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Bog Roll Wars.


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It just occurred to me in a moment of enlightenment, make the most of it, its not a regular occurrence. Do all the people queuing for hours outside the supermarkets and inside at the tills and rubbing shoulders with all the rest of the madding crowd whilst clearing the shelves of everything are increasing their chances many fold of getting the bug and passing it on to their families?

Hmmm, just a thought.   :default_happy:

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On Sunday I spoke to my son in Melbourne and yesterday I spoke to my cousin in San Bernadino, California. Exactly the same story no paper products, and empty shelves and freezers.

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An alternative to genuine bog roll is the trade large blue paper rolls available from Arco, Screwfix and the like. Make sure you get the proper soft weak stuff that will break down easily.  I have loads of it that I use for work and onboard.


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I struggle to understand the bog roll thing. I never saw one until I was about 4 as I recall. We relied  on The Kidderminster Shuttle cut into squares. This was a fitting use for local journalism,I think. Given that it was a twice weekly issue, there didn’t appear to be any shortage days. Reading the bog paper was annoying though because you had only part of the story. 😋

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Regarding my initial post. I have been having trouble with my infernalnet connection, it is a Three mobile wi fi. It has been running slow, cutting out or completely unusable for the last few days.

I tried to put some kind of smilie on the post but something else went on and the connection went down. I tried this morning to rectify the problem and the connection went down again and did not return.

The gist of it is that row of parties was never intended, therefore would the moderators please delete the smilies as they are totally inappropriate. Thanks.

No doubt the problem is caused by the overload of people working from home and people unable to work being online and entertaining themselves. Luckily, I have found a place away from where I live with a decent connection.

Regards everybody and stay safe and healthy and hopefully this nightmare will not do too much damage and hopefully the people that need help will get it from our Government. 

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23 minutes ago, Minigem said:

Regarding my initial post. I have been having trouble with my infernalnet connection, it is a Three mobile wi fi. It has been running slow, cutting out or completely unusable for the last few days.

I tried to put some kind of smilie on the post but something else went on and the connection went down. I tried this morning to rectify the problem and the connection went down again and did not return.

The gist of it is that row of parties was never intended, therefore would the moderators please delete the smilies as they are totally inappropriate. Thanks.

No doubt the problem is caused by the overload of people working from home and people unable to work being online and entertaining themselves. Luckily, I have found a place away from where I live with a decent connection.

Regards everybody and stay safe and healthy and hopefully this nightmare will not do too much damage and hopefully the people that need help will get it from our Government. 

Bit off topic I know but we have been having trouble with Three as well :(

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Total bog roll shortage in Somerset.... All the big supermarkets shelves empty..

Well on my travels around the West Country in the last few days I’ve been stopping of at Local village shops post offices and petrol stations...  To buy only one pack at a time so it leaves others a chance to buy as well... Also it helps to support local trade and business... 

As from Today orders from her in doors... “For god sake we’ve got enough now“.

 So my Tour de Bogroll is over for now :default_coat:



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I managed to get a pack of 9 for my mother after explaining the difficulty she just said “you shouldn’t have bothered , I’ve got a pack of j clothes and washing powder , I’ll use them wash them and leave them in a bucket of dettol, we did it during the war we can do it now”

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10 hours ago, Polly said:

I struggle to understand the bog roll thing. I never saw one until I was about 4 as I recall. We relied  on The Kidderminster Shuttle cut into squares. This was a fitting use for local journalism,I think. Given that it was a twice weekly issue, there didn’t appear to be any shortage days. Reading the bog paper was annoying though because you had only part of the story. 😋

Well, these days I get most of my news via my iPad 🤔

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11 hours ago, vanessan said:

Form an orderly queue alongside Broad Ambition please...........😉

Why would you really put that in a boat toilet ??? , Sure you can use it but you will never find it in my holding tank ever , kitchen towel also works fine but not down the toilet ..why on Earth do you think proper boat toilet roll is thin and biodegradable ???? 

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17 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

How long do you think that little lot will last you?

And sorry but I have to ask, why did you feel it necessary to stockpile?

Well MM hopefully there last us for a long time.. The 2 reasons to stockpile is because there is not any in the big 9 supermarkets in town... Because shoppers was bulk buying them and not thinking of others..

And the 2nd is my IBS..  As I said earlier I only purchased only ONE pack per shop.. So there was plenty for other shoppers. We always buy a jumbo 18 pack on our weekly shop but as due to the Crazy bulk buying I felt it it was the only way sensible to go around to get them for us.. As even now the shelves are empty.. Even 2 months ago we stocked up on a couple of bottles of night nurse and day nurse and boxes of paracetamol.. With health issues of pneumonia of what me and the wife have had in the past we don’t like to take chances.. Especially with this horrible virus out there..  I hope I’ve  answered your questions alright there MM. :default_trophy:

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3 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Well MM hopefully there last us for a long time.. The 2 reasons to stockpile is because there is not any in the big 9 supermarkets in town... Because shoppers was bulk buying them and not thinking of others..

And the 2nd is my IBS..  As I said earlier I only purchased only ONE pack per shop.. So there was plenty for other shoppers. We always buy a jumbo 18 pack on our weekly shop but as due to the Crazy bulk buying I felt it it was the only way sensible to go around to get them for us.. As even now the shelves are empty.. Even 2 months ago we stocked up on a couple of bottles of night nurse and day nurse and boxes of paracetamol.. With health issues of pneumonia of what me and the wife have had in the past we don’t like to take chances.. Especially with this horrible virus out there..  I hope I’ve  answered your questions alright there MM. :default_trophy:

So basically stuff everyone else I'm thinking of me !!!.

In the past many have said I've posted unwisely , that said I know dam well when yo keep my mouth shut , your phonograph says everything , clearly the I'm all right jack attitude is alive and well , I'm amazed you thought people would be impressed TBH , have you ever given a thought to those even worse off than yourself ? .

This is not a personal attack it's an attack on a certain attitude held by far too many people of late .

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Sorry SC but you may have only purchased one pack per shop, along with half the country and that is why the poor old lady, or man I see walking into Sainsburys today couldn't find any bog roll. I did some quick maths and even if you use 18 rolls per week, which is your normal purchase, you have 5.6 weeks worth there. Do you really not expect to be able to buy another bog roll in 5 to 6 weeks. As long as it makes sense to you, I guess it's ok, but really!!!!!

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I saw from somewhere today a report that the converse is now applying - in some countries further down the "line" the supermarkets are now having trouble storing the stuff that people are not buying - simply because they are using their reserves.

In Belgium, I understand buying more than you need is called"hamstering" !! Delightful!!

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18 minutes ago, Polly said:

I can vouch for the fact that BA does not encourage loo roll use even the normal kind. You walk to the loo end of.:default_hiding:


Absolutely confused now what have the authority got to do with this ???

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