, come on my son" aimed at the guy vandalizing signs etc, I could expect to have action taken against me by the team. If I discuss the rights and wrongs of such vandalism I expect that discussion to be acceptable. If I am wrong there, I shall accept the team's guidance, and the team's alone.

To Paladin I would say that the term "illegal" is not the 'black and white' issue you make it out to be.  It is possible for me to make an illegal move in chess, yet I doubt the police will be mounting dawn raids to catch me. and I doubt the courts would be that interested either.

I am always interested to read debate on the sorts of subjects as discussed on this forum, but I do tire of the now constant bickering on the minute and frequently irrelevant details rather than the meat of the issue.

Try posting within the SPIRIT of the forum rather than trying to bring all the posts down to childish squabbles about the ToS.

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9 hours ago, D46 said:
9 hours ago, Maxwellian said:

Test me and see!

Shall I take that as a threat ? .

If that had been aimed at me I am sure I would have done - especially as on page 4 of this thread I made a comment that in France, signs such as this would have bullet holes in them! I made it, of course, as a light-hearted comparison between the cultures of two different countries and it got past the "censor" as it was taken to be exactly that. What's more, I was telling a true story!

But was I actually trying to incite or condone an offence? Several offences in fact, in English law? Of course not! But then, if you want to see it that way. . . . 

There is an old saying, that if you want badly enough to be insulted, you will always find an insult in whatever is said to you. That doesn't make it the fault of the person who said it.

I understand that new legislation of social media is being proposed, aimed at the protection of minors. I can't see the link in that, to our little discussion about road signs in Acle.

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47 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

To Paladin I would say that the term "illegal" is not the 'black and white' issue you make it out to be.  It is possible for me to make an illegal move in chess, yet I doubt the police will be mounting dawn raids to catch me. and I doubt the courts would be that interested either.

I am always interested to read debate on the sorts of subjects as discussed on this forum, but I do tire of the now constant bickering on the minute and frequently irrelevant details rather than the meat of the issue.

Try posting within the SPIRIT of the forum rather than trying to bring all the posts down to childish squabbles about the ToS.

I'm not sure who you regard as bringing all posts down to childish squabbles. A moderator wrote, "Just to say that the NBN does not condone or encourage illegal activities." Are you saying you really think that he was referring to chess moves? I try to read, and respond to, posts in the context of the thread subject. I'm sorry if you didn't understand that.

It is hardly childish to want to protect the operators of this forum from any possibility of litigation, nor to want to help them get it right, both from the legal aspect and for the future success of the forum.

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I am perfectly happy to accept the TOS and the teams adjudications on them as long as it is not just blanket censorship, what is in question here in my opinion is nothing to do with the TOS purely a matter of individuals interpretation.

Incitement is a criminal act, commenting on a criminal act is not incitement.


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10 hours ago, D46 said:

Shall I take that as a threat ? .


D46, you may or not know that Maxwellian was the only Member who offered to take on the "ownership" of the NBN when Jonzo had finally had enough of us all. Without that commitment I doubt we would still be here.

And yes, I do know what I am talking about, because I was the Chief Moderator then and even I refused to take it on with all the associated aggrevation.

With these thoughts in mind perhaps you might "moderate" your tone of posts, please?   :default_beerchug:

Edited by Hockham Admiral
Spelling correction
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50 minutes ago, Paladin said:

A moderator wrote, "Just to say that the NBN does not condone or encourage illegal activities."

I have an issue with this statement, Maxwellian is on the committee of the forum, and as such cannot be a moderator, the committee spend a lot of time and effort to ensure the forum operates within the strictures and regulations that govern the social media we inhabit, unlike a lot of websites we do pay attention to current and upcoming regulation of this sector, so the committee decide upon the framework of the terms of service, the moderator team have the opportunity to comment upon the introduction of new terms of service and maybe the wording, but the decision to implement change lies with the committee.

The moderators then work within the terms of service to run the forum and discipline anyone who infringes those conditions.

there is a distinct separation between the two roles in the team, though the moderators may consult closely with the committee on the interpretation of the TOS and how they apply.

At the end of the day the buck stops with the committee, any actions taken against the forum will be taken against them personally, so as moderators if we are asked to take action against a member by them we do listen, as well as ensuring that the action is fair and complies to procedure.

In the recent past on this thread comments have been hidden that would have contravened the proposed addition to the TOS, and under legal advisement we were encouraged to protect the forum with this amendment. its not there to stop you discussing matters, but it is there to stop the forum being a platform for discussion or organisation of prospectively illegal action.

Edited by grendel
changed while the to though to make the sentence scan
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D46, you may or not know that Maxwellian was the only Member who offered to take on the "ownership" of the NBN when Jonzo had finally had enough of us all. Without that commitment I doubt we would still be here.
And yes, I do know what I am talking about, because I was the Chief Moderator then and even I refused to take it on with all the associated aggrevation.
With these thoughts in mind perhaps you might "moderate" your tone of posts, please?   :default_beerchug:
That's not entirely true...

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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Thank you for the explanation, grendel. I apologise for the misnomer I applied. I should have said, 'An administrator said...'

But as he went on to say ..."This will not be open for discussion D46. Test me and see!" I hope you can see why I got confused. Do administrators (the committee?) have the same powers to sanction members as do the moderators?

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1 hour ago, Hockham Admiral said:

D46, you may or not know that Maxwellian was the only Member who offered to take on the "ownership" of the NBN when Jonzo had finally had enough of us all. Without that commitment I doubt we would still be here.

And yes, I do know what I am talking about, because I was the Chief Moderator then and even I refused to take it on with all the associated aggrevation.

With these thoughts in mind perhaps you might "moderate" your tone of posts, please?   :default_beerchug:

Me moderate the tone of my posts ? As an ex chief moderator I'm sure you're fully aware that reply was hardly nessasary and a threat , had a member made that Post they would no doubt be in trouble .

I believe in leading by example this was not the case regarding that particular Post .

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Reading this thread really does get me down.

I love the broads, the boats, the people, the area and most importantly those who wish to discuss or post photos or videos

I subscribe to a number of forums, Facebook groups, websites and YouTube channels run by Captains, Admirals and Whitworths!

I do it because it keeps me close to the place I love.

I used to post regularly to what some call "the other forum" but stopped because it became nothing more than a site full of the same people bickering and regurgitating the same arguments until people sided with them or turned off.

I turned off myself and stayed away from forums dropping into this one to read up on items of interest, and more recently dipping my toe in to add the odd comment again, but I now see this also going the same way with bickering being the norm and turning the likes of me away from what should be a site full of interesting articles, adventures and opinion.

I therefore welcome moderators, administrators or whoever trying to take the forum back to some semblance of order before it's too late and it becomes a forum only used by a small group of members bickering with each other, oblivious to the world around them.

This is my final comment on this particular thread and look forward to reading and adding value to many more threads in the future.

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Well said Warren. Your feelings chime with mine on this. People are being turned off by the constant repetition and regurgitation of the same old. Shame really, as I think those who are interested in keeping the BA accountable are losing potential supporters.

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I agree with you Helen and Warren's post is spot on. I just wish people would respect others opinions, stop the bickering and get on with the job in hand. I've seen better behaviour in my Children's school playground and they're under 10 :default_biggrin:

It's Valentine's tomorrow, let's show some love and keep it friendly :default_icon_luvlove:

Jay and Grace x


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I believe that most of us do respect others opinion if one is expressed but not just a derisive attempt to derail others without a substantive argument of their own, this is a debating forum regardless of what some would like it to be, I dont wish to offend any section of the membership but listening to some we are looking back to the days of Mary Whitehouse, I appreciate that not everyone sees or uses the forum as I do but as was once said if you dont like a programme there is always the off button.


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10 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

this is a debating forum regardless of what some would like it to be,

Is it, ? Or is it a 'forum' where debate takes place amongst other activities.

Social media moves on and the purpose of platforms change, it is called the Norfolk Broads Network, not Forum.

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18 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

Is it, ? Or is it a 'forum' where debate takes place amongst other activities.

Social media moves on and the purpose of platforms change, it is called the Norfolk Broads Network, not Forum.

Agreed but it is still an open forum not a social club and debate is an essential ingrediant of such we all have the choice to engage in whichever sectors we choose that shouldnt deny others the right to choose their interests


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32 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

Agreed but it is still an open forum not a social club and debate is an essential ingrediant of such we all have the choice to engage in whichever sectors we choose that shouldnt deny others the right to choose their interests


Agreed, Fred, but in the latter stages of this thread there have been some unnecessarily obtuse, even challenging comments. For many of us the forum has also become our Broads based social club. The tone of some of these recent postings have not been what many members would wish of NBN. Friends can and do debate, and remain friends, let us hope that that continues. 

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